Monday, June 17, 2013


 それはわしの誕生日。Liza was a student in Okinawa and left 14 years ago after she graduated. This time she visited Okinawa, her reason is she missed this island so much. Like going down memory lane for her. She came a day before my birthday and left a day after. I totally forgot that day (my birthday, I mean) as I was busy entertaining Liza.
Good thing Liza came, at least I have someone to share my cake. The other day, I sat beside one woman in the sauna room. I asked her age. She answered 86.
How does she feel at 86? I asked. She said she feels nothing. She doesn't feel any older, not one single day.
There! I hope to have that positive feeling as I climb the ladder to higher numbers in life.

To make this day special for me, I bought for myself this 6 volumes of The Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi. This poet was born earlier that Basho like 700 years apart. They never meet but their works on nature and life has some similarities.

Would be studying his writing soon.

Thank you to Facebook friends who wish me well on my birthday.


1 comment:

  1. happy belated birthday kak hajah halela,

    Semoga diberkati umurmu serta dilimpahi rahmatNya.
