Saturday, September 15, 2007

Flora on Mt. Fuji

This is the scenery looking down as I climbed up. Its between the 6th station towards the 7th station. The vegetation in the lower reaches are still rather thick and green. But this greenery will change to somewhat sparsely as we climbed higher.

This is a kind of flowering creepers. It just creeps on the volcanic stones of the mountain. I don't think it needs lot of water as I don't see any stream running anywhere around Mt. Fuji.

Another small flowering shrubs with yellow, cotton-shaped flower. I haven't seen this shrub on lower land before and I assumed this is some kind of mountain flower.

I love purple on any flower and this bell-shaped purple blossom attracted my camera lens. I found this bell blossom on the middle portion of the mountain and looking at it, I felt really humble. This purple blossom is growing at a higher altitude than most other vegetation but it looked down, maintaining its humble image.
How I wish people would take its character, as they go higher the working rank, just continue being humble like this purple blossom. The colour purple was most attractive but very simple, just like a beautiful bell, from afar against the dark volcanic ashes.

This is another ikebana in the making on the higher reaches of the mountain. The orangey-pink blossom was in sharp contrast to the black volcanic ash and stones but because of this contrast it brought out the best of the orangey-pink shade.
Again, I assumed this must be some special flora for high altitude area as I've never seen it on lower grounds before.

To end it all, subhanaAllah, to the Creator of the universe for such beauty on earth.

Footnote: Please don't take my photos, if you want them, I suggest you climb your own mountain...ouch!


  1. Salam Jahrera. Lama dah dok tanya-tanya mana perginya blog orang okinawa ni, rupanya kat sini.

    Thanks for dropping by dan

    Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa di ramadhan tahun ini untuk Lela dan Family.

  2. Subhanallah, cantiknya permandangan kat sana. rasa tak puas memandang...

  3. salam ramadhan auntyN,
    kita ada je, cuma seperti gunung dan lereng...ada masa kat atas, ada masa ke bawah.

    defina chan,
    satu hari joinlah pendakian gunung ini...satu pengalaman yg tidak mungkin senang dilupai.

  4. Cantiknya bunga2 tu...ntah bila lah boleh amik gambar seniri...nak grab kat sini tuan punya kamera tak kasi!

  5. salam ramadhan zajkm,

    tuan rumah hampir separuh mati mendapatkan gambar2 ini.

  6. betul gak,kan...takkan senang2 je nak amik ...tanpa izin lak tu ...
