Saturday, December 31, 2011
O-misoka (Eve of 2011)
Today is O-misoka or New Year's Eve. These couple of days are the busiest for Japanese because they celebrate the calender New Year as their national new year as well. I went to the greengrocer yestersday, and was caught up with the occasion. Cars were lining up to enter the parking zone, I told hubby, "this is just like Singapore but in Singapore it happens everyday, not just on New Year festivity."
Like every other new year's eve, my family will be taking noodle for dinner while watching NHK Red and White Song contest. I'm looking forward for some new faces this year. The Girl Generation from Korea is invited this year. I like their dance step and the lacy, white hot pants is so faminine, so decorous. Then there is a hard, metal rock girl but strange thing she will sing a slow song, the theme song for the running morning drama-Carnation.
I heard Lady Gaga is invited as well. She will not make a personal appearance. I hope she won't be too skimpy in this video preformance.
Most families in Japan will be preparing toshi-koshi soba. Soba, a kind of noodle from bukewheat, is a normal everyday soba but eating this soba at the end of the year is very symbolic. Like bridging the old year into the new year.
Evey year, one of my sisters-in-law would do the flower but this year, she went for a trip and I have to do the flower. I should say my arrangement is not so bad at all.
May 2012 be better than 2011. May there be no child abuse. May Peace prevail on earth. May all of us, especially you (who have been so patient reading my life on this small screen) be healthy and happy (not necessary rich) to see another fruitful year ahead.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
My flight going back was due on 1 Jan. 2012 but I put myself on wait-list. Two days was about all the airlines people give to inform of available seat. I rushed to get the necessity edible things for home. Of course, I had excess baggage but this is the first time I have to pay like 5 man for it. I hate myself for this. Why can't I be like some smart lady who travel light and easy? I hate myself for this. Anyway, I found out there are some ways to avoid paying those excess baggage but this sudden knowledge only comes after I paid everything. There goes a sad ending. What is worse, my connecting flight left me. The first flight was delayed for an hour. This delay stretched the arrival time and I arrived one hour late. The connecting flight departed. The airline company gave me a free overnight stay with free dinner and breakfast. They promised me the first flight the next morning. Oh well! That is life. Things like this happened for a reason (I believe).
These are the books that I have to leave behind. What with baggage exceeding the normal 20 kg/person, I have like 20 kg of excess baggage. After making sad faces and pleading to the Chinese-speaking China Airlines officer, he agreed a certain allowance according to the airlines regulations (this he repeat often).
All these wonderful books below, gave a few pricks (like needle) in my heart to leave it but then my daughters assured me they will make sure it will reach me somehow.
Actually, I've some books bought last year that are still waiting for me to open the pages. So I should not be too greedy. What's important with books is to read it. READ IT! =========================================================
These are the books that I have to leave behind. What with baggage exceeding the normal 20 kg/person, I have like 20 kg of excess baggage. After making sad faces and pleading to the Chinese-speaking China Airlines officer, he agreed a certain allowance according to the airlines regulations (this he repeat often).
All these wonderful books below, gave a few pricks (like needle) in my heart to leave it but then my daughters assured me they will make sure it will reach me somehow.
Actually, I've some books bought last year that are still waiting for me to open the pages. So I should not be too greedy. What's important with books is to read it. READ IT! =========================================================
Friday, December 23, 2011
BENTOU-Berita Minggu
Terbitan Berita Minggu, Singapura (Ahad 20 November 2011)
CAMPURAN IKAN, ISI KETAM DAN SAYUR-SAYURAN: "Bentou" menjadi kegemaran kanak-kanak di Jepun kerana hidangannya ringkas. (Photo from Ayumi Asada)
MI UDON GORENG: Bagi anda yang pernah makan mi udon, mungkin hidangan "bentou" mi udon goreng di atas sedikit berbeza. Ia dilengkapi dengan telur "mata lembu" dan dijadikan makan bekal ke tempat kerja atau ke sekolah. (Photo from Ayumi Asada)
CAMPURAN IKAN, DAGING AYAM DAN SAYUR: Beginilah keadaannya hidangan "Bentou" di atas yang menyeidakan bahan-bahan bekal yang berkhasiat. (Photo from Ayumi Asada)
Suri rumah di Jepun bangga jika dapat sediakan bekal makanan untuk suami ke tempat kerja dan anak-anak ke sekolah.
Kebolehan menyediakan bentou yang berkhasiat dan beraneka macam dan warna adalah sesuatu yang dibanggakan oleh suri-suri rumah di Jepun. Menyediakan bentou telah diterapkan ke dalam budaya Jepun sejak awal sejarah negara itu. Amalan ini masih dipraktikkan dalam rutin harian orang Jepun sekarang.
Ada beberapa perkara yang harus diperhatikan bagi menyediakan makanan untuk bekalan.
- Menu perlu difikirkan lebih awal. Setelah membuat pilihan menu, langkah seterusnya ialah persiapan ringkas untuk memudahkan proses memasak. Persiapan ringkas seperti membasuh dan memotong sayur, mengeluarkan daging dari peti sejuk perlu dilakukan pada malam sebelumnya untuk tidak mengambil masa memasak pada awal pagi.
- Menyediakan bekas. Terdapat pelbagai jenis di pasaran. Jika membekalkan nasi goreng, mi spageti atau mi goreng, seelok-eloknya diisikan ke dalam bekas segi empat tepat atau empat segi bujur. Kotak khas untuk membalut sandwic adalah ideal untuk roti sandwic.
- Bahagikan tiga ruang dalam bekas-setengah untuk nasi, suku untuk daging, ikan atau telur dan baki suku bahagian untuk sayur.
- Makanan harus dimasak dengan sempurna. Elakkan mengisi telur separuh masak. Makanan yang tidak dimasak dengan sempurna menjadi tempat bakteria membiak dan ini mengakibatkan keracunan dalam makanan. Jika menggunakan lauk-pauk yang dari baki hidangan, ia perlu dipanaskan dengan sempurna untuk dijadikan bekal.
- Buang air yang berlebihan pada sayur seperti salad atau lauk yang berkuah. Ini amat penting sebab air atau kuah yang berlebihan boleh merosakkan rasa lauk yang diisikan di bahagian lain dalam bekas itu. Langkah yang lebih baik adalah mengasingkan makanan yang berkuah ke dalam bekas lain.
- Buang minyak yang berlebihan. Minyak yang berlebihan jika dibiarkan akan menjadi tepu. Jika minyak pada bahan-bahan goreng seperti ayam goreng tidak ditos, dagingnya akan menjadi liat. Minyak yang berlebihan itu juga boleh merosakkan rasa pada lauk-lauk lain.
- Pastikan makanan bekal itu betul-betul sejuk sebelum ditutup bekasnya. Jika bekal makanan itu ditutup dalam keadaan masih panas, ia akan memerangkap wap. Wap ini pula menjadi air yang bertakung pada penutup bekal itu. Selain akan merosakkan rasa makanan yang ada, penutup bekal yang berwap menjadi sukar untuk dibuka sebab tekanan kuat daripada wap yang terperangkap di dalamnya.
- Jangan biarkan ruang kosong. Jika terdapat ruang-ruang kosong, tempat itu perlu dipenuhkan dengan tomato mini atau lain-lain makanan yang sesuai. Makanan bekal itu akan dibawa ke tempat kerja atau sekolah. Pergerakan atau goncangan dalam perjalanan boleh menyebabkan makanan dalam bekas itu berpindah tempat jika ada ruang-ruang kosong. Ini mengakibatkan makanan bercampur aduk. Untuk mengelakkan kejadian ini, ruang-ruang kosong perlu penuhkan.
- Di Jepun, bekas makanan dibalut dengan kain. Simpulan pada kain itu boleh dijadikan pemegang. Kain itu kemudian dijadikan alas dan berfungsi sebagai menahan sisa makanan daripada berselerakan. Perlu juga disediakan sudu atau garfu.
Cadangan untuk lauk-pauk.
- Bahan rebusan atau panggangan lebih berkhasiat dari yang digoreng. Mi spageti yang digoreng lebih elok daripada mi spageti yang bersos.
- Telur adalah bahan yang paling mudah untuk dijadikan bahan bekal. Telur boleh digoreng atau direbus. Daging cencang boleh digoreng bersama nasi atau mi. Daging cencang juga boleh dijadikan bebola dan burger atau digoreng bersama sayur untuk khasiat protein.
- Sayur bayam sangat tinggi dengan khasiat kalsium/besi dan vitamin. Sayur ini elok digoreng atau direbus. Kulit tauhu adalah bahan berkhasiat. Ia boleh digoreng bersama sayur atau dilapiskan dengan daging dan ikan. Tomato mini mengandungi vitamin C di samping berfungsi sebagai menutup ruang kosong. Warnanya yang merah menyala itu juga menambahkan seri pada makanan. Bijirin hitam lazimnya digunakan di Jepun sebagai bahan taburan ke atas nasi untuk menambah warna pada makanan. Bekal yang mengandungi roti menjadi sempurna jika ditambahkan sayur dan telur atau bahan tidak berair. Makanan yang sudah masak dan dibekukan amat mudah disiapkan.
Nota: Penulis, asal Singapura, kini tinggal di Okinawa, Jepun.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Bengkel Haiku
Gambar-gambar yang dapat diselamatkan. Rasanya tidak perlu catatan panjang-lebar, gambar-gambar ini sudah banyak memberi cerita.
26 Nov. 2011 (Sabtu): Bengkel Penulisan Puisi Haiku 2011.
Anjuran Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) dan Penulis Negeri Sembilan (PEN).
Ceramah dan bimbingan oleh saya.
Sesi bengkel sedang berlangsung. Seramai 20 peserta menyertai dalam kelas yang dihadkan untuk 15 orang.
Gambar grup selepas bengkel.
Jabatan Kebudyaan dan Kesenian Negara, Negeri Sembilan. Bumbungnya ala-ala rumah Minangkabau di mana bengkel haiku ditempatkan.
26 Nov. 2011 (Sabtu): Bengkel Penulisan Puisi Haiku 2011.
Anjuran Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) dan Penulis Negeri Sembilan (PEN).
Ceramah dan bimbingan oleh saya.
Sesi bengkel sedang berlangsung. Seramai 20 peserta menyertai dalam kelas yang dihadkan untuk 15 orang.
Gambar grup selepas bengkel.
Jabatan Kebudyaan dan Kesenian Negara, Negeri Sembilan. Bumbungnya ala-ala rumah Minangkabau di mana bengkel haiku ditempatkan.
Bersama Puan Nisah Haron dan Puan Mahaya Mohd. Yassin selaku Ketua Satu PEN.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Laptop baru menolak kad gambar. Semua imej dari kad dari masa saya memimpin bengkel haiku di Seremban hilang, waktu saya makan cendul dengan geng basikal diketuai En. MBA dan semasa saya dibawa berjalan pada waktu malam di Seremban oleh seorang gadis Seremban, imej-imej ini semua hilang.
Dalam kepenatan sekarang, mengenali laptop baru ini, saya rasa tidak terdaya. Banyak catatan ingin saya abadikan dalam blog ini. Kenapa saya begitu letih di negeri ini? Saya tidak faham keadaan ini.
Laptop baru menolak kad gambar. Semua imej dari kad dari masa saya memimpin bengkel haiku di Seremban hilang, waktu saya makan cendul dengan geng basikal diketuai En. MBA dan semasa saya dibawa berjalan pada waktu malam di Seremban oleh seorang gadis Seremban, imej-imej ini semua hilang.
Dalam kepenatan sekarang, mengenali laptop baru ini, saya rasa tidak terdaya. Banyak catatan ingin saya abadikan dalam blog ini. Kenapa saya begitu letih di negeri ini? Saya tidak faham keadaan ini.
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Aral Gendala
Selepas Seminar di Dewan (DBP), keesokan harinya, saya harus berpindah ke Seremban. Pun begitu, masih ada masa lapang pada paginya untuk bertemu dengan seorang blogger yang telah saya kenal selama 10 tahun. Cikgu Nora Fuad (novelis) membawa saya ke KL Sentral, tempat yang paling mudah untuk kami bertemu. Di situ, kami rancak berborak sambil makan di salah sebuah restoran yang tidak berapa ramai pengunjungnya.
Lazimnya dalam perancangan cuti saya yang selaunya dua bulan, saya jadualkan perjumpaan dengan beberapa orang sahabat untuk perkara rasmi dan tidak rasmi. Kenapa dua bulan? Mungkin ada yang bertanya. Tiket untuk ke Singapura hanya boleh didapatkan dengan 2 pakej sahaja di Okinawa. Sebuah pejabat pelancongan HIS menawarkan mass-booking untuk 10 hari atau 2 bulan. Tidak mungkin saya mengambil pakej 10 hari, kendatipun murah tawarannya (ini hanya untuk booking dari Okinawa sahaja, bukan dari luar Okinawa). Jadi terpaksalah saya mengambil tawaran pakej untuk 2 bulan.
Setiap kali percutian saya bermula, janji dan pertemuan dijadualkan awal-awal lagi. Pun begitu, setiap kali ada sahaja aral melintang. Teman blog yang saya kenali selama 10 tahun itu, Vimmi Yasmin, amat faham dengan keadaan saya. Selama 10 tahun ini, dia tidak menunjukkan rasa kecil hati atau dikecewakan oleh jadual saya yang tidak menentu ketika di Malaysia.
Saya kata tidak menentu sebab saya mengembara bersendirian. Saya tidak berani pergi ke lokasi-lokasi jauh sendiri. Lagi pun, saya tidak kenal peta Malaysia, bukan peta sahaja. Untuk mendapatkan tren, juga bukan mudah bagi saya yang terkial-kial berjalan sendiri. Kebiasaannya,saya dihulurkan dari teman ke teman, dari rumah ke rumah, dari kereta ke kereta. Itulah saya.
Kali ini ramai yang saya kecewakan oleh sebab masa yang terhad, perjalanan yang meletihkan, tenaga yang berkurangan selama 3 minggu berkelana berterusan dan badan yang kurang sihat.
Insya-Allah, anggaplah segala pertemuan dan perpisahan itu kuasa Allah untuk menentukan. Kita hanya perancang. Sebaik mana perancangan kita, belum tentu pertemuan boleh dijanjikan.
Mohon maaf kepada Puan Ainon Mohd., Chairman PTS kerana tidak berani ke kawasan Gombak sendiri. Saya juga telah berjanji kepada Puan Norimah Hj. Ahmad (pemilik syarikat Urut) pergi bersama ke Pulau Langkawi, apakan daya demam dan batuk saya berpanjangan, saya terpaksa membubarkan janji itu.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Puan Hajijah Jais
Setiap kali saya balik bercuti, ada satu tempat yang tidak gagal saya ziarah. Tempat ini paksi pada segala keilmuan bahasa, rumah pertemuan setiap sasterawan dan lintasan setiap budayawan.
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Saya meneliti program-program yan dianjurkan semasa cutian ini. Mata ini terpacak pada sebuah iklan. Akademi Sastera. Semua dipersilakan hadir. Tidak berlengah-lengah lagi saya menghubungi pegawai yang mengendalikan acara ini. Apabila saya tiba pada pagi acara itu, saya terlihat di barisan penyambut tamu, nama saya terpampang jelas di atas senarai para tetama. Saya mendekati meja penyambut tamu.
Salah seorang pegawai bertanya, "Puan Leyla Shuri yang dari Jepun itu kah?"
"Mana dia tahu saya Leyla Shuri dari Jepun?" bisik hati ini.
Ya, memanglah nama saya sudah masuk ke dalam senarai para tetamu tapi yang pelik pegawai-pegawai di situ kenal saya!
Terasa sungguh damai hati ini apabila dikenali sebab pada anggapan saya, jika ada kemalangan menimpa pada saat itu, setidak-tidaknya saya sudah dikenali *senyum*
Saya sangat suka menghadiri apa pun acara yang dianjurkan DBP.
Pertama-tama, segala apa acara dari DBP adalah berhubungkait dengan penyampaian ilmu dan bahasa, bukan sekadar sesi kenal mengenal atau pertukaran buku.
Keduanya pula, tidak pernah saya kelaparan ketika menghadiri acara-acara dari DBP. Sehari suntuk kami dihidangkan dengan pelbagai jenis makanan lazat bukan sekali tapi berkali-kali yang termasuk minum pagi, makan tengah hari dan minum petang sebelum bersurai. Sungguh saya kekenyangan.
Dalam acara Akademi Sastera pada hari itu, saya amat teruju dengan pembentangan kertas dari 8 orang peserta yang terbaik dari pelbagai IPT. Namun dalam kenyamanan dan kedinginan dewan itu, matanya terlena buat beberapa kalinya. Badan yang terlalu letih (tidak berehat secukupnya sejak Kembara Sastera dan Budaya seminggu sebelumnya) bersama batuk yang degil, saya berselimut dengan selendang panjang, telinga separuh berfungsi.
Selain dari itu, setiap acara yang dianjurkan DBP, para hadirin menerima berbagai hadiah sebagai iklan dari syarikat penerbit lain. Kali ini para hadirin menerima novel "Bila Nysrah kata tak mahu" karya Aidil Khalid. Tersenyum saya, gembira mendapat novel-novel ini. Sungguh tidak merugikan saya menghadiri program hari itu.
Satu lagi niat lawatan saya ke DBP adalah untuk berkenalan dengan editor Puan Hajijah Jais. Ketika masuk ke dewan acara, saya nekad untuk ke pejabat puan ini pada waktu rehat tengah hari. Alangkah terkejutnya saya, Puan Hajijah Jais selaku pengacara pembentangkan kertas pada pagi itu.
"Oh, ini rupanya orang yang mengedit novel saya!" hati ini berbisik.
Saya menantikan peluang untuk memperkenalkan diri. Waktu rehat minum pagi, saya perhatikan Puan Hajijah turun dari pentas. Bergegas saya berjalan menuju ke arah beliau.
"Assalamualaikum, Puan Hajijah!"
"Waalaikum salam," jawabnya dengan wajah kosong merenung saya.
"Saya Leyla Shuri dari Okinawa, Jepun. Kita sudah beremel-emel beberapa kali!" balas saya, kesian pula melihat beliau seperti orang keliru dan cuba mencari dalam kotak fikirnya identiti saya.
"Oh, Puan Leyla! Kenapa tak bagitahu nak datang!" suaranya ringan setelah mengenali saya.
Setelah habis minum pagi, saya dibawah ke pejabat beliau. Kami berbincang tentang manuskrip saya yang telah tamat disuntingkan pada bulan Ogos 2011.
Saya menyentuh darihal novel yang baru diterbitkan DBP berjudul "Air Mata Raja", tebalnya sebanyak halaman 945.
Selesai sesi penyampaian hadiah, sebaik sahaja habis minum petang, saya bergegas ke Kedai Buku DBP yang tutup pada jam 5:30 petang, walaupun terasa bersalah mengingatkan Puan Hajijah ingin berjumpa saya sekali lagi selepas program hari itu. Masa tutup kedai sudah hampir dan saya merayu agar diberi sedikit masa mengimbas tajuk-tajuk yang ada.
Dalam kesuraman ruang buku itu (tak sabar penjual ingin menutup kedai), saya memilih beberapa majalah keluaran DBP. Menyusur rak-rak buku, saya amat terkejut melihat novel saya bersama judul-judul lain dari syarikat penerbit KarnaDya, dipamerkan juga.
Mohon maaf saya kepada Puan Hajijah Jais, kerana singkatan waktu, tidak dapat kita berjumpa pada petang itu lagi.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Alor Setar
Perjalanan kami balik dari Kembara Sastera dan Budaya ini sekali lagi melanggar jadual.
"Hari balik nanti, saya ingin tempah tiket KTM malam balik ke KL," saya kata kepada Puan Amelia Hashim (seorang penulis novel dan skrip drama yang tinggal di Jitra, Kedah).
Puan Amelia rasa cadangan itu elok dibatalkan kerana tidak yakin dengan jadual perjalanan kami. Hah, memang tepat sudah rasa firasat hati Puan Amelia. Sesampai saja ke Alor Setar semula, jarum jam menunjukkan 8 malam. Memang tidak sempat meneruskan perjalanan dengan KTM yang berlepas dari stesen Alor Setar jam 7.35 malam.
Saya bermalam di rumah Puan Amelia Hashim.
Keesokkan hari saya dibawa bersarapan dan terus dibawa ke rumah Cikpuan Jasmindar Aziz, seorang guru mengajar bahasa Inggeris yang sudah saya kenal di alam blog mungkin selama 7-8 tahun.
Cuti sekolah hujung tahun sudah bermula pada hari itu juga dan cikpuan Jasmindar berbesar hati ingin membawa saya melihat perkampungan dan sawah padi Bukit Jerai dan kawasan sekitarnya.
Sebenarnya inilah pertama kali saya melihat kawasan utara Malaysia.
Kami melunsur sebatang jalan dari utara ke selatan mengikuti pesisiran laut. Nama-nama jalan yang yang kami lalui Jalan Yan, Ruat, Tanjung Jaga dan Singkir.
Dalam perjalana kami mencari gerai untuk makan tengah hari, saya terlihat gerai-gerai kecil di sisi laluan. Saya minta berhenti sebentar.
Rupanya gerai-gerai ini menjual nira, minuman dari manisan pokok nipah, yang dihasilkan dari pelepah muda pokok-pokok ini (kalau tak salah saya).
Malangnya saya tidak dapat menghabiskan minuman ini yang dihidangkan dalam gelas tinggi. Rasanya ada sedikit masam dan manisnya pula melebihi tahap saya.
"Minta maaflah, Jasmindar, saya tidak boleh habiskan air ini!"
Jasmindar membawa kami ke sebuah gerai yang menghidangkan ikan semilang. Naim gulai semilang, saya terbaca pada iklan yang terbentang di hadapan kedai itu yang bertempat di Sungai Pial di Tanjung Dawai. Bersama kari ikan semilang, mereka hidangkan juga sejenis pucuk daun sebagai ulam. Bila ditanya jenis daun itu yang tidak pernah saya lihat lagi, dikatakan sebagai daun tenggek burung. Daunnya kelat untuk dicecah dengan belacan. Bekas hidangan besar dan puas juga kami habiskan lauk-lauk itu.
Akhirnya, saya menghabiskan ikan-ikan yang berbaki. Memang saya kurangkan nasi, jadi masih ada ruang lagi untuk saya mengisi lauk-lauk.
Selepas makan, kami ke menjenguk sebuah jeti di Sungai Pial. Sebelum ke jeti ini, kami berjalan kedai-kedai yang berderetan menjual pelbagai ikan yang telah dikeringkan.
Petang itu saya berehat-rehat bersama keluarga cikpuan Jasmindar sebelum dihantar ke stesen Alor Setar untuk perjalanan dengan KTM ke KL Sentral.
Terima kasih Cikgu Jasmindar dan Puan Amelia Hashim, sudi menemani dan menunjukkan keindahan kawasan damai di sekitar rumah mereka.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sumpah Kuala Kedah
Peta ini (@google) menunjukkan pada satu ketika dalam sejarah negeri Kedah dijajah oleh kerajaan Siam.
Ramai yang bertanya kenapa Gapena membuat kembara Budaya dan Sastera hingga ke sempadan Myanmar (Burma) dan Thai (Siam).
Baru-baru ini saya terbaca sebuah cerpen yang berjudul "Sumpah Kuala Kedah" dalam isu Oktober 2011 majalah Dewan Sastera.
Ini saya petik beberapa perenggan dalam cerpen ini (karya Zurinah Hassan).
Pada pertengah tahun 1943, kelihatan pula pengawal atau polis berbangsa Thai meronda di pekan Alor Setar. Rakyat mendengar khabar bahawa Jepun telah menyerahkan Kedah kepada Siam. Kononnya sebagai hadiah tanda terima kasih atas budi baik Siam membenarkan askar-askar Jepun melalui negerinya untuk menakluki Malaya. Ayub selalu berkata dalam htinya, "Cantik muka dia. Negeri aku pula dibuat barangan haidah..."
Bagi Ayub sama ada Jepun atau Siam, kedua-duanya sama sahaja. Mereka ialah bangsa asing yang menakluki negerinya. Mereka tiada hak untuk membuat sesuka hati.
Pada pandangannya, Kedah menduduki tempat yang unik sebagai empayar tertua. Sejak abad ke-13, Kedah negeri yang berdaulat dan mempunyai pelabuhan yang terkenal di Sungai Bujang. Sejarah negerinya pernah tertulis dengan tinta gemilang. Tetapi warna kegemilangan mulai pudar apabila Siam muncul sebagai kuasa besar. Kedah mula terancam. Siam yang pada masa sekarang bernama Thailand mengamalkan dasar imperialistik meluaskan jajahan takluknya dan berjaya memaksa negeri-negeri di Utara Semenanjung menghantar ufti berbentuk bunga emas kepadanya. Pada tahun 1791, Siam telah menakluki Kesultanan Melayu Pattani yang merangkumi wilaya Pattani, Yala dan Narthiwat dan menukar namanya menjadi Changwat Pattani.
Pada pertengahan abda ke-18, tanah pusaka moyang mula didatangi oleh bangsa-bangsa dari Barat. Armada Inggeris dan Perancis mencakar luka perairan tanah ibunda untuk meluaskan pengaruh di Asia Tenggara. Pada tahun 1786, Sultan Kedah terpaksa menyerhkan Pulau Pinang kepada Syarikat Hindia Timur yang diwakili oleh Kapten Francis Light. Hal ini dilakukan kerana mengharapkan Britain akan melindungi Kedah kalau Siam menyerang. Tidak cukup dengan sebuah pulau, Syarikat Hindia Timur yang bertentangan dengan Pulau Pinang, 14 tahun kemudian. Tanah itu kemudian dinamai Province Wellesley. Walaupun pengambilan itu melibatkan bayaran sewa, namun hal ini tetap menjejaskan kedaulatan dan maruah sebuah negeri.
Pulau Pinang berpindah tangan, namu begitu apabila Siam benar-benar menyerang Kedah pada tahun 1821, Inggeris tida membantu. Inggeris telah mungkir janji terhadap negeri kecil yang tidak berdaya melawan. Maka, Kedah pun berada di bawah cengkaman Siam.
Bukan tidak ada percubaan untuk merungkaikan kuku penjajahan yang tajam dan berbisa itu. Negerinya juga mempunyai sederetan nama pahlawan yang berani. Antaranya ialah Tunku Kudin yang mengepalai perjuangan untuk mengembalikan maruah ngeri pada tahun 1831 dan Tunku Mohammad Saad yang mengadai nyawa dalam percubaan menghalau penjajah. Tunku Mohammad Saad pernah berjaya mengusi Siam keluar dari Kedah melepasi Singora atau Songkhla. Malangnya, kejayaan itu tidak kekal lama. Siam menyerang balas dan bertindak lebi ganas. Lebih menyakitkan adalah tindakan Inggeris yang tiba-tiba menyebelahi Siam kerana menyedari bahawa persahabatan dengan Siam lebih menguntungkan mereka.
Dengan sokongan Inggeris, Siam tidak takut apa-apa lagi. Rakyat yang cuba bangkit itu dipijak dan dilanyak, ditindas dan dipulas sehabis-habisnya. Mereka membalas kebangkitan rakyat Kedah dengan pelbagai rupa kekejaman yang tidak dapat dibayagkan, yang sanggup dilakukan oleh makhluk yang bernama manusia. Paling menyakitkan adalah gambaran yang diberikan oleh seorang pegawai tentera laut British yang dihantar untuk memerangi rakyat Kedah. Setelah tiba di sini, pegawai yang bernama Sherard Osborn mnjadi insaf apabila melihat sendiri penyeksaan yang dilakukan terhadap rakyat Kedah. Osborn menyanjung orang-orang Kedah kerana telah bangun mempertahankan hak mereka sendiri. Sherard Osborn telah mengabadikan segala peristiwa berdarah di muara Kuala Kedah dalam bukunya The Blockade of Kedah 1838.
Kesimpulan saya, jika telitikan catatan sejarah ini, tidak hairanlah masih wujud perkampungan orang-orang Melayu dan Islam di beberapa kawasan Myanmar dan selatan Thai.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Kembara Ranung (Hari 2)
Inilah bas yang digantikan untuk kami menyambung perjalanan kembara ini selepas bas yang mengalami kemalangan itu ditahan oleh Polis Thai. Bas ini baru, luas, selesa dan bersih. Berkata dalam hati juga, mungkin ada hikmahnya. Kemalangan itu memberi kami kemudahan dan keselesaan untuk meneruskan kembara ini.
Ini salah sebuah masjid yang kami ziarah di Ranong. Kami berhenti sebentar dan dihidangkan dengan minuman ringan juga bersambung ke makan tengah hari setelah Seminar Budaya dan Bahasa dibentangkan oleh beberapa pensyarah dan para ilmuan.
Panel dari para ilmuan, pensyarah dari gedung-gedung pelajaran tinggi dan pecinta bahasa membentangkan kertas-kertas mereka.
Tuan Djamal Tukimin sebagai wakil dari Singapura turut menyertai Kembara Budaya dan Bahasa ini. Maklumat ini saya dapat tahu setelah dua hari dalam perjalanan ini.
Djamal Tukimin dilahirkan di Singapura pada 20 Oktober 1946. Sejak zaman persekolahan lagi Djamal telah menaruh minat yang besar dalam bidang kesusasteraan . Sekitar awal tahun 1960-an Djamal sudah memiliki buku puisi Setanggi Waja karya penyair Noor S.I. Penglibatan Djamal dalam sastera Melayu bermula ketika beliau menyertai peraduan menulis cerpen sempena Bulan Kebangsaan anjuran Kementerian Kebudayaan Singapura pada tahun 1963. Cerpen tersebut memenangi hadiah pertama dan dimuatkan dalam majalah Suara Belia terbitan Persatuan Persuratan Pemuda Pemudi Melayu Singapura (4PM) pada tahun 1963. Selepas itu beliau sering memenangi peraduan menulis dan baca puisi (sajak) .
Karya-karya Djamal telah dimuatkan dalam Gema Meblah Gema II (KL,1972), Puncak Sembilan (Singapura,1975) , Penyair-penyair Singapura Muda Di Tengah Forum Masyarakat (Singapura,1977), Puisi-puisi Nusantara (Kl, 1981), The Poetry of Singapore (Singapura, 1985) , Tiga Warna Bertemu (KL, 1987) , Dinamika Budaya (Singapura, 1991), Resan dan Kesan Kumpulan Makalah Sempena Bulan Bahasa (Singapura, 1992), Rhythm (Singapura, 2000) , Embun Tajjali (Yogyakarta, 2000) , Citra Minda (Singapura, 2003) dan Legasi – Antologi Puisi Nusantara (Shah Alam, 2006).
Sementara karya perseorangan Puisi-puisi Muhajjir (Singapura, 1977) , Betapa Pun Begitu Nyanyian Rindunya Si Anak Geylang Serai (Singapura, 1999) dan Betapa Pun Begitu Pada hari Berkah Ini Cinta Masih Tersisa (Singapura, 2003). Sementara itu buku Arus Teater Singapura merupakan esei teaternya yang pertama. Karya yang lain adalah Sejarah Tidak Pernah Luka Kita Yang Berduka (kumpulan esei sastera 1971-2005), Imam (sebuah novel “kaum muda”), Seekor Kerbau Hitam Legam Dalam Mimpi Sang Pangeran Tomtom (naskah teater satira), Kulayarkan Bahtera Derita Di Atas Gelombang Air Mata (Surat-surat Ketulusannya Zaihasra Kepada Djamal Tukimin), Cinta Adalah Makrifat (kumpulan puisi), dan beberapa buah naskah buku agama.
Para pensyarah dari UPSI-Tanjung Malim. Di kiri adalah Prof Madya Dr. Abdul Halim Ali dan di kanan pula Dr. Khalid Ismail pensyarah Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris juga.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Orang Kota Bharu
Orang Kota Bharu
I met this writer at the cafeteria of Dewan Bahasa just a few weeks before he died. He looked frail and weak when I saw him sitting and talking to another writer Darma Mohammad.
I got this book as a stock clearance sale from the National Library of Singapore.
It will be my constant companion during my Literary itinerary in Malaysia for this trip.
I met this writer at the cafeteria of Dewan Bahasa just a few weeks before he died. He looked frail and weak when I saw him sitting and talking to another writer Darma Mohammad.
I got this book as a stock clearance sale from the National Library of Singapore.
It will be my constant companion during my Literary itinerary in Malaysia for this trip.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Since 1st Nov. 2011
Sate Burger at Ali Cafe, Bukit Indah, JB.
Jurdiana's place Horizon Hills, Bukit Indah, JB.
I've been in Singapore since 1st Nov. When I said Singapore, it means I am around Johor Bharu, Melacca or KL as well. This time I've arranged some journeys with some writers groups and some courses with me as the instructor and some seminars. It will be a busy running around for me. I like to make journeys and trips but I feel very nervous alone on strange land.
Kuala Lumpur is strange. The inter-winding roads and highways, the fear of people in public are some phobia I carry around, worst of all, having to communicate with taxi drivers.
Photos show some shots with school pals and their hubbies.
Jurdiana's place Horizon Hills, Bukit Indah, JB.
I've been in Singapore since 1st Nov. When I said Singapore, it means I am around Johor Bharu, Melacca or KL as well. This time I've arranged some journeys with some writers groups and some courses with me as the instructor and some seminars. It will be a busy running around for me. I like to make journeys and trips but I feel very nervous alone on strange land.
Kuala Lumpur is strange. The inter-winding roads and highways, the fear of people in public are some phobia I carry around, worst of all, having to communicate with taxi drivers.
Photos show some shots with school pals and their hubbies.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Bengkel Penulisan Haiku
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) dengan kerasama Persatuan Penulis Negeri Sembilan (PEN) akan menganjurkan bengkel yang berikut:
Bengkel Penulisan Haiku
Bengkel Penulisan Haiku (puisi Jepun)
pada 26 November 2011 (Sabtu), dari 8.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang
di Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara, Negeri Sembilan, Jalan Sungai Ujung, Seremban.
Pembimbing: Puan Leyla Shuri (penulis haiku, menetap di Jepun).
i) Penyertaan percuma, terhad kepada 15 orang peserta terawal sahaja
ii) Peserta benar-benar berminat
iii) Peserta mempunyai asas penulisan puisi
iv) Penganjur tidak menanggung kos perjalanan peserta
v) Peserta yang terpilih hendaklah menghasilkan karya dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan semasa bengkel nanti.
Pertanyaan; Sila hubungi Puan Hajah Mahaya Mohd.Yassin (06-6778359), e-mel atau
YBhg Datin Sabarriah Shukur (06-6792597) e-mel
Bengkel Penulisan Haiku
Bengkel Penulisan Haiku (puisi Jepun)
pada 26 November 2011 (Sabtu), dari 8.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang
di Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara, Negeri Sembilan, Jalan Sungai Ujung, Seremban.
Pembimbing: Puan Leyla Shuri (penulis haiku, menetap di Jepun).
i) Penyertaan percuma, terhad kepada 15 orang peserta terawal sahaja
ii) Peserta benar-benar berminat
iii) Peserta mempunyai asas penulisan puisi
iv) Penganjur tidak menanggung kos perjalanan peserta
v) Peserta yang terpilih hendaklah menghasilkan karya dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan semasa bengkel nanti.
Pertanyaan; Sila hubungi Puan Hajah Mahaya Mohd.Yassin (06-6778359), e-mel atau
YBhg Datin Sabarriah Shukur (06-6792597) e-mel
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Getting ready for another project, I try to gather all material first. I need this book and first thing on my mind is Amazon. Japan. They have it on the second-hand book section for only US$2.50 (JY198) plus delivery charge at US$3.25 (JY250).
Not bad, I said. All in all, less than US7/-
So my fingers go clickety-clicketic.
Today, it came.
What shock me is the price itself on the back-cover (as all Japanese books have to publish the selling price on the cover).
For a clean and well-kept second-hand book with the original price at US$58 (JY4500), all I paid was less than US7/-
Getting ready for another project, I try to gather all material first. I need this book and first thing on my mind is Amazon. Japan. They have it on the second-hand book section for only US$2.50 (JY198) plus delivery charge at US$3.25 (JY250).
Not bad, I said. All in all, less than US7/-
So my fingers go clickety-clicketic.
Today, it came.
What shock me is the price itself on the back-cover (as all Japanese books have to publish the selling price on the cover).
For a clean and well-kept second-hand book with the original price at US$58 (JY4500), all I paid was less than US7/-
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Yukihiro Live FM21 Okinawa
This week many people from Mainland Japan came to Studio FM21 to see Yukihiro live. Some from Tokyo, from Kawagoe, Saitama and the rest I couldn't catch quite well. It was already late for me (Live at 10 pm) but upon Youko's insistent, I drag myself to go with her.
When I arrived, I peeped at him from behind some audio equipment. seemed he was surprised to see me peeping, it almost choked him (affecting his speech).
He made everybody talked and with me he introduced Singapore. With his broken English, he joked around.
Yukihiro said Singapore like the Okinawan says Goya in Singapurrr.
Anyway, the Live is an hour.
This week many people from Mainland Japan came to Studio FM21 to see Yukihiro live. Some from Tokyo, from Kawagoe, Saitama and the rest I couldn't catch quite well. It was already late for me (Live at 10 pm) but upon Youko's insistent, I drag myself to go with her.
When I arrived, I peeped at him from behind some audio equipment. seemed he was surprised to see me peeping, it almost choked him (affecting his speech).
He made everybody talked and with me he introduced Singapore. With his broken English, he joked around.
Yukihiro said Singapore like the Okinawan says Goya in Singapurrr.
Anyway, the Live is an hour.
Monday, October 03, 2011
Rezeki itu dari usaha dan keberkatan usaha itu diiringi bersama doa tulus dan ikhlas menjadi limpahan rezeki dari Yang Maha Al-Razaq, amin.
Rezeki itu dari usaha dan keberkatan usaha itu diiringi bersama doa tulus dan ikhlas menjadi limpahan rezeki dari Yang Maha Al-Razaq, amin.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Kata Penerbit.
Majalah Pendidik
Terima kasih kepada puan Leyla Shuri juga kerana sudi menghantar karya kepada pihak KarnaDya... :)
Ya Puan Leyla Shuri... pihak kami memang ada menghantar buku-buku terbitan kami untuk diiklankan dalam Majalah Pendidik. Dan untuk makluman puan, hanya 4 bab pertama sahaja disiarkan di dalam majalah tersebut. Kepada yang berminat untuk mendapatkan novel Pulut Sakura Serunding Kasih, boleh dapatkan secara online di Ataupun datang sahaja ke premis kami yang terletak di Puchong untuk mendapatkan diskaun sebanyak 45%... Tunggu apa lagi? :)
Terima kasih kepada puan Leyla Shuri juga kerana sudi menghantar karya kepada pihak KarnaDya... :)
Ya Puan Leyla Shuri... pihak kami memang ada menghantar buku-buku terbitan kami untuk diiklankan dalam Majalah Pendidik. Dan untuk makluman puan, hanya 4 bab pertama sahaja disiarkan di dalam majalah tersebut. Kepada yang berminat untuk mendapatkan novel Pulut Sakura Serunding Kasih, boleh dapatkan secara online di Ataupun datang sahaja ke premis kami yang terletak di Puchong untuk mendapatkan diskaun sebanyak 45%... Tunggu apa lagi? :)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Perjalanan novel Pulut Sakura Serunding Kasih
Majalah Pendidik
Seorang sahabat (pendidik) dalam Facebook berkongsi photo ini ketika dia melihat-lihat bilik perpustakaan di sekolahnya.
Mengguna ayatnya "Majalah pendidik. Untuk guru. Keluaran april & Mei 2010."
Baru hari ini saya tahu. Tak sangka novel saya menjadi bahan rujuk untuk majalah ini.
Seorang sahabat (pendidik) dalam Facebook berkongsi photo ini ketika dia melihat-lihat bilik perpustakaan di sekolahnya.
Mengguna ayatnya "Majalah pendidik. Untuk guru. Keluaran april & Mei 2010."
Baru hari ini saya tahu. Tak sangka novel saya menjadi bahan rujuk untuk majalah ini.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Translator's knife.
Translated version
I don't believe not knowing a certain language would prevent us from acquiring knowledge or would stop anybody from the enjoyment of reading itself.
The market in Japan for foreign books are overflowing but these books are not in their original version. All have gone through the translator's pens and savored under the translator's skill.
Pictures are some sample of foreign books (English) translated into the Japanese language. Japanese people are readers by nature and they translate many foreign literary works (any foreign languages) into their language.
Those books in the picture are motivational sort.
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer:
-Real Magic-Creating miracles in everyday life.
-You'll see it when you believer it.
-Pulling your own strings.
-Your erroneous zones (not sexual at all).
Also by author Thomas J. Leonard: The Portable Coach.
The rest amongst them are written by Japanese writers.
I don't believe not knowing a certain language would prevent us from acquiring knowledge or would stop anybody from the enjoyment of reading itself.
The market in Japan for foreign books are overflowing but these books are not in their original version. All have gone through the translator's pens and savored under the translator's skill.
Pictures are some sample of foreign books (English) translated into the Japanese language. Japanese people are readers by nature and they translate many foreign literary works (any foreign languages) into their language.
Those books in the picture are motivational sort.
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer:
-Real Magic-Creating miracles in everyday life.
-You'll see it when you believer it.
-Pulling your own strings.
-Your erroneous zones (not sexual at all).
Also by author Thomas J. Leonard: The Portable Coach.
The rest amongst them are written by Japanese writers.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
If tomorrow never comes.
This poem was translated in Japanese in 2007. This translated version becomes a best-seller after the Tohoko Earthquake on March 11, 2011.
If tomorrow Never Comes
-- By Norma Marek (used with permission)
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly, and pray the Lord your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss, and call you back for just one more.
If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would tape each word and action, and play them back throughout my days.
If I knew it would be the last time, I would spare an extra minute or two,
To stop and say "I love you," instead of assuming you know I do.
So, just in case tomorrow never comes, and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you, and I hope we never will forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight.
So, if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day
That you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss,
And you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today, and whisper in their ear,
That you love them very much, and you'll always hold them dear.
Take time to say "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me," "thank you" or "it's okay".
And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.
© Norma Cornett Marek 1989
If tomorrow Never Comes
-- By Norma Marek (used with permission)
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly, and pray the Lord your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss, and call you back for just one more.
If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would tape each word and action, and play them back throughout my days.
If I knew it would be the last time, I would spare an extra minute or two,
To stop and say "I love you," instead of assuming you know I do.
So, just in case tomorrow never comes, and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you, and I hope we never will forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight.
So, if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day
That you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss,
And you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today, and whisper in their ear,
That you love them very much, and you'll always hold them dear.
Take time to say "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me," "thank you" or "it's okay".
And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.
© Norma Cornett Marek 1989
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Berakar di langit
Daun-daun membuka tubuh
melebarkan saraf ke kulit embun
mencicip hidayah.
Pencari warna memintal dakwat
melakar makna urat-urat bunga
renik-renik lawamah.
Dalam kelongsong pucuk pisang
kelawar mencari hangat dinihari
melabuh tasbih.
Kupu-kupu menampal kepak
kurik segantang bunga-bunga
percikan zikrullah.
Penyair seranjung rabung hayat
mencari bindu pelarik kata
cinta mutmainah.
Pasir Mas, 2011.
Siaran Berita Minggu, 4 September 2011.
Daun-daun membuka tubuh
melebarkan saraf ke kulit embun
mencicip hidayah.
Pencari warna memintal dakwat
melakar makna urat-urat bunga
renik-renik lawamah.
Dalam kelongsong pucuk pisang
kelawar mencari hangat dinihari
melabuh tasbih.
Kupu-kupu menampal kepak
kurik segantang bunga-bunga
percikan zikrullah.
Penyair seranjung rabung hayat
mencari bindu pelarik kata
cinta mutmainah.
Pasir Mas, 2011.
Siaran Berita Minggu, 4 September 2011.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Dewi Fujin
Dewi Sukarno (Tokyo, 1940 - )
One of the most outspoken, and for many people probably one of the most hated, celebrities on Japanese TV is Dewi Sukarno. Usually referred to as Dewi Fujin (Madame Dewi), she can always be relied on to add a juicy bit of snootiness or slander to a variety show. The Japanese equivalent of Jacqueline Kennedy or Imelda Marcos, she's a vibrant and opinionated woman who has been at the side of a world leader, knows everyone worth knowing, and loves to tell you about it. In her own words, "I speak too directly. I can't speak diplomatically. I think people are afraid of what I am going to say."
Born Naoko Nemoto, she was working days in an insurance company and nights as a hostess at the Kokusai Club in Akasaka, a place for foreign VIPs. It was there that a fateful meeting with a powerful world leader changed her life. In 1959, at the tender age of 19, she left Japan to become the third of the nine wives of Achmed Sukarno, the president of The Republic of Indonesia. Her full married name was Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno and the couple had a daughter, Kartika. Sukarno was ousted from power in 1967 and placed under house arrest the following year, where he remained until his death in 1970. After her husband's death Dewi became an international jet setter, living in Paris and New York before returning to Tokyo. She describes her time in Paris, with her usual modesty, "I was young, beautiful, I had a name, a certain wealth. People were so eager to invite me here and there."
In 1993, at the ripe old age of 53 she published a book of photos, many of them nude. The book was slammed in the mostly Islamic Indonesia for "violating eastern norms and insulting Indonesia's dignity" and was banned by the Attorney-General's office. Several years later, an Indonesian magazine published some photos from the book without permission. In 2002, Dewi testified in a Jakarta court in the property rights violation case. This was just one of several court appearances, on both sides of the dock. Most recently, she was ordered to pay damages to an actress she had defamed to the media.
She has certainly capitalized on her outspokeness. She has published several books, with titles such as "Allow Me to Say a Few Things" (2000), that slam Japan's lack of morals. She also has no qualms about criticizing fellow celebrities, something that is pretty much taboo. Her age and perceived social rank have afforded her a kind of special status that allows her to get away with things that not many others in the business can.
Though she may have been above the law in her heyday in Indonesia, this is not the case any more. In 2002, the Tokyo tax authorities ordered her to pay 50 milion yen in back taxes. Her public response was that she left the running of her considerable business interests to her office. I guess it's not easy to make ends meet when you have seven staff to support!
Dewi Sukarno (Tokyo, 1940 - )
One of the most outspoken, and for many people probably one of the most hated, celebrities on Japanese TV is Dewi Sukarno. Usually referred to as Dewi Fujin (Madame Dewi), she can always be relied on to add a juicy bit of snootiness or slander to a variety show. The Japanese equivalent of Jacqueline Kennedy or Imelda Marcos, she's a vibrant and opinionated woman who has been at the side of a world leader, knows everyone worth knowing, and loves to tell you about it. In her own words, "I speak too directly. I can't speak diplomatically. I think people are afraid of what I am going to say."
Born Naoko Nemoto, she was working days in an insurance company and nights as a hostess at the Kokusai Club in Akasaka, a place for foreign VIPs. It was there that a fateful meeting with a powerful world leader changed her life. In 1959, at the tender age of 19, she left Japan to become the third of the nine wives of Achmed Sukarno, the president of The Republic of Indonesia. Her full married name was Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno and the couple had a daughter, Kartika. Sukarno was ousted from power in 1967 and placed under house arrest the following year, where he remained until his death in 1970. After her husband's death Dewi became an international jet setter, living in Paris and New York before returning to Tokyo. She describes her time in Paris, with her usual modesty, "I was young, beautiful, I had a name, a certain wealth. People were so eager to invite me here and there."
In 1993, at the ripe old age of 53 she published a book of photos, many of them nude. The book was slammed in the mostly Islamic Indonesia for "violating eastern norms and insulting Indonesia's dignity" and was banned by the Attorney-General's office. Several years later, an Indonesian magazine published some photos from the book without permission. In 2002, Dewi testified in a Jakarta court in the property rights violation case. This was just one of several court appearances, on both sides of the dock. Most recently, she was ordered to pay damages to an actress she had defamed to the media.
She has certainly capitalized on her outspokeness. She has published several books, with titles such as "Allow Me to Say a Few Things" (2000), that slam Japan's lack of morals. She also has no qualms about criticizing fellow celebrities, something that is pretty much taboo. Her age and perceived social rank have afforded her a kind of special status that allows her to get away with things that not many others in the business can.
Though she may have been above the law in her heyday in Indonesia, this is not the case any more. In 2002, the Tokyo tax authorities ordered her to pay 50 milion yen in back taxes. Her public response was that she left the running of her considerable business interests to her office. I guess it's not easy to make ends meet when you have seven staff to support!
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Eid Mubarak 2011
Eid 2011-Aug.
Wishing all my Muslim friends and readers, "A victorious Eid Mubarak!" Celebrate it with joy and not to forget those who are suffering in another part of the world.
Every year, Eid sees different faces in my house. I figure it is the best thing to do. Just put up those faces and look over to trace the memory.
Eid this year sees many political turmoil, dying people, suffering people, hungry people but best of all justice is done when Gaddafi cruel regime has fallen.
Back to my personal business. I created a strict daily regime for the fasting month of Ramadan. I am going through my third draft and I want to be consistent in writing. One page a day is consistent enough for me. That may not be for writers who can sit down and write like their words flows from spring water gushing out of its hole. But I am not like those writers.
But I just find out that writing gives me inner peace. I was a "killer" reader during my younger days. Now I had the advantage of picking up all those that I read before to try on some design in writing style.
Anyway, much as I tried to take care of my health and time, there is an incident which caused a bit of a discomfort for me.
I have a habit of writing for long hours and becomes immovable. During one of these writing moments, I made a sudden move from my seat and bang. There is this tight squeeze on my bum. For the next couple of weeks. I was like waking double bend which reminds me of those 100 years old women walking to buy grocery on Japanese pavement.
Anyway, I went on a self-therapy. I dipped myself hours in the hot pool, go into boiling sauna rooms, paste the hot pad on the aching part and sleep with the stomach corset on. But, no pain-killer for me. No. No. For as long as I can take it and as long as I am able to take the pain, do not show me the paracetamol.
Anyway, on Eid Fitri what with the cooking and cleaning (which I think is the most minimal I had), my back beg of sympathy again.
After the crowd left, I was back on self-therapy, begging my hip to be good to me.
The consolation has some good impact.
Now, I am back to my strict routine again.
Wishing all my Muslim friends and readers, "A victorious Eid Mubarak!" Celebrate it with joy and not to forget those who are suffering in another part of the world.
Every year, Eid sees different faces in my house. I figure it is the best thing to do. Just put up those faces and look over to trace the memory.
Eid this year sees many political turmoil, dying people, suffering people, hungry people but best of all justice is done when Gaddafi cruel regime has fallen.
Back to my personal business. I created a strict daily regime for the fasting month of Ramadan. I am going through my third draft and I want to be consistent in writing. One page a day is consistent enough for me. That may not be for writers who can sit down and write like their words flows from spring water gushing out of its hole. But I am not like those writers.
But I just find out that writing gives me inner peace. I was a "killer" reader during my younger days. Now I had the advantage of picking up all those that I read before to try on some design in writing style.
Anyway, much as I tried to take care of my health and time, there is an incident which caused a bit of a discomfort for me.
I have a habit of writing for long hours and becomes immovable. During one of these writing moments, I made a sudden move from my seat and bang. There is this tight squeeze on my bum. For the next couple of weeks. I was like waking double bend which reminds me of those 100 years old women walking to buy grocery on Japanese pavement.
Anyway, I went on a self-therapy. I dipped myself hours in the hot pool, go into boiling sauna rooms, paste the hot pad on the aching part and sleep with the stomach corset on. But, no pain-killer for me. No. No. For as long as I can take it and as long as I am able to take the pain, do not show me the paracetamol.
Anyway, on Eid Fitri what with the cooking and cleaning (which I think is the most minimal I had), my back beg of sympathy again.
After the crowd left, I was back on self-therapy, begging my hip to be good to me.
The consolation has some good impact.
Now, I am back to my strict routine again.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Under the tatami...
Many people see tatami flooring, sleep on it, sit on it. But have you ever wonder what's under the straw mat?
The recent typhoon was so strong and the gusty wind seeped in the drainage pipe of our air conditioning. The rain water got trapped and dripped on the tatami flooring. Two or three of the block mat was drenched and if we don't take it to shine, the musty smell remains for long.
So, dear handy man at home, took it off the floor and put those mats under the sun. I took those picture to show what's happening under the plank.
You can see the straw mat is sewn onto a thick board and lay on a wooded plank.
By the way, when calculating the size of houses in Japan, they count it by the amount of the tatami block.
Example: My house is 40 tatami. Or my room is 6 tatami.
Even when making a house, the size of the house is counted by how many tatami.
Example again.
If one tatami block cost JY25,000.
If the house is 40 tatami, you can do the counting here.
So if you have a double-storey house, you count the tatami up there as well.
Monday, August 15, 2011
This room is supposed to be a guest room. But it has been transformed after I decide to invade. On some bad days, the double bed becomes a dumping station for all my books. Trust me I still consider at the time when this photo was taken, the bed to be quite ok. I can hear people tsk, tsk all the way over New Zealand and Ireland.
Ok, I promise to be more tidy. Maybe I should use the floor huhuhu.
This room is supposed to be a guest room. But it has been transformed after I decide to invade. On some bad days, the double bed becomes a dumping station for all my books. Trust me I still consider at the time when this photo was taken, the bed to be quite ok. I can hear people tsk, tsk all the way over New Zealand and Ireland.
Ok, I promise to be more tidy. Maybe I should use the floor huhuhu.
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Hanging on thin life...
This year, the 9th typhoon is called the Noro-noro kaze because of its slowness. It took 48 hours to cross this island going towards mainland China. Normal typhoon moves at speed 40km/hr takes, takes about 12 hours to cross but this noro-noro kaze is at 10km/hr with the strength of 130-150 km/hr gust of wind.
We lost our power line for 15.5 hours but we have water and cooking gas for the kitchen. So, its not so much as a panic for us.
But the winds were very disturbingly strong. My fruit garden is gone and look at the picture. After the storm what's left are some bitter gourd hanging for life on it thin branches.
The strange thing is, the bitter gourd are surprisingly strong in such wind at 150km/hr lashing for 48 hours. Look how it hang on the tree.
But also after the storm, the leaves turned brown and dry. Like somebody has burnt them when all the time the rain was pouring like elephant's pee for 48 hours with the gust.
Here are some bitter gourd that we collected after the storm. We managed to pick those orchid flower before the storm.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Natsumeyashi (Kurma)
I don't feel complete without dates during Ramadan. Ramadan started yesterday and I have friends sending these dates a month earlier. These are dates from Makkah, Madinah, Iraq. Those attached with branches are so fresh and so very sweet, that I have to control myself popping them in my month.
These are gifts from special people and they come from Singapore, Malaysia and Qatar.
Every piece of these dates goes with me saying doa for the givers, after all they took all the trouble to send it to me.
Ramadan is here, may we be in ibadah better that the years before and may we be rewarded. Amin.
Ramadan al-mubarak.
I don't feel complete without dates during Ramadan. Ramadan started yesterday and I have friends sending these dates a month earlier. These are dates from Makkah, Madinah, Iraq. Those attached with branches are so fresh and so very sweet, that I have to control myself popping them in my month.
These are gifts from special people and they come from Singapore, Malaysia and Qatar.
Every piece of these dates goes with me saying doa for the givers, after all they took all the trouble to send it to me.
Ramadan is here, may we be in ibadah better that the years before and may we be rewarded. Amin.
Ramadan al-mubarak.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
This is Kin. His is ginger and his eyes are yellowish-ginger as well. He left home a week ago and never return. He is a good listener. See how he followed our instruction. He can only sit on the white towel and he did. He never moved anywhere else. He would sit on the cloth for hours watching us do our things in the house.
This summer, he started to kill many mice. He went around the house, picked a mice here and there. Played around and when the creature is gone, he brought it back to let us see his catch. He loves to steal the golf ball when his boss do putting. He would rolled the balls here and there, and then he would sit on the balls waiting for the boss to come and picked it from under his body.
Best of all, Kin never nagged for his food. He wait patiently for us to fill his food bowl everyday.
But now Kin is gone. Don't know what happened to him. All kind of weird thoughts came to my head. He was kidnapped. He fall down a black hole and cannot escaped, and died a quiet and slow death. Or maybe ...whatever. Anyway, I do missed my Kin-chan.
But when Kin is gone, things changed very fast around the house. Of course, I don't see the mice moving around at night. But the pigeons and other birds are having some feeling free times around the house.
Here this pigeon has made it a habit to visit our front pouch even when we are nearby. Of course, Otto is happy. Way, way happy...he is.
This is Kin. His is ginger and his eyes are yellowish-ginger as well. He left home a week ago and never return. He is a good listener. See how he followed our instruction. He can only sit on the white towel and he did. He never moved anywhere else. He would sit on the cloth for hours watching us do our things in the house.
This summer, he started to kill many mice. He went around the house, picked a mice here and there. Played around and when the creature is gone, he brought it back to let us see his catch. He loves to steal the golf ball when his boss do putting. He would rolled the balls here and there, and then he would sit on the balls waiting for the boss to come and picked it from under his body.
Best of all, Kin never nagged for his food. He wait patiently for us to fill his food bowl everyday.
But now Kin is gone. Don't know what happened to him. All kind of weird thoughts came to my head. He was kidnapped. He fall down a black hole and cannot escaped, and died a quiet and slow death. Or maybe ...whatever. Anyway, I do missed my Kin-chan.
But when Kin is gone, things changed very fast around the house. Of course, I don't see the mice moving around at night. But the pigeons and other birds are having some feeling free times around the house.
Here this pigeon has made it a habit to visit our front pouch even when we are nearby. Of course, Otto is happy. Way, way happy...he is.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hanya sepetak...
Herb patch
Look carefully at this herb patch which is situated behind my house. It has bitter gourd/goya (peria), mitsuba, curry leave (daun kari), tumeric plant (pohon kunyit), ginger (pohon halia), pandan leaf, pohoh durian belanda (Holland durian), avocado plant, chilli plant, shikuasa (a kind of lime) plant. That's about all I can count. All ini all, in that small plot of earth, about 10 varieties of herbs are grown by my husband. We consume those herbs everyday. I use those herbs in my cooking like soup, gravy, noodles and other stuff.
Look carefully at this herb patch which is situated behind my house. It has bitter gourd/goya (peria), mitsuba, curry leave (daun kari), tumeric plant (pohon kunyit), ginger (pohon halia), pandan leaf, pohoh durian belanda (Holland durian), avocado plant, chilli plant, shikuasa (a kind of lime) plant. That's about all I can count. All ini all, in that small plot of earth, about 10 varieties of herbs are grown by my husband. We consume those herbs everyday. I use those herbs in my cooking like soup, gravy, noodles and other stuff.
Monday, July 04, 2011
Summer Fruits
Summer Berries
The Japanese called the deep blue berries as yamamomo. I've grown it for the past 14 years. In May this year, I saw bunches of it on the tree in my front garden. I saw this fruit the day my first short story was published. Can you figure out which news makes me more excited to receive.
Even though I have hope for my short story to go into publication long before this, but the impact of receiving the news of this blurred out to the first season of seeing the first reward from this tree which I have waited for the past 14 years.
Unfortunately, the first typhoon of this years, plucked everything off its branches. I was really saddened by this. I have looked forward to tasting the first reward.
This photo was from a friend, Zetty Yada, who went to Beijing for her honeymoon. I looked longingly at the deep purple yamamomo in the picture and pray that next year, I will be given the chance to taste it sweetness.
The pink/red berris is cherry from the sakura tree which the Japanese called as sakuranbo. The sakura tree is still young in my garden and hopefully it a few years time, it might produce some sakuranbo.
Lycee from my garden
At this point of writing, I counted about 15 ripe lycees hanging on it branches. I just hope the bird birds (don't know its name) do not get to it first. Actually, there were about 50 of them still unripe but the typhoon in May took all of it. So, I should be happy to be having those few left to taste.
Lycee again
The Japanese called the deep blue berries as yamamomo. I've grown it for the past 14 years. In May this year, I saw bunches of it on the tree in my front garden. I saw this fruit the day my first short story was published. Can you figure out which news makes me more excited to receive.
Even though I have hope for my short story to go into publication long before this, but the impact of receiving the news of this blurred out to the first season of seeing the first reward from this tree which I have waited for the past 14 years.
Unfortunately, the first typhoon of this years, plucked everything off its branches. I was really saddened by this. I have looked forward to tasting the first reward.
This photo was from a friend, Zetty Yada, who went to Beijing for her honeymoon. I looked longingly at the deep purple yamamomo in the picture and pray that next year, I will be given the chance to taste it sweetness.
The pink/red berris is cherry from the sakura tree which the Japanese called as sakuranbo. The sakura tree is still young in my garden and hopefully it a few years time, it might produce some sakuranbo.
Lycee from my garden
At this point of writing, I counted about 15 ripe lycees hanging on it branches. I just hope the bird birds (don't know its name) do not get to it first. Actually, there were about 50 of them still unripe but the typhoon in May took all of it. So, I should be happy to be having those few left to taste.
Lycee again
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