Now that I'm back and comfortable again in my own nest, I thought I write my appreciations to friends who have been with me, ferrying me to places, feeding me yummy meals and doing things just because I'm all alone and helpless. Insya Allah, I will repay their kindness in my own way slowly but right now this record is the only way to put their faces in my mind.
I will not mentioned their names but I know all my friends are connected somehow to one another, so even without names they are known.
For this trip, the ealiest people I came to know is the writer who put up my profile at Akhbar Siasah, one of the ladies in foto is his wife who has a desk at KarangKraf.
I port up at a lady's house in Jln Desa Pandan.
This foto was taken on Dec. 12, 2009 and on this day I was looking forward to see SN Dato' Anwar Ridhwan at MPH MidValley. He was supposed to do a "bicara karya" on his book of collected short stories "Dunia adalah sebuah Apartmen-1973".
To prepare for this talks, I made sure I finished reading this book but unfortunately, on the actual day, the MPH staff told me it was cancelled suddenly by the writer. I felt sorry for SN Dato's Anwar Ridhwan for the peevishness he set upon other people by this cancellation.
Anyway, that did not affect our day. We went to Shah Alam with sdr I and wife. He treat us to some nice meal like sop utara and brought us to see the neigbourhood and ending the day at a small aquarium.
Thank you so much to Pn R amin and son z plus daughter f for sharing your home with me. Also, Mr I and wife Ummi for taking the time to show me around Shah Alam.
Lainkali turun Penang plak ek....