Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Post typhoon malaise

I put it in a pot, filled it up with earth and add some fertilizers. Water it lovingly and placed the pot in a nice shade, away from the strong summer sun.

Then, the typhoon came and blew the whole pot away and there goes everything that I planted in the pot.

Hey, that was my brains in the pot...


  1. kak lela

    "...jangan putus asa..
    ...mari sama-sama tanam semula.
    ...kita baja dan jaga setiap hari
    ...dengan kasih dan cinta di hati
    ...insyaAllah hasil berbunga indah

    *Ok tak akak..* .- tak sabar menanti 12 Ogos.

  2. salam cik ani,
    bukan 12 ogos, 13 sebenarnya.

    Cik Hani kita datang jemput di Haneda. Nanti bincang lagi :-)

    Oh tentang entri ini, entahlah lepas ribut taufan ini, maleh pulak mengupdet. Nantilah tunggu mood angin semilir selatan pulak hehehe.

  3. Salam,
    Where is the Masjid here on Okinawa? I cannot find it. Thanks.

  4. salam brother anony,
    at the moment, there masjid is still not ready, meanwhile carry on your solat at home.
