Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Romancing the fish tyme

Nowadays, when I'm feeling down, I talk to the fish and this morning, this is the conversation.

Every morning, facing the news add more worries on my face. The decreasing grey cells in this brain cannot comprehend such unreasonable killings, such lay off that forced previously reputated family man to eat and sleep on road walks. I know all these are works of Illah SWT. I don't question His Plan. He has a Plan for the World. He lets those killings be done, He Plans those places to be destroyed, so who I am to question His Doings?
Only He knows when to stop, only He knows how long it will go on, only He knows...

On other parts of Japan, fathers are left without work, man are left homeless, breadwinners found themselves eating hand-out food and sleeping in the parks.
I give a little smile to those powerful people who try to control this miserable economic conditions. Work unions and employers are combining heads to bring the situation back to normal.

When those factories cut ribbon and celebrate opening branches there, the people on Okinawa island smiled and join the joyous occasion. But the same factories never open on this island. What has been and always will be on this island is the GI base, the humble islanders and the sugar cane field.

Now, in this economic chaos, what still remain on this island is still the GI base, the humble islanders and the sugar cane field.

Isn't it ironic?

We are not affected by the economic tumble. There is no work layoffs, no shutdowns, no homeless in the park.

This, I would say, is another one of His Plans. Thank you, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Puan Halela,

    Ketika ini, ketika Gaza masih tidak tentu nasibnya, saya di Melaka, di kolej tenpat saya mengajar, sedang menunggu ... bermulanya jamuan perpisahan untuk dua sahabat seperjuangan. Biar dalam duka akan berpisah, kami semua berkumpul dalam suasana aman lagi mewah dengan makanan.

    Hati pula tidak takut berpisah kerana maut ... seolah-olah maut itu sangat jauh ... sedangkan ... ia berada di depan kita ... setiap masa.

    Buat dua sahabat itu, kami mungkin boleh berjumpa lagi ...

    Aminah Jazilah Abu Bakar
    Kolej Yayasan Melaka
