Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In between times

I'm stepping between two marks of time. One has gone yesterday and the other marking will come in another 48 hours.
One claims to be religious, denoting some events that happened 2009 years ago. Another one, also a holy mark of time that tells story of movement to betterment of humanity 1430 years.
Yet another one marking a man's glory to throne calling it The Year of Heisei, 21 years ago.

So what are all these time marks to me? Nothing much actually, I consider it just to make the record of events.
I don't need to start life afresh at the beginning of these time line. I start life everyday. Everyday is a new beginning.

Everyday, I tell myself to take care of what I eat. Everyday, I challege my limits and everyday I try to climb the tip of the rainbow to see the other side.
I don't say at the beginning of each time-mark that I am going to be better at this or do good at that.
I do it now and everyday. I don't plan the future. Each day comes and I take each day as it comes.

I don't need to wait for these artificial time-mark to wish friends and people good health and happy living, I do it everyday.
I don't need to wait after passing the time-hurdle to say I will improve the quality of life or I will challenge my capabilities or I will climb the rainbow, I do it everyday.

Why do I wait?
EVERYDAY is the time.

ps: Photos are decorated to intentionally melt the waters in your mouth, that is just the mean side of me.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Pearls in the ball

Ai Miyazato (Okinawa girl) at 19, she earned US10 million.

Ishikawa Ryo at 17 this year, he earned US10 million.

What do you do when your child earned US$10 million at 17 years old?

Dont't ask me, frankly I don't know what I will do.

Most probably I am still myself and that child will still be himself.

What can he do with all that money?

He still has to finish his schooling, that I insist.

Then, every morning I will still prepare his lunch box to school.

He eats from his lunch box (bentou) everyday that I prepare.

So, what is there with all that money?

Yes, Ishikawa Ryo is still that same boy. He earned US$10 million this year, goes to school every morning on his bike and eat lunch from the box his mother prepared.

Let me tell you, 70% of that winnings goes to the tax ticket, so the balance 30% or what remains at US$3 million is his for the taking.

You may screamed "What? How come the government take 70%? That is so unfair!"

That is how Japan build their system, nobody run away and build big bungalow houses in Australia or keep a secret box in the Swiss bank hide-out.

That 70% of Ryo's winning goes to support the society of Japan. When my Ojii (FIL) lies in the hospital with 24 hours round-the-clock care, he pays only about US250 per month, when actually it might costs about US$3000 a month.

Lets take 1million old people like my Ojii, so is that humongous or what!

Now you know why it is important for the government of Japan to take those money from the rich and serve those poor old people every where in Japan.

Ryo and Ai, keep those yen rolling, you are the best!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Anthology of Contemporary Haiku "WA" (Japanese)

Selection of the best haiku from 230 haiku writers all over Japan.
Hardcover at JY2500 per copy. But the book is sold out.
I have an extra copy. I can give away this extra copy but with one condition, please email if interested

Twenty of my best haiku selected for printing below.

Anthology of Contemporary Haiku (Japanese)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ketagihan tongkat Ali

Dia datang lagi. Dia tahu hari ini Otto cuti. Sebelum dia datang, dia buat panggilan ke rumah ini terlebih dulu.
"Harera-san?," terdengar dia bertanya.
"Hait", tertanya-tanya siapakah gerangan yang menyebut nama ini dengan suara mesra.
Seterusnya dia minta bercakap dengan Otto.
Otto letak gagang telefon dan berkata dia akan datang dalam waktu tengah hari.
Kali ini saya sengaja makan tengah hari dengan sepinggan spaghetti di meja makan sewaktu dia menyoal-siasat Otto.
Dia menanyakan tanah perkuburan orang Islam di Jepun, adakah tanah perkuburan untuk orang Islam di Okinawa, kenapa ramai orang berkumpul minggu lepas di dewan kampus (hari raya korban-saya tak jadi solat raya sebab kurang sihat) dan ini soalan yang paling pelik...kenapa Otto tak berinteraksi dengan orang Bangladesh.
Otto balingkan pandangnya ke meja makan, bertanya kenapa dia tak berinteraksi dengan orang Bangladesh. Saya rasa soalan ini terlalu pelik hingga Otto sendiri tidak dapat memberi jawapan yang memuaskan.
Saya terus terang berkata Otto tidak berinteraksi sebab Otto tidak bercakap dengan mereka...pusing-pusing situ juga. Sebetulnya bukan sahaja Otto tidak berbual dengan orang Bangladesh, dengan orang lain pun sama, tak kira bangsa. Otto memang tidak ada masa untuk berbual selepas solat Jumaat. Waktu tugasnya bermula dari jam 3 ptg dan sebelum dia memulakan tugas, dia harus lakukan persiapan rutin di rumah seperti atur jadual, semak senarai nama dll. Adakala khutbah dari orang Tanzania atau Somalia yang panjang lebar, berleret-leret, makanya Otto akan balik rumah kelam-kabut dan bergopoh-gapah membuat persiapan tugas untuk hari itu.
Otto berbalik kepada saya dan bertanya, kenapa saya PULA tidak berinteraksi dengan orang Bangladesh.
Dengan menahan emosi, saya kata sebab saya tidak keluar dari rumah ini pun. Saya tidak pergi solat Jumaat, saya tidak berjumpa dengan sesiapa bukan hanya orang Bangladesh, sesiapa pun saya tidak berinteraksi.
Apahal dengan orang Bangladesh? Kenapa dia sebut kaum Bangladesh tapi kaum yang lain tidak? Sungguh saya tidak faham apa yang berlaku sekarang.
Saya bercakap sambil menyuap spaghetti ke mulut, walaupun mata ini memandang pada makanan tapi saya rasa mereka merenung lama pada saya.
Untuk maklumat, saya berpakaian menutup aurat dengan teliti setiap kali dia datang.
Ini saya bangun pukul 4 pagi, tak dapat tidur, memikirkan keadaan yang pelik sekarang.

Dia kata dia datang hari ini hanya ingin memberikan barang untuk kami.
Barang ini dia beri sebagai hadiah peribadi.
Dia keluarkan kotak dari kertas bungkusan dan mengatakan dalam kotak itu ada berbagai jenis kopi.
Dia kata setiap kali dia datang saya hidangkan kopi. Itulah dia berikan kami kopi sebagai penghargaan.
Ingat tak saya hidangkan dia kopi dari Seremban yang bercampur dengan tongkat Ali, mungkinkah dia terasa kesedapan tongkat Ali itu?

Sebelum dia melangkah keluar, dia mohon kami memberi kerjasama seterusnya untuk tahun baru nanti.
Ini bermakna dia akan datang lagi.

Saya buat catatan ini dalam BM sebab tak mau mereka tahu hal ini. Maksud saya, mereka dari golongan orang dia dan orang-orang Islam yang tidak faham catatan ini, yang berada di sini.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Password security

A new security flaw allows hackers access to the passwords in your computer.

REDMOND, Wash. - Microsoft Corp. is taking the unusual step of issuing an emergency fix for a security hole in its Internet Explorer software that has exposed millions of users to having their computers taken over by hackers.

The "zero-day" vulnerability, which came to light last week, allows criminals to take over victims' machines simply by steering them to infected Web sites; users don't have to download anything for their computers to get infected, which makes the flaw in Internet Explorer's programming code so dangerous. Internet Explorer is the world's most widely used Web browser.

Microsoft said it plans to ship a security update, rated "critical," for the browser on Wednesday. People with the Windows Update feature activated on their computers will get the patch automatically.

Thousands of Web sites already have been compromised by criminals looking to exploit the flaw. The bad guys have loaded malicious code onto those sites that automatically infect visitors' machines if they're using Internet Explorer and haven't employed a complicated series of workarounds that Microsoft has suggested.

Microsoft said it has seen attacks targeting the flaw only in Internet Explorer 7, the most widely used version, but has cautioned that all other current editions of the browser are vulnerable.

Microsoft rarely issues security fixes for its software outside of its regular monthly updates. The company last did it in October, and a year and half before that.


On the Net:

Microsoft's security advisory:


Monday, December 15, 2008

Kasut saiz 10

(Gambar dari kemera telefon bimbit Tomo, saya tak punya telefon bimbit)

Hari ini mungkin pecah rekod sebab pertama kali buat 2 catatan dalam sehari.
Sebenarnya sejak dari semalam ada sedikit kerunsingkan di benak ini. Kamera digital yang dibeli dua tahun lepas, sudah tidak berfungsi lagi. Imejnya hanya kelabu dan semalam saya bawa ke kedai kamera Kitamura (orang berkursus dari Msia gomar datang sini). Saya perlu tunjukkan surat geranti tapi entah mana saya gadakkan surat itu dah lupo.

Lalu saya duduklah terkebil-kebil mengenangkan nasib surat itu.
Otto melihat keadaan ini dan mengomel, "awak suruh saya thaubang tobu tu, dah thaubang copeklah makan!"
Sambil mengigit dan mengunyah tebu, saya terlihat dalam teebee sesuatu yang membahagia dan menghiburkan hati.

Lepas adegan membaling itu, saya kata pada Otto.
"Otto pun saiz 10, mehlah kita hantarkan kasut banyak-banyak kek kawan baik kita di Iraq tu, Muntazer al-zeidi."
Kalau kono kan ko lagi sodap!

Masalah catatan blog

Masa kembali ke pulau ini dari cuti yang panjang (pada bulan Ogos tahun ini), seperti biasa saya rasa ada sesuatu yang tidak betul dengan komputer ini. Mungkin cara gunapakai Tomo, anak bujang, yang mengerjakan komputer sewaktu saya bercuti, berlainan dari cara saya.
Masa itu kotak komen dalam blog ini kerap kali hilang, sekali dua membuat refresh barulah ia muncul semula. Tapi dalam kesibukan masa, ada kalanya saya tidak dapat re-start atau refresh dan terlepas membalas komen dari pembaca.
Selain dari membersihkan dan mengemaskini berbagai memori dan data, saya hanya dapat membalas komen dengan mengikuti link dari pembaca.
Masalah ini sangat menyusahkan.
Sebelum masalah ini timbul, saya hanya membalas komen pada kotak di blog sendiri dan tidak rasa perlu melihat tulisan jiran sebelah. Saya tidak ambil kisah tulisan orang lain.
Saya rasa perangai begini seperti seseorang yang berjawatan tinggi, yang tidak mampu meluangkan masa untuk orang lain, yang hanya mengharapkan kunjungan pembaca lain.
Rasanya ini cara yang tidak adil sebab saya bukan seorang berjawatan tinggi, saya hanyalah suri rumah!
Rupanya ada hikmah di sebalik masalah kehilangan kotak komen.
Dengan tidak ada jalan lain lagi, saya mengikuti link yang ditinggalkan penulis komen, barulah saya tahu banyak pembaca yang meletakkan blog saya sebagai link utama. Terima kasih kepada mereka.
Amat terharu, amat tersendu rasanya.
Tidak sangka catatan yang tidak seberapa ini, yang kadang-kala terlalai, yang selalu tidak dikemaskini, dibaca dan dilinkkan dalam blog mereka.
Blog ini bermula pada tahun September 2003, sudah 5 tahun umurnya, oleh Naib-President JICA (Japan Internationl Co-operation Association), sdr MBA. Dalam 5 tahun ini, kumpulan kenalan penulis blog bertambah dan selepasnya banyak juga yang hilang entah ke mana. Ini masalah siber, hanya komputer yang bersambung dengan talian internet boleh meneruskan perhubungan siber.
Alangkah sensitifnya perkenalan dalam alam siber!
Satu lagi masalah dunia blog melibatkan keselamatan komputer yang merisaukan, pendindingan spyware dan pop-up.
Tolonglah pasang pertahanan spyware dan pop-up. Ini sangat penting.
Saya tidak dapat meng-access mana-mana blog yang tidak memasang pertahanan ini. Ini sebagai keselamatan dari dijangkiti spyware dan segala pop-up/iklan haram.
Saya rasa menjaga keselamatan komputer dari serangan virus/spyware/pop-up ialah satu kewajipan semua penulis blog bukan hanya pada komputer sendiri juga pada komputer pembaca.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Suterarete-Nagayama Yoko

The latest layout that I built is a picture of Ie Island, north of Okinawa Main Island. Those white lilies only bloom for 2 weeks in a year, from late April to early May. Many tourist visit this lily island on Golden Week Public holiday. At other times, the lily hibenates.
See this link for more photos:

Demo ne anohito warukunaino yo (but actually he’s not really that bad)
uasa shinjita watashi ga warui (it’s bad of me to believe in those gossip)
sou yo,hitori ni narunokowakutte (yes, I'm afraid of being alone)
tsukushisugite, sasagesugite (I give too much, I sacrifice too much)
suterareta no (I'm dumped-off)
donna ai de mo ii (any kind of love will do)
sugarerumono nara (I'll throw myself on you)
donna ai demo ii (any kind of love will do)
yarinauseru nara (let's start over again)
demo ne kaeru heiya wa (but the room for me to return)
heiya wa mo nai no (the room is not there anymore)
dakara dakara konya wa (so, so for tonight)
tsuki atte yo (let me be with you)

demo ne anohito nikumenaino yo (there's something in him, I can't help loving)
hidoi otoko to yu no wa yamete (stop saying he is a terrible man)
souyo, kanashii uso ga nakereba (yes, if there is no sad lie)
anohito yori yasashii hito inai hasu yo (I'm sure no other man is kinder than he)
donna ai demo ii (any kind of love will do)
tsumetakusaretemo (even if your loving is cooling off)
donna ai demo ii (any kind of love will do)
soba ni iraretara (let me be by your side)
demo ne daiji na kagi mo (but also the important key)
kagi mo kaeshitta no (that key is returned)
dakara dakara konya wa (so, so for tonight)
tsuki atte yo (let me be with you)
Translation copyrights under Jahrera.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Salam Raya Korban 2008 (Dec. 8)

Jika dilihat gambar dua orang pakar di atas, terdapat dua jenis lelaki yang wujud di alam ini.

Satu golongan tua botak dan satu lagi golongan tua beruban.

Tapi hanya satu jenis perempuan yang wujud di dunia ini...ia itu...

Semua perempuan adalah makhluk cantik.

Perempuan juga jenis sedia berkorban demi kesayangannya untuk abang botak dan abang beruban.

Salam hari raya korban.

Friday, December 05, 2008

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2008 with one half to

Yoichiro Nambu
Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, IL, USA

"for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics"

and the other half jointly to

Makoto Kobayashi, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Japan


Toshihide Maskawa, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University, and Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan

"for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature"

The Nobel Laureates take center stage in Stockholm on 10 December when they receive the Nobel Prize Medal, Nobel Prize Diploma and document confirming the Nobel Prize amount from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

**Bila ditanya adakah mereka berdua akan berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggeris apabila menerima hadiah nanti.

Mereka berkata sepatah pun mereka tidak tahu bahasa Inggeris. Seumur hidup mereka tidak pernah bercakap bahasa Inggeris!**

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Once in a while I need to write in Bahasa Malaysia, so for those who cant read this entry, please dont mind me *wink*

Rich world needs more foreign workers.
Tajuk ini saya baca dari Associated Press pagi ini.
Ekonomi Jepun tidak pernah mempersoalkan masalah ini. Mereka tidak galakkan pekerja luar membuat sumbangan sini.
Kalau sudah ketua besar bank menyapu sendiri laman di luar bank dan mengelap tingkap kaca bank, perlukah lagi pekerja asing?
Kalau sudah setiap murid dikerahkan membasuh tandas bergilir-gilir mengikut jadual dan menyiram pokok-pokok bunga di kawasan sekolah, perlukah lagi pekerja asing?
Kalau sudah setiap kerani pejabat ditugaskan membasuh tandas, perlukah lagi pekerja asing?
Kalau sudah lubang taik di kawasan perkampungan disedut mesin taik, perlukah lagi pekerja asing?
Kalau dah isteri-isteri disuruh berhenti kerja dan mengasuh anak sendiri, perlukah lagi pekerja asing?
Keadaan Jepun dalam pasang-surut ombak ekonomi sekarang masih gagah. Sedikit pun dia tidak goyang. Semakin menyurut ekonomi Amerika yang selalu bangga dengan kemewahan mereka, semakin kuat lagi jadinya ekonomi di Jepun.
Pagi ini saya perhatikan nilai mata wang Jepun semakin kuat Yen 95.27 pada US$1.00!
Saya mengeluh.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Without human touch!

You see here in Japan, rice processing has become so high-tech, even until the last part when you put the rice in your mouth you still dont touch it with your hands!

(photo courtesy of tanada)
Ploughing and tilling by machines. Membajak dan menanam anak padi.

(photo courtesy of static.flickr)
All process of harvesting. Tuai padi, gemal padi, irik padi dan relai padi.

(Photo courtesy of iseki-tokai)
Cleaning and preparing rice. Kisar padi.

Most of all to remember is, Japanese do not, I repeat, Japanese do not import rice from other countries for their national consumption.
So whatever happens to the world economy, swinging up or down, the Japanese makes sure that rice is equivalent to 3 years supply for their nation.
This is what I called pure nationalism. The pride and love for one's country.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Japan Satellite Broadcasting Station

In exactly 3 more years, right on this date July 24, 2011, all analog tv will go out of Japan. One day after that date, anybody still using analog tv will not get any image.

Most countries are still using analog tv, if you dont know what analog tv is, its the tv with the bulky colour tube in the back.

Our family just threw out one analog tv two months ago, we still have one more to throw. Mind you, there is a payment for throwing out tv in Japan. The standard disposable fees for getting rid of your tv is yen 3000 to yen 4000! (thats a whooping rm100 or more).
Now most households in Japan are slowly converting to digital tv, so the electronic shops are having lots of smiling time. I remember there is this grand electronic-goods chain that collect disposable fees instead of defragmenting the parts, they just dumped all the tvs in some store houses. This chain-shop received a biting fine and nasty warning from the information ministry. I dont buy from that shop again, cheaters!

The electronic giants of Japan has fixed digital tuners in all the digital tv to prepare the people for this transition.
Japan Satellite Broadcasting Station, will be the main broadcast station in future. If you look at the picture on top, you will understand how all this works.
We have to replace old analog antenna with UHF antenna.

(from getdigitaltelevision.com)

Anyway, there is a need for people in Japan to change their tv sets and we have 3 more years to do it. The government are announcing this everyday on tv.
So, its not like the Japanese people have any choice to buy or not to buy.
We have to get it. Tv is like the main bloodline of infomation in Japan, afterall most announcement for the people of Japan comes on the main government channels.

What about countries that are not involved in digital broadcasting yet?
They still can use analog tv and not worry about getting in line for plasma or blue-ray!

So, my friends in Malaysia and Singapore, dont rush! Keep your analog, who knows one day it might sell millions on the antique homepage.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


As I write this note, the police inspector is speaking with otto in my living room again. The first time he came I wrote an entry about it http://halela.blogspot.com/2008/09/hadiah-hari-nuzul-al-quran.html. That was two months ago, I thought it was a once-and-for-all event but since that first home visit, he came and "interrogate" otto four times now.
Truth is, I feel the home visit has somewhat become an "interrogation". He sees me writing this entry now. Hopefully, he will not go all out and asked for this blog address. I AM TALKING ABOUT HIM HERE!

Why is he making my otto the target for his inquiry? My otto doesn't mind but I felt like we are "suspected". He inquired about the present fund and donations the muslims here made for the mosque foundation, the identity of muslims who make the Jumaat prayer, whether there are new faces among the muslims on this island and the muslims people from USA on the military bases.

Before he left, standing at the entrance, his last question was whether our daughters are at home presently. He said there was a young woman's voice who answered his call before he visited here.
Otto just said his two daughters are still away working but stop short there.

Went he left, I smiled at Otto and said that young woman's voice is MINE.
Being a very possessive person, Otto said the inspector was just making another open invitation for his next home visit!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm yours-Jason Mraz

I have some writing target to accomplish but the person overlooking my work has gone for some ibadah obligations. I was told to complete some writings but its raining today and its a holiday in Japan, so I just don't feel like doing anything at all.

Actually I just came back from a concert. But I'll blog about that later.
In the meantime, I'm listening to this song here.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Kata doktor

Kita ketepikan ibadah agama dan lain-lain perbuatan yang berkaitan agama, takut nanti menjadi riak dan hilang pula pahala amalan kita begitu saja.
Jadi kita tumpu hal perbuatan rutin harian.

Doktor-doktor pakar kata senaman dan tidur boleh menjauhkan sel kanser merebak. Doktor kata dalam badan semua manusia ada sel-sel kanser tapi masih dalam keadaan terpelihara.
Jadi doktor kata kalau ingin mengawal sel-sel kanser, kita harus buat senaman dan tidur.
Juga doktor kata kita kena minum kopi, kalau boleh bergelas-gelas sebab kopi pun boleh menahan kemerebakan sel-sel kanser.

Jadi saya yang cukup perihatin terhadap kata-kata doktor, membuatlah rutin yang berlatarbelakangkan kata-kata doktor ini.

(*tak salah berusaha menyempurnakan kesihatan, lepas usaha kita serahkah pada Dia*)

Pagi sambung TIDUR, minum KOPI, SENAMAN (basuh pinggan), rehat (makan).
Tengah hari TIDUR, minum KOPI, SENAMAN (lipat baju), rehat (makan).
Malam minum KOPI, SENAMAN (masak), rehat (makan) dan TIDUR lagi.

Anda sanggup ikut cara yang sama?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Victoria's secret Fashion Show 2008

Who are these shows for?
For the men?
for women?

Men do not need all these tiny itsy bitsy bits to make love.
Then, these underwears or is it "underwears" are for women.
Yes, to some women, it brings the spirit up just to put them on.
The feel is like having a very tall glass of Haagan Das Ice cream, sweet just for a moment.

Yes, the sweetness is there but I still opt for nothing.

(note from a lady who is married for more than 26 years).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Anthology of Contemporary Haiku (Japanese)

Below is the essay I wrote for the hardcover book of
Anthology of Contemporary Haiku.
This book is a compilation of about 230 haiku writers all over Japan. Each writer submit 20 haiku in the Japanese language.
This book goes into printing for 1000 copies only and cost JY2500 each.
As far as I know, there is no foreigner or non-Japanese person who have ever stepped into the Japanese haiku world, writing haiku in Japanese.
The photo of me wearing tudung, this will make me quite famous but hey, famous or not, I'm still a housewife ironing my husband's shirt everyday!!!
The Essay:
Eventhough I have known haiku in the english version during the early introductory years, it did not impressed me much. Most of foreign written haiku are either too wordy or too brief. Most of the time, the season word are missing or the magical abstract touch and the inner core of the haiku itself is not there.

I was not satisfied with the knowledge of haiku that is written in the english textbook. The turning point came when I was faced with the challenge of getting to the basic of haiku. I want to know the original version. I want to know when haiku was started and who wrote the first haiku. That was the very basic of haiku. The main body which every haiku enthusiast should know before embarking on a journey of the haiku spirit.

With a heart full of bare knowledge and with a spirit of wings high in the sky, my feet carried me to the first haiku class in session. I did not know anyone in the class and coming from a foreign land, my knowledge of the Japanese kanji and writing was almost minimum. But this fear did not stop my thirst for that sweetness of haiku knowledge.

I challenged myself in a class of original haiku writers. Writers who are so knowleageable in haiku writing. At times I felt so helpless. This is the beginning of a hard climb for me and I am still climbing. Still struggling.
Imagine me, a person without any background of Japanese language since young, going all out to study a new language at this advance age, I have to admit that a few times I almost gave up in my frustrated attempt.

With much help from kind friends around me and understanding members in the haiku circle, I ploughed on. I fertilized the soil and build the knowledge ever so slowly. I planted the seeds of learning bit by bit.
I do not know the result yet but I hope the seed will grow into beautiful plant. This plant will one day, spread more seeds and build an empire of haiku writers in the Malay literary world.
End of Essay.
All this is written in Japanese.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


artist: Southern All Stars
Song: Tsunami

kaze ni tomadou yowakina boku (my timid self is confused in the winds)
toorisugaru ano hi no kage (that day's shadow passed me by)
hontou wa mita me ijou namida moroi kako ga aru (actually, more that it seems, its easy for me to cry)

tomedo nagareru sayaka mizu yo (endlessly flowing clear water)
kesedo moyuru mashou no hi yo (the devilish fire burning endlessly)
anna ni sukina hito ni (such a person that I love)
deau natsu wa nido to nai (such meeting that summer will not happened again)

hito wa dare mo ai motomete (everyone is serching for love)
yami ni samayou sadame (wandering in the dark to find destiny)
soshite kaze makase Oh, My destiny (so, I let the winds decide Oh, my destiny)
namida kareru made (till my tears is dried)

mitsumeau to sunao ni oshaberi dekinai (I can't say anything when I looked in your eyes)
tsunami no youna wabishisa ni (desolated like the tidal waves)
I know.. obieteru, Hoo.. (I know I'm scared, hoo..)
meguriaeta toki kara mahou ga tokenai (the magic didn't break since we met)
kagami no youna yume no naka de (like a mirrow in my dreams)

omoide wa itsu no hi mo ame (the memories and its always raining)

yume ga owari mezameru toki fukai yami ni yoake ga kuru (in the darkness of the night when the dawn is breaking, I woke up from my dream)
hontou wa mitame ijou utarezuyoi boku ga iru (the truth is I'm stronger than I appear)

nakidashisouna sora nagamete nami ni tadayou kamome (gazing at the almost tearful sky with seagulls drifting on the wave)
kitto yo wa nakase Oh, sweet memory (makes the world so tearful, Oh sweet memory)
tabidachi wo mune ni (the journey of my heart)

hito wa namida misezu ni otona ni narenai (a person cannot mature without showing tears)
Glass no youna koi da to wa (my love like glass)
I know.. kizuiteru, Hoo.. (I know, I feel it, hoo..)
mi mo kokoro mo itoshii hito shika mienai (my body and soul can only see my love)
harisakesouna mune no oku de (deep in my heart, I almost burst)
kanashimi ni taeru no wa naze? (why do I endure such sadness?)

mitsumeau to sunao ni oshaberi dekinai (I can't say anything when I gaze at you)
tsunami no youna wabishisa ni (such emptiness like tsunami)
I know.. obieteru, Hoo.. (I know, I'm scared, hoo...)
meguriaeta toki kara shinu made suki to itte (from the time we met till the day we die, say that you love me)
kagami no youna yume no naka de (like the mirrow in my dreams)

hohoemi wo kureta no wa dare? (the smile who is it for?)
suki nanoni naita no wa naze? (I love you but why am I crying?)
omoide wa itsu no hi mo... ame (the memories and its always...raining)

ps: Please be kind, when you take this translation, put my name. Its mine!


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Jendela Timur Nov. 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sword Bean/Kacang Parang

I stare and stare at these beans. What do I call it? Since I have the beans and since nobody else know what to make of it, then I shall name it as
Kacang Parang (along the line of Ikan Parang).
the english version
Sword Beans.
Maybe I should let Kamus DBP or Wikipedia know about this.
Still thinking and staring...

Kacang apa gerangan ini?
Suruhku rebus, suruhku masak.
Mana asal benih ini?
Taburan dari bimasakti,
membaling kejora ke laman ini.
Mintaku rebus, mintaku masak,
diresap lembut,
dalam senyap menjalar akar
menusuk saraf ini.
ps: kacang bukan buatan photoshop.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am sorry but I will come back as soon as things are settled, insyaAllah.

In the meantime, enjoy this heart-rending Okinawa song by Jimama, Okinawa singer. Finish the song and you'll understand.

Diego, the national flower of Okinawa.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Retirement of the Home Madame.

For people who have been actively employed all the waking hours, being paid handsomely or otherwise, they will have a cut-off line to change their lifetime status. When those employed time has ended and they brand themselves as "retired", the image is set.
Naturally, by this time they have a bagful of retirement reward, they feel inner satisfaction, they will look forward to hobbies that were sacrified long ago.

I envy these people. Its nice to know where you stand, good to know you are up onto another level of life.

The subject of this rambling is me.
I am a home person all my waking hours after I am "happily married ever after"!
The first phase of my life as a bearing and fruiting person is long gone.
Then the second phase of guiding and taking care of the growth has just gone.
Now, when the growth is blossoming, when the growth can take care of itself, where do I stand?
Quite clearly, this is the last phase of my life.

Then, do I call myself as retired?
I am still a home person, doing my home thing. So, in truth, let me ask again...
am I or am I not retired?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Persamaan Pantun dan Haiku

Sudah hampir setahun Sdr Darma Mohammad berkecimpung dalam penulisan haiku dengan prolifik. Haiku-haiku karangan beliau masih dalam proses pengumpulan.
Catatan analisis ini ialah hasil dari kajian beliau menuju ke jalan kemantapan dunia haiku.
Pantun klasik Melayu yang sentiasa segar (evergreen) ialah :

Tuai padi antara masak,
Esok jangan layu-layuan;
Intai kami antara nampak,
Esok jangan rindu-rinduan.

[Pujangga tanpa nama]

Pada pandangan umum sesebuah pantun mempunyai dua unsur penting ialaitu Pembanyang dan Maksud.
Dua baris pertama (blok A) disebut pembayang, manakala dua baris akhir (blok B) adalah maksud.
Pantun itu mengandungi 4 baris (bagi pantun 4 kerat) dan setiap barisnya terdiri daripada 8 - 12 sukukata.
Bunyi hujungnya berbentuk a-b-a-b.

Apabila mendalami pantun klasik yang diakui bermutu tinggi; dua baris (Blok A) dengan dua baris (Blok B)
mempunyai kaitan naratif. Pembaca jarang memerhatikan hal ini, kerana pada pandangan umum,
dua baris pertama (Blok A) itu semata-mata pembayang dan tidak bermakna apa-apa.
Begitu juga dengan baris 1 dan baris 2 (Blok A) itu sebenarnya ada kaitan atau urutan naratif, bukan semata-mata
sekadar ada sahaja.
Dengan itu dalam sesebuah pantun klasik yang bermutu tinggi setiap baris itu ada kaitan semuanya.
B1, B2,B3 dan B4 mempunyai naratif; iaitu ada kesatuan cerita dan maksud.

Perhatikan pantun klasik di atas :

Tuai padi antara masak,
Esok jangan layu-layuan;

Naratifnya :
Pada musim menuai, masyarakat desa sama-sama menuai padi di sawah. Padi huma (ketika itu), perdunya tinggi.
Bila mereka mengetam, keadaan buah/tangkai padi itu berada di aras dada atau bawah sedikit. Mereka menuai padi
yang sudah masak (ada bahagian yang belum masak), nanti kalau tidak dituai,pokok padi itu akan (rebah) atau
tumbang ke bumi,dan ini menyukarkan mereka menuai nanti.
Di antara mereka yang menuai itu terdapat seorang teruna dan seorang dara yang sedang dalam percintaan.

Intai kami kami antara nampak,
Esok jangan rindu-rinduan.

Sang dara atau sang teruna (salah seorangnya) meminta temannya mengintai / melihat / menatap wajahnya
di balik pohon-pohon padi itu untuk melepas rindu masing-masing. Mungkin ini dilakukan secara rahsia,
ditakuti perbuatannya dilihat orang. Mungkin masa itu mereka berada (menuai) tidak jauh dari satu sama lain.
Oleh kerana pokok padi itu agak tinggi, wajah mereka antara nampak dengan tidak. Kesempatan ini (waktu menuai)
hendaklah dimanfaatkan oleh sepasang kekasih ini, agar antara mereka tidak merasa rindu yang bersangatan
pada keesokan harinya.

JIka naratif itu diterima, maka keempat-empat baris (B1,B2,B3,B4) pantun itu mempunyai satu kesatuan yang padu.
Ini menunjukkan pantun klasik ini teramat tinggi mutunya.

Pengalaman membaca puisi klasik Jepun iaitu haiku (oleh Basho) cukup menarik. Haiku puisi 3 baris dengan sukukata 5-7-5 itu
mempunyai kesatuan dari segi naratifnya. Haiku yang baik mesti mengandungi unsur alam (pantun pun begitu juga).
Dalam haiku ada kata musim (tidak diwajibkan dalam pantun), tetapi pembayang yang baik harus menggunakan
daripada unsur alam. Haiku mengandungi perasaan atau kesan emosi di dalamnya, demikian juga pantun yang baik.

Pantun klasik Melayu lahir dalam masyarakat Melayu, manakala haiku dalam masyarakat Jepun. Pengucapan seniman
yang tulen tidak dapat pisahkan daripada alam persekitaran penciptanya dengan luahan pemikiran, perasaan dan pandangan hidup

Terima kasih Sdr Darma mengizinkan catatan ini disiarkan.
Selamat menunaikan ibadah haji bersama isteri, semoga mendapat haji mabrur.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Raya 1429/Oct 2008

Today is the 4th of Syawal, I am still blinking. Don't know how I managed the whole week before the Raya and the cleaning up the days after.
My family, or what is left on this island, wish all beautiful readers and closed friends, far and near:

Salam Aidil Fitri,
May we forgive and forget,
May we understand each other more,
May we mature and not make the same mistake over again.
(this goes for me as well).

With my mother passing away less than 3 months ago and without my two daughters with me, I could not celebrate Hari Raya. Could not!

I made up my mind not to go the morning eid solat, I didn't want to make cookies, I looked at the curtain and let the dust fly happily. During all the days of Ramadan, I stayed home, eventhough there were invitations for iftar together.

I know my actions and decisions were wrong. This is not Christmas, this is not Deepavali, this is Aidil fitri and I am part of it. Then 3 days before 1st Syawal, my brain snapped out of its cocoon.
Alone, I pulled out the flour, the sugar, the rollers and tried making something.
I did but my heart wasn't in the tarts. The pineapple jam just melt out of its fillings, the oat cookie was half-burnt, the blueberry roll cookie wasn't rolling and the peanut bites was hard enough to break a dog's tooth!

Ya Allah, I am into one of my deep depressions, take me out of it! I refused to switch on radios from Malaysia and Singapore, just so I don't have to listen to the raya songs. That can take me deeper into the dark valley in the deep oceans!

My otto somehow understand the "underflow" or lack of it, in this brain. He took me to buy flowers, he helped to clean and tidy the rooms and he went to get the meat for rendang and other raya dishes.

I was smiling quietly to know that most of the muslim friends on the American military base have gone home mainland and many students from JPA are still holidaying in Malaysia and no Malaysian from the JICA group.
So I told myself, "yeay, no cooking, nobody is visiting me!"
There and then, I decided to spend my first raya day at the hot pool spa.

Oh no, that wasn't the best plan arranged for me. One friend from Perak, told me she might bring in the whole contingent from Indonesia to my house.

With a surrendering sigh, out come the kerisik, serai and lengkuas. Soaked in the pulut and waited. Slowly, things just happened. The flow moved on in the right direction. Draggingly, I have to feel the beat, I cannot just drowned myself on this wonderful day.

I am sorry to say, I did not take any photos, neither did I hang those wishing raya cards that were from beautiful friends in Malaysia.
Those flowers in the photo above, are the only evidence of raya this year from this house.

footnote: a few more sessions in the hot pool spa might pull me out of this, so bear with me for a little while, thank you.

Friday, September 26, 2008

From a distance, I am.

I am here...from a distance.


FROM A DISTANCE - Bette Midler

From a distance the world looks blue and green,and the snow-capped mountains white.

From a distance the ocean meets the stream, and the eagle takes to flight.

From a distance, there is harmony, and it echoes through the land.

It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace, it's the voice of every man.

From a distance we all have enough, and no one is in need. And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease, no hungry mouths to feed.

From a distance we are instruments marching in a common band. Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace. They're the songs of every man. God is watching us. God is watching us. God is watching us from a distance.

From a distance you look like my friend, even though we are at war.

From a distance I just cannot comprehend what all this fighting is for.

From a distance there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves, it's the heart of every man. It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves. This is the song of every man. And God is watching us, God is watching us, God is watching us from a distance.

Oh God is watching us, God is watching, God is watching us from a distance.

26/9/08 1:46 PM from my friend VimmiYasmin, thank you V.Yasmin for the lyric.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Susu melamine

Cantik pinggan dan cawan set ini.

Kalau arwah mak saya, dia panggil pinggan damar dan cawan damar. Rujukan pada Kamus Dewan, melamine ialah melamina. Istilah damar pula Kamus Dewan terangkan sebagai "bahan berupa getah keras yg diperoleh drpd beberapa jenis pokok."

Alahai, dia letak bahan melamine dalam susu tepung minuman bayi.

Bermakna bayi-bayi itu makan bahan getah yang beracun.

Padanlah 5 orang bayi dia dah balik ke alam abadi!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hadis riwayat ibnu Umar r.a.:

Bahawa sebahagian daripada sahabat Rasullullah s.a.w bermimpi melihat lailatulqadar pada hari ke tujuh yang terakhir.
Kemudian Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Menurutku bahawa mimpi kalian pasti bertepatan dengan hari ketujuh terakhir, maka barangsiapa yang ingin menantinya, hendaklah ia menanti pada hari ketujuh terakhir (bulan Ramadhan)."

Semoga penantian ini dikabulkan-Nya, amin.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hadiah Hari Nuzul Al-Qur'an

Sesuatu pelik berlaku hari ini tapi saya anggap ini satu takdir atau rezeki bulan Ramadan.
Polis inspektor menziarah rumah ini. Sebelum datang, dia telefon terlebih dulu.
Selepas meletakkan gagang telefon itu, dengan segera Otto minta siapkan kopi.
Polis Inspektor dari Pejabat Polis Besar Naha nak datang lagi 20 minit, katanya.
Berbagai soalan bermain-main dalam kepala ini.
Adakah kami telah melanggar undang-undang?
Apa polis inspektor nak tanya?
Apa motif dia datang?

Dia datang, membawa sebakul hadiah yang berisi berbagai buah-buahan.
Kenapa dia bawa hadiah itu? Hati ini bertanya dengan curiga.
Kalau rakyat jelata memberi hadiah pada pegawai kerajaan secara peribadi, itu orang panggil rasuah.
Tapi apa pula jika pegawai kerajaan memberi hadiah kepada rakyat jelata?
Kenapa dia beri hadiah itu?
Ini membuat unsur curiga bertambah besar.

Tuan nak kopi black atau sugar?
Brack, brack...dia senyum.
Saya hidangkan kopi tongkat ali dari Seremban, hah ambil kau rasa Msia!

Sambil membaca berita online, saya terdengar antara perbualan mereka.
Tahu tak mengapa mereka bertengkar? (siapa pula yang bertengkar?)
Apa perkara yang mereka bincangkan? (ada perbincangan hebat, agaknya)
Orang yang timbulkan isu itu dari negara mana dan apa namanya?

Otto pula memang tidak melibatkan diri dalam perbincangan bersama orang-orang sini. Sudah selalu berlaku kekecuhan di antara kaum-kaum dan puak-puak dari berbagai negara yang datang berkursus di pulau ini.
Otto kata orang Islam yang kebanyakan berkursus di pulau ini tidak tahu cara berbincang, pendapat mereka selalu tidak sama, tidak mendapat kata putus yang sama, keras kepala dan ego.
Saya tambah pula itu disebabkan kebanyakan mereka masih muda dan pengalaman belum dapat mengajar mereka menjadi orang penyabar.

Jadi maklumat yang inspektor harap Otto dapat menolong dalam penyiasatannya hampa belaka. Tidak ada satu pun yang inspektor ingin tahu, Otto dapat bantu.

Malang betul nasib inspektor.
Agaknya menyesal dia bawakan hadiah.
Tapi saya anggap itu rezeki kami, hadiah hari Nuzul Al-Qur'an.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Koizumi, Abe, Fukuda

Mula-mula PM ini letak jawatan...pening dengan pembangkang yang kuat sangat.

Diganti dengan ini pula...dia pun letak jawatan.
Katanya perut sakit, ada lubang dalam perut, kena rehat.

Lawan pun lawan, undi punya undi...yang ini pula dapat jawatan tinggi ini.
dia pun angkat tangan...tak sanggup!

Gaji sebula rm 40,000 (US$10,000)
Bonus setahun rm 200,000(US50,000)
Elaun rasmi rm 15,000 (US5,000)
dan lain-lain penerimaan wang rasmi (tidak dapat dijelaskan).

Gaji bulat sikit lebih kurang 1 juta rm setahun atau US$300,000!

Tapi kenapa mereka letak jawatan berturut-turut?
Pembangkang kuat?
Perut berlubang?
Tak sanggup segalanya?


Kita tunggu siapa lagi yang kena "gantung" lagi.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Iftar awal ramadan

Tahun ini Ramadan datang dengan kami saja bertiga di rumah ini. Tahun ini ramadan menjelang dengan melihat saya beriftar seorang. Otto habis tugasnya sejam selepas waktu iftar dan Tomo, si bujang yang tinggal, balik dari kelas mengajarnya 3 jam selepas waktu iftar. Tomo membuat kerja sampingan luar waktu belajar. Dia mengajar di Pusat kelas malam. Untuk bekal berbuka, saya bungkuskan nasi kepal bermacam rasa atau burger dengan sebotol air.
Jadinya saya berbuka seorang sahaja.
Hari pertama Ramadan, kedua-duanya Otto dan Tomo, tidak dapat duduk bersama beriftar, jadi saya menjemput beberapa pelajar JPA yang masih ada di sini, yang lain sudah balik ke rumah di Malaysia masing-masing sebab sekarang cuti penggal musim panas.

Gulai lemak cili padi nangka dengan ikan masin (yang kuning).
Rendang daging nogori.
Sup petula bersama telur.
Ulam kacang botol dengan sambal tempoyak
Pulut kuning dengan serunding daging

Hum chee paeng
Buah jambu air, buah naga, buah belimbing manis dan buah anggur hitam.
Antara perbualan yang terdengar...
Eh, mana auntie dapat buah nangka?
Aik, engkau tak nampak ke pokok nangka depan rumah auntie tu?
Dah bertahun keluar-masuk rumah auntie, masih tak perasan ke?
Itulah nangka buah sulung, hah ini rezeki engkau dapat rasa buah nangka sulung tanaman uncle.
Sebenarnya nangka itu belum masak sangat lagi tapi agaknya terlampau berat, dia merekah. Auntie takut lalat dapat masuk dalam sarungnya, jadi berulat pula. Itulah auntie suruh uncle potong sebelum nangka itu masak.
Yang buah naga itu pun dari laman rumah auntie, tak nampak ke berjuntaian di tempat letak kereta depan rumah tu?

Depan belakang rumah auntie menjalar-jalar buah naga. Sekarang musim dia berbuah, bergantung sana sini, berbuai-buai sana sini.
Jambu air tu mana auntie dapat, pun tanam ke?
Oh, jambu air tu kakak ipar auntie bawa dari rumahnya, dia ada sepohon buah itu, manis sangat.
Auntie kalau ada petis rojak, lagi sedap buat cecah.
Oh, ada...
Tempoyak nie mana auntie dapat?
Oh, tempoyak auntie bawa dari Seremban, tempoyak itu auntie buat sendiri. Masa balik Seremban bulan lepas, auntie tengok durian berlambak-lambak di belakang rumah sedara, auntie pungut semua dan ramaskan isi durian, masukkan sikit garam dan masukkan dalam botol.
Bila bawa sebotol balik Okinawa hari tu, sikit durian masam itu tertumpah. Nasib pegawai itu memang malang, dalam banyak-banyak bagasi yang auntie bawa, dia pilih yang bag durian tumpah itu.
Bila auntie buka bag itu untuk diperiksa, alangkah berbaunya...auntie mengaku memang bau durian jeruk, sememangnya busuk. Pegawai Jepun itu, ialah orang Jepun, manalah tau itu durian jeruk, menjadi takut menjenguk lama-lama. Cepat-cepat dia minta auntie tutup bag itu dan kata lulus, lulus.
Selamat auntie, save by the durian busuk...alhamdulillah.

Kacang botol itu dicecahkan dengan tempoyak pun sedap. Kacang botol itu, jiran auntie kasi. Kacang botol banyak menjadi di pagar rumahnya, sampai tak termakan. Bila dia tau auntie suka ulam kacang botol, hari-hari dia hantar kacang botol ke rumah ini.
Engkau dah habis makan tempoyak ini ke?
Auntie kena tutup cepat-cepat, nie uncle sibuk kata busuk, busuk...

Hah, nanti balik bawalah balik gulai nangka ini, auntie tak habis makan.
Kalau boring-boring, datang rumah auntie, berbuka sama.
Auntie memang berbuka seorang saja.

Selamat bersahur dan beriftar semua. Rahmatullah.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ramadan 1429/2008

Other than my weekly swimming session at the public pool once a week, the one thing I would really missed during the fasting month of Ramadan is the session at the hot pool bath.
See the picture above, that is where I go every week. That place is on a hilltop, way above the sea and almost touching the cloud. As I dipped my body in the hot pool jacuzzi, I looked below at small white-painted houses and green sugar cane fields. I just stare with empty thought. Clear my brains, washed my mind off all unwanted elements.
Clean my body, clear my thoughts and refresh my feelings with lots of love from memories of beautiful people, this I cannot miss every week.

Just yesterday, I had one of those weekly session. I was alone, looking at the sea so far away.
"Ufuk langit" at the edge of the earth.
Where does the sea drops from there?
Where does the sky rises from there?
These two, the sea and sky meet in the distance as our plain eyes see but the weird part is, our eyes are just playing trick on our sight.
While deep in thoughts about the "ufuk langit", I saw this women, maybe late 40s, sitting by the edge of the pool, near the glass window.
She has nothing on, she was also reflecting on the scenery. A long, deep reflection.
I looked at her and then looked again on the houses below and those cars that drove up the hill. Those people below would clearly see her as they drove up the hill.
I went slowly near her and told her, made her aware that some people can see her very clear in her bare element. She agreed and nodded her head a few times but never move away from the edge.
Never mind, I told myself, maybe people looking in her natural clothing is not a bother to her.

Ah, tomorrow is Ramadan.
I would miss that "ufuk langit", the white cloud swimming in the blue sky ever so softly, the deep blue colour of the calm sea, the pigeons that come to the glass window and cooing at us in the hot pool.

Ah, tomorrow is Ramadan....

Wishing all muslim readers, friends, relatives, even people who dislike me, ramadan al-mubarak (after edition), may Allah accept our sincere ibadah with rahmat.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Meals on the go

All the beautiful food I took while travelling in Msia and Spore, the last two months.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Casino Genting

Photo credited to: http://www.goldendays.co.uk/Images/DiscoverMalaysiaPics/Genting-Highlands-1.jpg

Link ke penulis asal Adik Aliff Mustakim: http://www.esasterawan.net/esasterawan/1_weblog.asp?uid=131

Dari Genting ke Hutan Rimba

Saya menerima permintaan agar haiku yang pernah ditulis oleh Lelahiro semasa berkembara di Malaysia agar disiarkan di blog saya. Saya tidak dapat menyiarkan kesemuanya kerana hanya satu haiku sahaja yang berjaya dimiliki(ini pun diberikan sebagai ‘hadiah’ daripada Lelahiro-sensei). Haiku ini saya anggapkan ditulis ketika Sensei mengembara di bumi Genting. Haikunya seperti dibawah ini;

Di Bukit Genting,
rimba menebus dosa,
tangan penjudi.

20 Julai 2008, KL Sentral, Kuala lumpur.

Membaca baris pertama sudah menunjukkan haiku menggambarkan latar Genting. Pada baris ke 3 dapat digambarkan ia mempunyai hubungan kaitnya dengan baris pertama iaitu kegiatan perjudian yang aktif di Genting(sangat mahsyur di Malaysia ini). Di baris kedua menyatakan bahawa ‘rimba (kigo – kata musim) menebus dosa’ ditamsilkan bahawa rimba atau hutan yang melata di bukit-bukit sekitar Genting itu seolah menebus semua dosa yang dilakukan oleh penjudi (baris 3 ‘tangan penjudi’).

Penjudi melalui hutan rimba yang menghijau sepanjang perjalanan pulang. Rimba itulah seperti berjaya menangkap dosa tersebut dimana mata penjudi menikmati panorama hutan yang luas seperti meninggalkan semua dendam, suka duka semasa berjudi kepada flora. Disini boleh dikatakan sudah ‘menanggalkan’ dosa-dosa tersebut.

Pada mulanya saya merasa baris ke 2 ini agak aneh. Mengapa? Sebagai muslim mana mungkin rimba/hutan dapat menebus dosa (erti kata lain dosa terhapus/zero kembali dengan mudah) sang penjudi walaupun sekadar menjamu mata pemandangan hutan tebal. Kemudian saya tersedar bahawa penjudi itu sebenarnya/seharusnya non-muslim. Lelahiro betul pada baris 2 dengan tamsilan yang logik. Dari segi kepercayaan tentulah si penjudi berbeza kepercayaan/pegangan dengan seorang muslim.

Dari segi ini kepercayaan non-muslim mungkin pada pandangan saya, alam atau sekeliling dapat mengawal pahala, dosa, nasib, kesihatan dan sebagainya. Contoh mengenai nasib, kaum cina khususnya terpengaruh dengan Feng Syui. Elemen-elemen seperti pokok, bunga, air, batu, warna dan sebagainya dapat mempengaruhi nasib mereka. Begitu juga dengan alam dan keadaan sekeliling mereka. Haiku ini memang berjaya mengajak kita untuk berfikir sebentar. Haiku ini mengingatkan saya kepada Basho seorang yang berpegang kepada konsep-konsep agama (buddhist).

Sebagai tambahan saya mahu mengajak pembaca fikir-fikirkan tentang hal ini;
Bolehkah alam menghukum kita?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Terminal 3, Singapore Changi Airport

This is Terminal 3 of Singapore Changi Airport. It was officially opened in July, 2008. The best part of this terminal is the immigration checkpoint. Its all glasses, see-through for visitors and waiting people.
The Singapore-Garden-City theme is admittedly strong. Tall, palm trees lining up, orchids blooming everywhere, creeping plants over stone walls, spraying, cooling fountains and shops, shops, shops...
It is huge, walking completely around it within all the 3 levels would take 1hr.
Singapore Airlines is the main anchor tenant, so I noticed.

I dont know where this feelings come from but when I'm in places like this, I feel rich. Maybe that's the point here...you are made to feel rich.

*point cursor at foto to see caption.

Bedok, Ansar Gardens

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


If you are eating 20pcs daily of durian for the past 2 weeks and you are sort of bloated in the tummy, sort of having some slight headaches, be at peace.
Those of the after effect of too much durian, the shitty smell that the stomach have to work on.
So, after the pulut durian, bubur kacang durian, wajik durian, pengat durian...what do you do with the rest of the durians?

You peel the shitty, vanilla-flavoured, mellowing, yellowing pulp in a bowl, throw in some salt...

Keep in tight bottle, refrigerate...
Anytime of the year, any place in the world, give myself some good company and a dash of the shitty tempoyak and I am the happiest person on earth.

Bedok, Ansar Gardens.