Thursday, March 31, 2011

Scented Orchid

Scented orchid from Okinawa

Most orchids do not emit aroma, maybe some kinds do throw a brush of fresh smell but would you believe it, this orchid is aromatically attractive. I found this orchid in a garden full of other orchids up on the north part of this island.

At first, I just walked around it but something pulled me, the fragrant aroma. Strangely, I have not seen any variety of orchid so mini as this and again the colour is pale green, not like those with their splashy red and purple colours.

Something inspired me to write a haiku on this aroma but I've changed my haiku page somewhere else.



  1. Cantik...I love haiku too...

  2. will let u know my haiku page :]

  3. Bunga okid "penuh rahsia" ni... Sekali pandang biasa, rupanya ada kelebihan. ^^

  4. As salam,
    Cantik dn uniknya bunga orkid ni. Sy seorg pminat orkid tp ini kali ptama tgk bunga orkid dr spesis ni. Bunga kat page title tu dr jenis apa ye?

  5. sdr adry,
    saya juga sama, inilah pertama kali melihat orkid mini dan wangi begini.
    Nama bunga dlm banner itu azalea, b Melayu juga dipanggail azalea (kata kawan saya), nama jepunnya tsutsuji.
    Ada berbagai warna, ia bunga tempat yg ada 4 musim.

  6. lina,
    nampak orkid ini biasa-biasa saja tapi baunya harum sangat (itulah rahsianya).

  7. mcm bunga dalam cete pontianak tu ya, rupanya orkid... sy baca tajuk tafakur tu... setuju sgt2... sy pun heran knp org Melayu mcm tu... isk2!

  8. owhh! ini bunga Azalea tu..tau nama tp tak pernah nampak rupa..tq kak
