Friday, May 11, 2012

Living in Wales

This is Croesyceiliog Comprehensive School [say as crow-she-kai-liok]. I know, Wales words admittedly are not easy to imitate. I am feeling homesick of Wales. Alex Watts was a small boy of about 7or 8 when we left our house in Worcester Close at Llanyravon, he showed a picture of his back garden yesterday with huge, rolling hills. Then, I feel so longing for this place again.
This huge school field was just behind our house. My children used to ride bikes and kick around there with other local friends. That building in the foreground is actually a school, a secondary school.
Once I attended a night class in that school. I remember the class was Hand Language for the listening-handicapped.
Initially the early part of the course, I went with a friend Sally Llewellyn, but Sally had to do some evening duties at work. I truly dread those times when I had to go alone. Trust me the night in Wales are really early in autumn and winter.
To tell the truth, I didn't finish the class. I was not brave enough to walk across that field but there is another path as well. Saying that, I had to go through some woods when I walked across that other path. I just feel something would jump out from behind those trees, I would run all the way out of the woods until I reached the first house along the road.
I couldn't take this running, the stress took its toll on my small heart. So I dropped the class. It is so much easier to live when I let go whatever or whoever that becomes a cause of anger, fright or stress in my live [this do not include family members].
It is just not worth it.

Series on a Part of my Life. Living in Wales.
Image: Courtesy of Google.


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