I was reading this book today which is 23.12.2012, "Let it shine" by Josephine Cox.
Then as I come to page 39, it says, "came around to Christmas. I can't believe it's the day after tomorrow..."
I put the book down and thought this date is the same as the day I am reading the book.
What a good coincident, I was thinking. But then again, nothing is coincident. Everything is planned.
Every bit of movement in our life is planned.
I feel sort of happy knowing the date is the same in my real life. It's not always this sort of thing happen in one's life.
We got this sofa set 15 years ago. These two armchairs are still in good shape though the long sofa is torned due to wear and tear. Since past couple of years, I've persuaded man of the house to get a new set but he can't part with it.
Then, when told that my son's has got some friends who open some kind of a bakery and needing some furniture, man of the house at last agreed to let go.
I took this chance to select some nice set and good thing too, it's the end of the year and season of big discounts everywhere.
Another thing that make me happy is now I'm sitting on the new set (a caramel-dull orangey shade).
After sleeping on the new set half the night, I asked man of the house, "How was the first night with the new one?"
He just said, "Same to me!"
Insensitive or what!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Ais krim roti 20.12.2012
Hari ini 20.12.2012
Cantiknya susunan nombor tarikh ini. Jangan sangka saya ada ilmu apa-apa dengan nombor, itu adalah perkara syirik. Kita dilarang mengharapkan nombor atau benda-benda buatan Allah boleh memberi nasib baik atau rezeki. Cumanya saya suka saja nombor tarikh hari ini, sama seperti saya suka merenung bunga-bunga, anak-anak kecil, bulan penuh mengambang dan digalakkan masa merenung itu kita wirid. Wirid menyebut nama Allah, mengenal kebesaran-Nya dalam wirid-wirid itu.
Orang-orang yang lahir pada tahun 40'an, 50'an dan 60'an, mesti akan terkenang bila melihat gambar ini.
Itu seorang apek (ada yang muda juga) menjual ais krim roti. Roti itu diselitkan air krim. Ini satu-satunya kegemaran saya masa kecil. Bila terdengar bunyi kling-kling, saya berlari masuk, minta emak duit lima sen. Tapi penjual begini kita tak jumpa lagi. Saya pula memikirkan manisnya ais krim itu dan lain-lain dalam makanan itu, sudah tak berani lagi makan ais krim roti.
Tapi pada percutian saya bulan lepas, saya terjumpa seorang apek tua yang menjual roti ini di kawasan pasar mega NTUC, Bedok.
Saya sedang lapar selepas balik dari pejabat pos tengah hari bersama pembantu yang bertugas di rumah adik saya. Sebab ais krim roti kesukaan saya dan saya sedang lapar tapi tak mahu masuk kedai-kedai makan dan bergasak-gasak memilih tempat duduk masa orang makan tengah hari, jadi saya minta apek itu beri 2 potong roti ais krim. Apek ambil duit dan saya ternampak kuku apek hitam. Sebelum itu saya lihat apek baru pegang kain kotor, lap sana sini, lepas itu dia ambil roti dan guna jari selitkan air krim dalam roti.
Maid berbisik "Mak Long, apek itu kotorlah". Tapi saya lapar, makan saja huhuhu.
Sumber foto dari en. Mohammad Ramli Mohammad Saad (Kumpulan Facebook Geylang Serai dalam kenangan- 20.12.2012)
Cantiknya susunan nombor tarikh ini. Jangan sangka saya ada ilmu apa-apa dengan nombor, itu adalah perkara syirik. Kita dilarang mengharapkan nombor atau benda-benda buatan Allah boleh memberi nasib baik atau rezeki. Cumanya saya suka saja nombor tarikh hari ini, sama seperti saya suka merenung bunga-bunga, anak-anak kecil, bulan penuh mengambang dan digalakkan masa merenung itu kita wirid. Wirid menyebut nama Allah, mengenal kebesaran-Nya dalam wirid-wirid itu.
Orang-orang yang lahir pada tahun 40'an, 50'an dan 60'an, mesti akan terkenang bila melihat gambar ini.
Itu seorang apek (ada yang muda juga) menjual ais krim roti. Roti itu diselitkan air krim. Ini satu-satunya kegemaran saya masa kecil. Bila terdengar bunyi kling-kling, saya berlari masuk, minta emak duit lima sen. Tapi penjual begini kita tak jumpa lagi. Saya pula memikirkan manisnya ais krim itu dan lain-lain dalam makanan itu, sudah tak berani lagi makan ais krim roti.
Tapi pada percutian saya bulan lepas, saya terjumpa seorang apek tua yang menjual roti ini di kawasan pasar mega NTUC, Bedok.
Saya sedang lapar selepas balik dari pejabat pos tengah hari bersama pembantu yang bertugas di rumah adik saya. Sebab ais krim roti kesukaan saya dan saya sedang lapar tapi tak mahu masuk kedai-kedai makan dan bergasak-gasak memilih tempat duduk masa orang makan tengah hari, jadi saya minta apek itu beri 2 potong roti ais krim. Apek ambil duit dan saya ternampak kuku apek hitam. Sebelum itu saya lihat apek baru pegang kain kotor, lap sana sini, lepas itu dia ambil roti dan guna jari selitkan air krim dalam roti.
Maid berbisik "Mak Long, apek itu kotorlah". Tapi saya lapar, makan saja huhuhu.
Sumber foto dari en. Mohammad Ramli Mohammad Saad (Kumpulan Facebook Geylang Serai dalam kenangan- 20.12.2012)
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Salam Safar 1.2.34
Hari ini kita sudah masuk bulan Safar 1.2.34
Teringat masa saya kecil orang tua-tua ada sebut Mandi Safar. Kononnya pada bulan Safar, ramai-ramai ke laut dan mandi buat buang celaka, cuci nasib tak untung dalam air laut.
Alhamdulillah saya dilahirkan pada zaman yang bukan jahiliah begitu.
Bercakap hal laut. Masa saya pergi Padang, Sumatra Barat balik bercuti bulan Oktober 2012 lepas, kami lalu Kampung Air Manis dan menyelusuri Pelabuhan Teluk Bayu. Bila kami berhenti di Pantai Malin Kundang, drebar kami selaku pembawa pelancong juga sibuk suruh ambil gambar pandangan pantai. Kata drebar itu pantainya cantik. Lalu dengan ghairah saya pun menjenguk pantai yang dikatakan cantik itu.
Terkejutnya saya melihat tahap kecantikan pandai itu. Terus terang saya kata pantai ini berselerak dengan sampah sarap, tin minuman, plastik bungkus makanan, payung patah, kertas kotor dll.
Itu lah tahap kecantikan pantai sana.
Apa agaknya reaksi orang-orang yang terpahat dengan tahap itu datang ke Okinawa dan menyaksikan sendiri pantai Okinawa yang tidak ada satu sampah pun? Yang ada hanya pasir putih berkilat sepanjang pantai, seluas mata memandang dan pesisir ombak jernih bersama ikan-ikan yang riang berenang mengelilingi kaki?
Selamat bulan Safar dan nombor tarikh yang cantik ini 1.2.34
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Ufuk Fikir-Darma Mohammad
Buku ini baru diterbitkan oleh Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Malaysia pada November 2012, dihasikan di bawah projek Bengkel Pemantapan Karya Penulis Timur pada 9-11 Ogos 2007 dan diusahakan oleh Dewan Bahasa dna Pustaka Wilayah Timur.
* dari blurb belakang buku*
Setelah melepasi pintu itu
pakaian pun tanggal
Masing-masing berada di mahkamah
tanpa peguam
Nota panjang akan dibaca
di depan Hakim Maha Adil
Demikian mudahnya ungkapan Darma Mohammad, numum isinya cukup menggigit. Sorotilah ungkapan-ungkapan lain penulis ini yang penuh falsafah meneruisi UFUK FIKIR.
Setelah melepasi pintu itu
pakaian pun tanggal
Masing-masing berada di mahkamah
tanpa peguam
Nota panjang akan dibaca
di depan Hakim Maha Adil
Demikian mudahnya ungkapan Darma Mohammad, numum isinya cukup menggigit. Sorotilah ungkapan-ungkapan lain penulis ini yang penuh falsafah meneruisi UFUK FIKIR.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Canistel from Sabah
I wrote this post (http://halela.blogspot.sg/2003/09/bila-rumah-saya-ini-siap-6-thn-lalu.html) about canistel fruit tree grown in my garden in Sept. 2003.
Today I went to a friend's house. This couple just came back from Sabah. They were excited about a new kind of fruit that they found in Sabah. Out of curiosity, I inquired the name of the fruit and they told me the fruit goes by a simple name "Buah lemak manis."
When she served me the fruit, the smell was so familiar and immediately I knew it was canistel.
Well madam, I have three of this fruit tree growing in my yard at home.
Now, I know that canistel is also grown in Sabah. The taste is exactly the same as those grown in my garden.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
That's a corresponding date. My sister yesterday was saying, "today is 9. After 9 will be 10.11.12."
So, me being the straight rod-brain, questioned her with, "Of course every month there is 10.11.12 and there is nothing wrong with no. 9, that goes with 10.11.12!"
I'm still in Singapore. I found out people in Singapore are more conscious of there surrounding than before. They are more civic-minded. Better still, more are smiling in public now. The public places are not littered anymore. Bus drivers are driving better.
I've compared prices in Singapore with that in Okinawa, not Tokyo. For sure, the cost of living in Singapore is higher that Okinawa. Other than the local food, every thing else is not much cheaper than Okinawa.
I can get a bottle of skin water of 200 ml for just $2, but that same bottle of water, take for example witch hazel can cost like $12. Don't think the quality is below standard in Japan. It is just that prices in Okinawa is more affordable for the local people.
Another example is cars. Just recently (about 2 days), I compared my car which I bought 2 years ago at just $9000. But that same car costs like $45,000 in Singapore.
All in all, a family of 5 can survive with $2000 monthly, what with the abundant vegetable and the Japanese ways of eating small and basic.
But it is quite a struggle with this situation in Singapore.
I bought for my sister's family a weight machine that measure body fat, visceral fat, BMI.
They were shocked to see those figures. Now, I hope those realization will make them improve their eating habit.
I wrote a note today as I need to see that date 10.11.12.
Hopefully I will not forget 12.12.12.
So, me being the straight rod-brain, questioned her with, "Of course every month there is 10.11.12 and there is nothing wrong with no. 9, that goes with 10.11.12!"
I'm still in Singapore. I found out people in Singapore are more conscious of there surrounding than before. They are more civic-minded. Better still, more are smiling in public now. The public places are not littered anymore. Bus drivers are driving better.
I've compared prices in Singapore with that in Okinawa, not Tokyo. For sure, the cost of living in Singapore is higher that Okinawa. Other than the local food, every thing else is not much cheaper than Okinawa.
I can get a bottle of skin water of 200 ml for just $2, but that same bottle of water, take for example witch hazel can cost like $12. Don't think the quality is below standard in Japan. It is just that prices in Okinawa is more affordable for the local people.
Another example is cars. Just recently (about 2 days), I compared my car which I bought 2 years ago at just $9000. But that same car costs like $45,000 in Singapore.
All in all, a family of 5 can survive with $2000 monthly, what with the abundant vegetable and the Japanese ways of eating small and basic.
But it is quite a struggle with this situation in Singapore.
I bought for my sister's family a weight machine that measure body fat, visceral fat, BMI.
They were shocked to see those figures. Now, I hope those realization will make them improve their eating habit.
I wrote a note today as I need to see that date 10.11.12.
Hopefully I will not forget 12.12.12.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Buku haiku
Kepada yang inginkan *Pakej A* kedua-dua buku ini (Percikan Pelangi + Antologi Haiku 2006), kami hantar melalui Pos ekpres (harga pos percuma) dengan harga RM30.
*Pakej B* Rm22 untuk buku Percikan Pelangi sahaja. Sila buat tempahan melalui kotak mesej Facebook Sdr Darma Mohammad atau emel ufukfikir@gmail.com
Untuk peminat baru haiku, setelah menelitikan karya2 dalam buku ini, sila berhubung untuk mendapatkan tunjuk-ajar dari saya.
Rumah kaya, rumah miskin
Sedang saya berjalan-jalan memetik gambar bunga-bunga di sekitar kawasan rumah, saya perasan rumah pangsa dalam gambar ini telah siap dan sudah pun berhuni.
Orang Jepun memanggil rumah-rumah sewa begini sebagai apa-ato atau menarik bunyi dari perkataan apartment.
Banyak bezanya kalau bandingkan apartmen swasta dan apartmen awam. Lazimnya apartmen swasta (yang rendah dalam gambar) dibina atas tanah individu dan bilik-bilik disewakan melalui agen hartanah. Salah dari segi undang-undang jika tuan rumah/individu mengendalikan rumah-rumah sewa sendiri. Segala syarat-syarat keselamatan perlu dituruti dan dilengkapkan untuk rumah sewa.
Rumah pangsa (dalam gambar) itu ialah untuk keluarga miskin. Rumah itu disewakan tetapi bayaran sewanya tidak sama dari satu keluarga dengan keluarga lain.
Sewa apartmen awam ini ditarik 10% dari gaji ahli keluarga yang berkerja. Oleh sebab sewanya yang amat murah, ramai rakyat memohon namun begitu setiap pemohonan dinilai dari gaji bulanan dan kiraan orang dalam keluarga itu mengikut syarat gaji minimum yang telah ditetapkan (orang kaya tidak layak).
Cara ini memberi peluang bagi rakyat yang bergaji rendah mendapatkan rumah kerajaan.
Friday, September 07, 2012
Sukma Basho dalam haiku
Buku ini boleh ditempah online dari kedai buku ITMB atau cara lain ikut pautan ini : http://www.itnm.com.my/catalogue/buku/sukma_basho_dalam_haiku/
Komen sdr Wan Rafar dalam Facebook :
Saya kira haiku terjemahan Leyla Shuri dan Darma Mohammad lebih baik dan menepati dengan karya asal dalam bahasa Jepun daripada sesetengah terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggeris yang saya baca. Mereka mengekalkan skema sukukata 5-7-5 dan mengandungi kata musim seperti dalam haiku asal. Sebagai perbandingan saya petik haiku 20 dalam SBDH: di genting gunung/ waktu mentari naik/ plum pun mengharum, dan terjemahan Lucien Stryk , mountain path-/ sun rising/ through plum scent. (haiku 27 dalam On Love and Barley).
En. WanRafar Ishak,
jika ditelitikan, tulisan Lucien stryk itu, ia bukan haiku, ia hanya
terjemahan. Ramai penulis ingeris tidak mampu menulis semula haiku2
Basho dalam bahasa sendiri dalam bentuk haiku 5-7-5. Itulah sebabnya
kebanyakan haiku Bashomenjadi terjemahan sahaja. Tapi dalam buku
Sukma Basho dalam Haiku
(http://www.itnm.com.my/catalogue/buku/sukma_basho_d alam_haiku/),
kami tidak buat terjemahan bebas seperti Lucien Stryk, tapi kami
menterjemahkan haiku2 Basho dalam bentuk 5-7-5, langsung mengekalkan
skema suku kata itu juga.
Darma Muhammad: Sdr WanRafar Ishak :
[1] Terima kasih atas perhatian dan sokongan sdr itu.
[2] Saya sangat bersetuju dengan pandangan Puan Leyla Shuri di atas. Kami tidak membuat terjemahan bebas.
[3] Kami meneliti lebih daripada 1000 haiku karya Basho dan didapati beliau menggunakan 17 suku kata, setiap haiku juga mempunyai
kigo. Kami anggap ini satu KETEGASAN beliau dari segi teknik. Bila
menterjemahkan haiku beliau, kami tidak mahu meremehkan ketegasan beliau
dari segi teknik. Sebab itu kami BERANI menggunakan 'haiku' sebagai
judul buku. Tanpa mengekalkan teknik itu (+ kigo), ia sudah menjadi
puisi tiga baris.
[4] Kami telah membuktikan bahawa terjemahan haiku
Basho (teknik 5-7-5 dan mengandungi kigo) mampu diterjemahkan ke dalam
bahasa Melayu. Dengan itu haiku (mengekalkan teknik asal) boleh ditulis
dalam bahasa Melayu. 'Haiku' itu istilah yang khas, jika tanpa teknik
itu dan tanpa kigo, katakan sahaja sebagai puisi 3 baris (dan tidak hina
menulis puisi tiga baris!).
Sukma Basho dalam Haiku
(http://www.itnm.com.my/kami tidak buat terjemahan bebas seperti Lucien Stryk, tapi kami menterjemahkan haiku2 Basho dalam bentuk 5-7-5, langsung mengekalkan skema suku kata itu juga.
Darma Muhammad: Sdr WanRafar Ishak :
[1] Terima kasih atas perhatian dan sokongan sdr itu.
[2] Saya sangat bersetuju dengan pandangan Puan Leyla Shuri di atas. Kami tidak membuat terjemahan bebas.
[3] Kami meneliti lebih daripada 1000 haiku karya Basho dan didapati beliau menggunakan 17 suku kata, setiap haiku juga mempunyai kigo. Kami anggap ini satu KETEGASAN beliau dari segi teknik. Bila menterjemahkan haiku beliau, kami tidak mahu meremehkan ketegasan beliau dari segi teknik. Sebab itu kami BERANI menggunakan 'haiku' sebagai judul buku. Tanpa mengekalkan teknik itu (+ kigo), ia sudah menjadi puisi tiga baris.
[1] Terima kasih atas perhatian dan sokongan sdr itu.
[2] Saya sangat bersetuju dengan pandangan Puan Leyla Shuri di atas. Kami tidak membuat terjemahan bebas.
[3] Kami meneliti lebih daripada 1000 haiku karya Basho dan didapati beliau menggunakan 17 suku kata, setiap haiku juga mempunyai kigo. Kami anggap ini satu KETEGASAN beliau dari segi teknik. Bila menterjemahkan haiku beliau, kami tidak mahu meremehkan ketegasan beliau dari segi teknik. Sebab itu kami BERANI menggunakan 'haiku' sebagai judul buku. Tanpa mengekalkan teknik itu (+ kigo), ia sudah menjadi puisi tiga baris.
[4] Kami telah membuktikan bahawa terjemahan haiku
Basho (teknik 5-7-5 dan mengandungi kigo) mampu diterjemahkan ke dalam
bahasa Melayu. Dengan itu haiku (mengekalkan teknik asal) boleh ditulis
dalam bahasa Melayu. 'Haiku' itu istilah yang khas, jika tanpa teknik
itu dan tanpa kigo, katakan sahaja sebagai puisi 3 baris (dan tidak hina
menulis puisi tiga baris!).
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Setiap yang kita hasilkan ada cerita atau kejadian di sebalik tabirnya. Atau dalam pembikinan filem, ia lebih dikenali dengan kosakata "the making of..."
Saya ingin menarik tirai buku yang baharu diterbitkan oleh ITBM bulan Ogos ini. Tajuk buku itu SUKMA BASHO DALAM HAIKU.
Dalam persidangan haiku yang saya hadiri setiap bulan, saya mendengar dengan iri ahli-ahli lain mengulas haiku dari para penyair terkenal di Jepun. Salah seorang dari penyair terkenal ini ialah Matsuo Basho. Saya mengeluh, kebanyakan orang di Malaysia yang mengenali Basho hanya mengetahui satu sahaja karya beliau. Haiku yang terkenal dalam kalangan orang Melayu ialah haiku seekor katak yang melompat dalam kolam di persekitaran bening alam. Saya terfikir walhal Basho mengilhamkan sejumlah lebih dari 1000 rangkap haiku.
Dari sini sesuatu terdetik dalam hati saya. Saya harus melakukan sesuatu untuk berkongsi ilum ini. Saya mulakan dengan mencari bahan, buku rujukan dan teks Basho. Dalam diam, pada awal tahun 2007, bermulalah proses pentermahan haiku Basho.
Pada 17 Julai 2008, saya bersama empat orang termasuk En. Darma Mohammad dan En. Wan Rafar melangkah ke bangunan ITBM. Dalam mesyuarat bersama Puan Siti Rafiah dan Puan Jurina, saya menyuarakan niat untuk menterjemahkan sejumlah haiku karya dari Basho. Mendapat sokongan dari pengawai-pegawai ITBM, saya mulakan proses jerih dan lama ini.
Sebelum perjumpaan ini saya telah mengkirimkan proposal pada 14.4.2008.
Dua tahun kemudian manuskrip terjemahan akhirnya lengkap dan dikirimkan pada tarikh 7.3.2010
Pun begitu 5 bulan berlalu dan saya tidak mendengar sebarang berita, langsung saya menanyakan perkembangan projek ini.
Pertanyaan ini membawa respons yang mengatakan projek ini akan dibawa ke Mesyuarat Jawatan Kuasa Pemilihan Judul Buku.
Saya menunggu selama 6 bulan untuk mendapatkan maklum lanjut. Kali ke-dua, saya menanyakan perkembangan projek ini pada 11.3.2011.
Tiga hari seterusnya, saya mendapat laporan bahawa projek terjemahan ini telah diluluskan untuk penerbitan.
Pun begitu, saya tidak dengar apa-apa berita selama 4 bulan selepas ini. Untuk kali ke-tiga, saya menanyakan perkembangan buku ini.
Saya dimaklum bahawa projek ini tersangkut sebab saya perlu memastikan Hak CopyRights dari penerbit asal dari buku yang saya gunakan sebagai rujukan.
Saya mencari penerbit buku rujukan itu dan menghubungi syarikat yang menerbitkan buku rujukan itu.
Pada tarikh 30.9.2011, saya dimaklumkan daripada penerbit syarikat buku rujukan ini darihal kelulusan Hak Cipta. Dengan besar hati syarikat terbitan dari buku rujukan itu menyokong dan mengalu-alukan projek terjemahan ini.
Selama 5 bulan setelah mendapat kelulusan Hak Cipta, saya terpaksa membuat pertanyaan kali ke-4 darihal perkembangan buku ini.
Pada 7.3.2012 tahun ini, sekali lagi pihak ITBM mohon pengesahkan Copyrights dan saya menghantar bahan2 berkaitan.
Selanjutnya dari tarikh 26.3.2012, bermulalah perbincangan dan penyuntingan buku ini. Proses penyuntingannya melibatkan beberapa orang sasterawan dan salah seorang ialah Tuan Baha Zain.
Pada 21.5.2012, bermula proses semakan perinci. Selanjutnya pembikinan blurb dan sinopsis.
Akhirnya pada 11.6.2012 selesai segala proses penyuntingan.
DAN...alhamdulillah...akhirnya matlamat saya tercapat. Matlamat memandaikan bangsa.
8.8.2012 buku ini disusun dalam kedai buku ITBM.
Saya ingin titipkan rasa penghargaan kepada semua staf ITBM yang terlibat dalam penerbitan buku ini, hendak-hendak lagi CikPuan Basitah yang bertungkus lumus bersama saya. Semangat buku ini berbenih dari saya namun apalah saya tanpa kalian semua.
SUKMA BASHO DALAM HAIKU: hasil keringat saya bersama En Darma Mohammad yang mengambil masa 5 tahun. Hanya Tuhan yang tahu jerih usaha kami bermalam-malaman agar dapat kami hasilkan buku ini.
Boleh dapatkan buku ini online dari kedai buku ITBM: http://ecommerce.itbm.com.my/ms/node
Sukma Basho dalam Haiku menghimpunkan 400 buah haiku karya Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), iaitu penulis haiku Jepun terulung.
Antologi ini meluahkan suara hati beliau terhadap fenomena alam sekeliling sepanjang pengalaman merantau ke daerah pedalaman Jepun dan diungkapkan dengan penuh puitis melalui bahasa yang berkias.
Terjemahan haiku ini menghidangkan kemurnian puisi dengan mengekalkan keaslian haiku Jepun baik dari aspek isi mahupun teknik. Selain itu, teks asal dalam bentuk kanji turut dipaparkan buat peminat bahasa jepun di Malaysia.
Monday, August 06, 2012
Nuzul Al-Quran 1433
Saya melebihkan penjagaan kesihatan pada bulan Ramadan (ejaan mengikut Kamus Dewan). Sebenarnya sebulan sebelum tiba bulan Ramadan, persiapan menyediakan jasmani telah bermula.
Rutinnya saya lakukan setiap tahun.
Bermula dengan pemeriksaan gigi dan gusi. Saya tidak mahu sedang-sedang puasa siang hari, merasa sakit gigi atau gusi berdarah, walaupun alhamdulillah tidak pernah mengalami kedua-dua penyakit ini. Pun begitu, usaha penjagaan gigi dan gusi tetap saya lakukan.
Untuk senang berdiri dan duduk bersimpuh berulang kali melakukan solat di bulan Ramadan, lutut dan sendi bahagian kaki harus dikuatkan. Untuk ini saya membawa diri ke Dewan Jimnastik. Di sana pelbagai alat disediakan untuk melatih badan. Saya lebihkan hari berlatih pada hari-hari mendekati bulan puasa. Saya gunakan alat berjalan dan berlari juga berbasikal dalam menguatkan sendi-sendi kaki. Untuk menguatkan pinggang yang lemah sebab masa saya lebih banyak duduk menulis, saya naik alat kekuda. Alat ini menambah kebaikan pada bahagian punggung dan belakang.
Untuk mengimbangkan suhu badan dengan suhu panas/sejuk di luar, saya berendam dalam kolam air panas. Berendam dalam air panas juga membaikan masalah buasir [Kamus Dewan: penyakit yg disebabkan urat darah pd usus membengkak, puru sembilik, hemoroid]. Hidung yang selalu bersin saya bersihkan dengan asap sauna. Setiap minggu saya jalankan sesi berendam dan sauna dengan tujuan kesihatan ini.
Tiba bulan Ramadan pula, saya praktis tidur awal. Selepas berbuka, bersolat dan menantikan solat isyak yang awal di Jepun. Usai saja solat Isyak, saya tidur. Makanya tidur awal, mata ini celik awal juga untuk persiapan bersahur dan lain-lain. Amat menyenangkan mengatur segalanya jika cukup masa tidur.
Makanan tambahan setiap hari, khas pada bulan Ramadan ialah air tairu atau yoghurt. Air tairu ini untuk melawas usus dan kebersihan sepanjang saluran usus makanan.
Hari ini Nuzul Al-Quran, berbetulan jatuh pada tarikh masihi yang sama [6 Ogos] ketika junjungan Nabi kita terdengar perkataan "Iqra" dalam Gua Hira.
Sudah dua minggu, umat islam menjalani ibadah Ramadan, saya harap pembaca (saya kenal ramai di sini), akan terus menjaga kesihatan agar dapat memenuhi tugas fardhu puasa tanpa kesulitan.
Rutinnya saya lakukan setiap tahun.
Bermula dengan pemeriksaan gigi dan gusi. Saya tidak mahu sedang-sedang puasa siang hari, merasa sakit gigi atau gusi berdarah, walaupun alhamdulillah tidak pernah mengalami kedua-dua penyakit ini. Pun begitu, usaha penjagaan gigi dan gusi tetap saya lakukan.
Untuk senang berdiri dan duduk bersimpuh berulang kali melakukan solat di bulan Ramadan, lutut dan sendi bahagian kaki harus dikuatkan. Untuk ini saya membawa diri ke Dewan Jimnastik. Di sana pelbagai alat disediakan untuk melatih badan. Saya lebihkan hari berlatih pada hari-hari mendekati bulan puasa. Saya gunakan alat berjalan dan berlari juga berbasikal dalam menguatkan sendi-sendi kaki. Untuk menguatkan pinggang yang lemah sebab masa saya lebih banyak duduk menulis, saya naik alat kekuda. Alat ini menambah kebaikan pada bahagian punggung dan belakang.
Untuk mengimbangkan suhu badan dengan suhu panas/sejuk di luar, saya berendam dalam kolam air panas. Berendam dalam air panas juga membaikan masalah buasir [Kamus Dewan: penyakit yg disebabkan urat darah pd usus membengkak, puru sembilik, hemoroid]. Hidung yang selalu bersin saya bersihkan dengan asap sauna. Setiap minggu saya jalankan sesi berendam dan sauna dengan tujuan kesihatan ini.
Tiba bulan Ramadan pula, saya praktis tidur awal. Selepas berbuka, bersolat dan menantikan solat isyak yang awal di Jepun. Usai saja solat Isyak, saya tidur. Makanya tidur awal, mata ini celik awal juga untuk persiapan bersahur dan lain-lain. Amat menyenangkan mengatur segalanya jika cukup masa tidur.
Makanan tambahan setiap hari, khas pada bulan Ramadan ialah air tairu atau yoghurt. Air tairu ini untuk melawas usus dan kebersihan sepanjang saluran usus makanan.
Hari ini Nuzul Al-Quran, berbetulan jatuh pada tarikh masihi yang sama [6 Ogos] ketika junjungan Nabi kita terdengar perkataan "Iqra" dalam Gua Hira.
Sudah dua minggu, umat islam menjalani ibadah Ramadan, saya harap pembaca (saya kenal ramai di sini), akan terus menjaga kesihatan agar dapat memenuhi tugas fardhu puasa tanpa kesulitan.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Percikan Pelangi sentuhan Berita Harian
"Karya Leyla Shuri dan Darma Mohammad menghimpunkan puisi haiku dan tanka yang menjadi warisan kesusasteraan klasik Jepun, sekali gus mengungkapkan renungan terhadap alam dengan latar budaya Melayu serta nilai Islam.
Skema haiku dan tanka dimanfaatkan oleh pengarang untuk mengerakkan hati nurani pembaca tapi ada kalanya lebih bertujuan memberikan ketenangan."---Sedikit sentuhan daripada En. Nazmi Yaakub.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tekak aku, tekak kamu
Hari ini saya tulis dalam kotak Facebook:
seorang yang memahami akan situasi di musim puasa ini, berkata, "kita
yang sangat pentingkan makanan, sebelum ramadhan lagi ustazah sudah
berpesan untuk tidak menyiarkan sebarang gambar makanan di fb kerana
seperti kita hidup berjiran, apabila masak dan jiran sebelah terhidu bau
masakan kita, apa hukumnya kalau kita tak beri makanan yang kita masak
tu kepada mereka?.. memang kadang-kadang terkecur juga melihat gambar
makanan yang sedap-sedap yang mereka tayangkan tapi diri tak mampu nak
beli atau mendapatkannya.."
Kakak-kakak dan para mak dara di
luar sana, jangan mengamuk sangat! Ingatlah, orang tengok kita pada apa
kita lakukan, bukan orang nampak niat kita dalam hati.
Engkau nak cekek sekeluarga sedap-sedap, cekeklah sendiri. Apa pula nak tayang-tayangkan orang lain. Kalau nak ajarkan resepi, dah pandai guna Facebook, hantarlah kepada orang yang bertanya sahaja. Ini tidak, seratus dunia ditayang-tayangkan. Kepala udang ke apa?
Fikirlah sikit. Ramai orang miskin sana, cik kak. Kesiah tak? Cuba kalau anak akak sendiri tengok gambar2 makanan sedap-sedap itu dan minta dan akak tak dapat berikan, mungkin akak sakit nak mampus tak dapat bangun lagi, mungkin akak tak ada duit, banyak kemungkinan. Ini tidak ada simpati langsung. Ingat tekak sendiri saja. Tak kah kesian pada anak akak itu.
Lagi pun bulan puasalah kak Oiii...kita pentingkan ibadah, bukan makanan. Get me tak, kak Oii...
Kan dah kena. Bahasa kasar begini mesti ramai orang faham dan dah agak punya ramai melenting, rasa terkena tekak masing-masing. Sakit hati dengan kak leyla. Tak apa.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
With this month of Ramadan 1433 starting today in Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore, this note on dates should be aspiring enough to be consumed by people with lesser feeling for this fruits as it is sunnah to break iftar with a piece or two of this wonder fruit.
May all Mukminin and Muslimin be awarded with His Barakah on this Holy Month, ameen.
The benefits of dates.
Treatment of constipation, as dates have high content of furit sugars (fructose).
It has anti-allergy properties due to its zinc contents.
It stimulates the reproductive system functions through its content of vitamins, minerals and phosphorous.
Treatment of heart diseases due to its iron contents.
It can be used as prophylatics treatment of renal failure due to its contents of vit B1, B2, B6 and sugar.
Treatment of anemia due to its contants of many meneral, the most important of which is iron.
Stops beding during pregnancy due to its content of vit. K and tanniene- an astringent agent.
Stop multiplication and reproduction of cancer cells due to its contents of magnesium, calcium and sulfur.
Relieves acidity and heart burn as it contains alkaline salts.
Prevents dizziness as it contains some agent such as carotene.
Dried dates flour and palm pith can treat Asthma and pertussis.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Hari-hari haiku
Orang-orang Jepun mengambil peluang menggunakan haiku dalam hidup mereka. Tak kira tempat dan waktu, haiku terserlah dalam kegiatan hari-hari kehidupan mereka. Haiku kebanyakan dalam bentuk nasihat seperti dalam gambar ini banyak ditampal di mana-mana jua.
Gambar di atas menunjukkan kata-kata nasihat atau ayat-ayat peringatan yang ditampal pada tembuk batu di luar sekolah.
Papan-papan ini ditulis dengan ayat-ayat peringatan dalam satu pertandingan sayembara dan karya pemenangnya dipilih dan ditayangkan seperti dalam gambar ini.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Antologi PERCIKAN PELANGI menghimpunkan sebanyak 230 untai haiku dan 110 untai tanka karya Leyla Shuri dan Darma Mohammad.
Kata En. Wan Rafar Isyak: "Saya dengan amat gembira mengalu-alukan penerbitan himpunan haiku dan
tanka karya dua orang penulis haiku berpengalaman ini. Penerbitannya,
setahu saya telah melalui proses perbincangan dan pemurniaan yang agak
lama. Saya harap penerbitan ini menjadi asas dan permulaan yang baik
dalam perkembangan puisi modern Malaysia. Tahniah diucapkan kepada Leyla Shuri dan Darma Mohammad"
Darma Mohammad: "Terima
kasih atas perhatian sdr WanRafar Ishak. Kami tetap melihat haiku dan
tanka dengan amat serius. Dalam antologi PERCIKAN PELANGI kami tetap
mengekalkan skema asal (teknik) haiku seperti yang ditulis di Jepun
sekarang. Teknik 5-7-5 dan kigo tetap
kami pertahankan walau pun ia ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu dengan
mengambil nafas dan perasaan orang Melayu. Kami mahu buktikan bahawa
haiku (juga tanka) mampu ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu. Sebab itu kami
BERANI menggunakan istilah "haiku" (5-7-5 + kigo) dan "tanka"
(5-7-5-7-7). Wassalam."
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Are you blue, blueberry?
This is my blueberry plant. Bought it about 3 months back. When it started to bloom, the tiny fruits appeared. Then most morning, I would peep from the glass window in the living room and speak aloud..."Are my blueberries, blue today?"
At last, it is blue and I had my first blueberry with some pieces of laici.
These laici were already pink for quite sometime but we didn't pick it. I thought to leave it on the tree to make it sweeter. But that was some wrong decisions. The bats come for supper every night. Well, we see some poo on the pouch near the tree. About 20 pieces are already taken. How do we know it is 20 pieces. My husband collect all the empty shell or skin every morning.
Then today, we decided to pick all the fruits and at the same time cut off some extended branches.
Those are my garden stories. I try to put all kind of stories here. I know some writers only write about books and the like. Tell me what kind of life is that?
Writers need to have every taste, every spicy things around them to write those experience first hand in their books.
I better stop before I get carried away. I can get quite emotional when I talk about books and writing.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Topee for mothers.
I was looking around for some summer casuals today, then from afar I saw this hat. Those that I have now are mostly dark colors. Japanese friends said dark colors throw off the ultra-violet rays. Seems like this is the last piece on the stand.
I tried it on. Deep and circumference is just nice for my head. The design is dainty and most of all, it is light green. My car is also green. It fits very handsomely on my crown.
Told the cashier to cut of the tag from my head.
While walking out of the shopping mall, I saw lots of primary school children, walking home holding flowers. Must be because it is Mother's Day today.
There is this little scene I saw, felt touched with it.
Two children, maybe six and eight years old, looks like siblings. The older girl was holding flowers, gift wrapped while her brother was counting coins.
Seems like they wanted to buy popcorn on top of the flowers and the boy repeatedly count the coins.
I think they they don't have enough coins, but the way the boy kept counting the coins, it's almost like he felt the more he counted, the money might eventually be enough.
The sister kept on saying, the coins are not enough but the boy ignored her and continue counting.
I really would like to know their mother and tell her how much that little boy of hers wanted to give her something for this day but failed to do so. I would like to tell her, how her children appreciate her and wanted her to feel their love for her.
Hopefully this little boy would remember this moment all his life.
Hey, Mother's Day is not just one day in the year. The best gift for her everyday is your kind words. That's all she wants from you.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Living in Wales
This is Croesyceiliog Comprehensive School [say as crow-she-kai-liok]. I know, Wales words admittedly are not easy to imitate. I am feeling homesick of Wales. Alex Watts was a small boy of about 7or 8 when we left our house in Worcester Close at Llanyravon, he showed a picture of his back garden yesterday with huge, rolling hills. Then, I feel so longing for this place again.
This huge school field was just behind our house. My children used to ride bikes and kick around there with other local friends. That building in the foreground is actually a school, a secondary school.
Once I attended a night class in that school. I remember the class was Hand Language for the listening-handicapped.
Initially the early part of the course, I went with a friend Sally Llewellyn, but Sally had to do some evening duties at work. I truly dread those times when I had to go alone. Trust me the night in Wales are really early in autumn and winter.
To tell the truth, I didn't finish the class. I was not brave enough to walk across that field but there is another path as well. Saying that, I had to go through some woods when I walked across that other path. I just feel something would jump out from behind those trees, I would run all the way out of the woods until I reached the first house along the road.
I couldn't take this running, the stress took its toll on my small heart. So I dropped the class. It is so much easier to live when I let go whatever or whoever that becomes a cause of anger, fright or stress in my live [this do not include family members].
It is just not worth it.
Series on a Part of my Life. Living in Wales.
Image: Courtesy of Google.
Thursday, May 03, 2012
No meat products here. Only seafood. But still the food are not to be eaten.
Most restaurants in Japan show off their culinary specialty like this.
You look from the glass window first. If your mouth waters, you better not rush ini *remember the song said "only fools rush ini".
Second, check the price. Then again, if your mouth is still flooded with salivating liquid and your pocket sounds lots of kacing, kacing, go ahead and spread the noren on the door *noren is the half-way curtain that force your body to bend when you enter the establishment*.
Once inside, even without looking at the menu *sometimes there is no menu*, you just said the dish that comes with the arty food or if you are still illiterate in Japanese you just mention the numbers but if there is no number, you go with the sweet girl to the glass window and like a parrot, knock you head on the hard glass.
OK, I have two more weeks to finish up something. To kill the protagonist or to let him live.
This is the part I enjoy with writing, I feel like smaller god (of course there are no such branding). I can create or kill anybody in my own world.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Mozuku seaweed
Mozuku seaweed and other seaweed like nori, hijiki, konbu are best for maintenance of hair growth, slowing down balding head and lovely set of thick hair for new-born baby *this is what the nutritionists in Japan claim*
The mozuku in the cup is best served chilled with lemon/lime/shikuasa juice.
*Rumput laut mozuku juga nori, hijiki, konbu dan lain-lain jenis rumput laut mengekalkan kesegaran rambut dan perempuan hamil jika mempraktikkan pemakanan ini merimbunkan rambut untuk bayi yang dalam kandungan *para nutritionis di Jepun mendakwa*
In Malaysia as Mr. Leo Aws claims the people in Kelantan consume it as "sare".
In Wales (my experience of living there), they take it as laver or laver bread ( bara lawr). The people in Wales are known for their very dark hair. Mr. Bean is born in Wales and most people in Wales look more or less like Mr. Bean.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Oishii Okome
The Japanese don't go about writing in two languages. You take it or leave it. This is their country, nobody has any right to tell them to write in any other language except their own Nippon-go.
Right, that is the rice I use. I like the packing, brown paper. True paper, not some indissoluble, non-biodegradable that will take up to 30 years to blend in with the soil. I keep those brown paper, they don't come easy nowadays.
You see the writing on the packing says "Okome". Rice in its original form is called kome or to say politely O-kome. But when you cooked it, it transforms into gohan. This means you don't go around saying "I finished my okome". That is very native and a big insult to the Japanese because they want to laugh in your face but due to the pressure of keeping polite, they have to keep that straight face. This kind of prevention into making a joke out of you is like a big insult to them.
Another thing about rice is that man says it in another way. Like going to the toilet. Men go their way and women go another way. Same with rice. Men says it "ku". But warning to the ladies, however manly you want to be, do not say "ku, ku'! The ladies saying it sound more like pigeons nesting their eggs.
There goes some Japanese language tip.
Sunday, April 08, 2012
MISIA – Missing You Now
Lyrics: MISIA
Music: Jun Sasaki
Do you remember the day we first met?
I haven’t forgotten a single day that’s passed
I want to feel everything you had your eyes on
I looked up at the sky, are you there now watching over me?
Tell me… I’m missing you now
There’s so much I want to tell you
Oh, I miss you, I miss you I sadly long for your presence
Where are you?
Hold me I’ll always be here
If I knew that we’d never see each other again
I would never have let go of your hand
If I had just cried and told you, “Stay with me”
Would you still be here, smiling beside me?
I’m missing you now
There’s so much I want you to hear
Oh, I miss you, I miss you
Tears flow as time just passes me by
Oh, I miss you, hold me close I’ll always be thinking of you
Even if my destiny won’t change,
I have something to tell you “I want to go back…”
to that day, that time, this one wish is all I need I’m missing you now
There’s so much I want you to know
Oh, I miss you, I miss you
All I could do was wish it was all a dream
This heart of mine is still crying I’ll always be thinking of you
courstesy of http://www.quartet4.net/?p=7611
初めて出会った日のこと 覚えてますか
過ぎ行く日の思い出を 忘れずにいて
あなたが見つめた全てを 感じていたくて
空を見上げた 今はそこで 私を見守っているの? 教えて…
今 逢いたい あなたに
伝えたいことが たくさんある
ねえ 逢いたい 逢いたい
気づけば面影 探して 悲しくて
どこにいるの? 抱きしめてよ
私は ここにいるよ ずっと
もう二度と逢えないことを 知っていたなら
繋いだ手を いつまでも 離さずにいた
『ここにいて』と そう素直に 泣いていたなら
今も あなたは 変わらぬまま 私の隣りで 笑っているかな
今 逢いたい あなたに
聞いて欲しいこと いっぱいある
ねえ 逢いたい 逢いたい
涙があふれて 時は いたずらに過ぎた
ねえ 逢いたい 抱きしめてよ
あなたを 想っている ずっと
運命が変えられなくても 伝えたいことがある
『戻りたい…』あの日 あの時に 叶うのなら 何もいらない
今 逢いたい あなたに
知って欲しいこと いっぱいある
ねえ 逢いたい 逢いたい
どうしようもなくて 全て夢と願った
この心は まだ泣いてる
あなたを 想っている ずっと
Do you remember the day we first met?
I haven’t forgotten a single day that’s passed
I want to feel everything you had your eyes on
I looked up at the sky, are you there now watching over me?
Tell me… I’m missing you now
There’s so much I want to tell you
Oh, I miss you, I miss you I sadly long for your presence
Where are you?
Hold me I’ll always be here
If I knew that we’d never see each other again
I would never have let go of your hand
If I had just cried and told you, “Stay with me”
Would you still be here, smiling beside me?
I’m missing you now
There’s so much I want you to hear
Oh, I miss you, I miss you
Tears flow as time just passes me by
Oh, I miss you, hold me close I’ll always be thinking of you
Even if my destiny won’t change,
I have something to tell you “I want to go back…”
to that day, that time, this one wish is all I need I’m missing you now
There’s so much I want you to know
Oh, I miss you, I miss you
All I could do was wish it was all a dream
This heart of mine is still crying I’ll always be thinking of you
courstesy of http://www.quartet4.net/?p=7611
初めて出会った日のこと 覚えてますか
過ぎ行く日の思い出を 忘れずにいて
あなたが見つめた全てを 感じていたくて
空を見上げた 今はそこで 私を見守っているの? 教えて…
今 逢いたい あなたに
伝えたいことが たくさんある
ねえ 逢いたい 逢いたい
気づけば面影 探して 悲しくて
どこにいるの? 抱きしめてよ
私は ここにいるよ ずっと
もう二度と逢えないことを 知っていたなら
繋いだ手を いつまでも 離さずにいた
『ここにいて』と そう素直に 泣いていたなら
今も あなたは 変わらぬまま 私の隣りで 笑っているかな
今 逢いたい あなたに
聞いて欲しいこと いっぱいある
ねえ 逢いたい 逢いたい
涙があふれて 時は いたずらに過ぎた
ねえ 逢いたい 抱きしめてよ
あなたを 想っている ずっと
運命が変えられなくても 伝えたいことがある
『戻りたい…』あの日 あの時に 叶うのなら 何もいらない
今 逢いたい あなたに
知って欲しいこと いっぱいある
ねえ 逢いたい 逢いたい
どうしようもなくて 全て夢と願った
この心は まだ泣いてる
あなたを 想っている ずっと
O Endearing Days - theme song of JIN season 2
Even if time fades away
Our interwoven bond will never come apart
Oh your voice
The more I go about forgetting it
The more it imprints in me.
Holding your hands tightly
And embracing you
Even though I know that those things are our impermissible fate
That smile, those tears And that earnest memory
I wanted to touch them all
From the bottom of my heart...
O endearing days,
please don't say goodbye
I want to see you, I want to see you one more time I will keep crying out until I reach you
I will not forget, even if this body disappears
Oh the wind that blows to you,
the flowers that bloom for you
Oh the tomorrow that I chased after with you
I want to see you again
Right now, in my heart there remains
The most beautiful setting sun in the world
Oh and that eye,
Rather than uneasiness, it gleams with great hope
By just gazing into your eyes from a close distance I knew everything about happiness
Even if sadness is awaiting on the road ahead
That wish, those words And that single ray of light
I wanted to protect them all
Till forever...
That smile, those tears And that earnest memory I wanted to touch them all
From the bottom of my heart...
O endearing days, please don't say goodbye
I want to see you, I want to see you one more time
I will keep crying out until I reach you
I will not forget, even if this body disappears
Oh the wind that blows to you, the flowers that bloom for you
Oh the tomorrow that I chased after with you
I want to see you again
O endearing days,
Let's dash out now.
いとしき日々よ 平井堅 たとえ時がうつろうと 縫いあわせた絆は決してほどけない ああ あなたの声は 忘れれば忘れゆくほどに 焼きついてた あなたの手を 強く握ることも あなたを抱きしめることも 許されない運命(さだめ)だと知ってても その笑顔に その涙に そのひたむきな想いに触れたかった 心から… いとしき日々よ サヨナラは言わないで あなたに会いたくて もう一度会いたくて 届くまで叫びつづける 忘れはしない この体が消えても あなたに吹く風よ あなたに咲く花よ あなたと追いかけた明日よ また会いたくて 今も胸に残るよ 世界で一番美しい夕陽が ああ その瞳には 不安より大きな希望が輝いてた ただ近くで見つめあえるだけで 幸せのすべてを知った 道のさきに哀しみが待ってても その願いを その言葉を そのひとすじの光を守りたかった いつまでも… その笑顔に その涙に そのひたむきな想いに触れたかった 心から… いとしき日々よサヨナラは言わないで あなたに会いたくて もう一度会いたくて 届くまで叫びつづける 忘れはしない この体が消えても あなたに吹く風よ あなたに咲く花よ あなたと追いかけた明日よ また会いたくて いとしき日々よ いま歩きだそう
Itoshiki hibi yo Hirai Ken
Tatoe toki ga utsurou to
Nuiawasera kizuna wa kesshite hodokenai
Aa anata no koe wa Wasurereba wasureyuku hodo ni Yakitsuiteta
Anata no te wo tsuyoku nigiru koto mo Anata wo dakishimeru koto mo Yurusarenai sadame da to shitte te mo
Sono egao ni sono namida ni Sono hitamuki na omoi ni furetakatta
Kokoro kara...
Itoshiki hibi yo sayonara wa iwanaide
Anata ni aitakute mou ichido aitakute
Todoku made sakebitsudukeru
Wasure wa shinai kono karada ga kiete mo
Anata ni fuku kaze yo anata ni saku hana yo Anata to oikaketa asu yo Mata aitakute Ima mo mune ni nokoru yo
Sekai de ichiban utsukushii yuuhi ga
Aa sono hitomi ni wa Fuan yori ookina kibou ga kagayaiteta
Tada chikaku de mitsumeaeru dake de Shiawase no subete wo shitta Michi no saki ni kanashimi ga matte te mo Sono negai wo sono kotoba wo Sono hitosuji no hikari wo mamoritakatta Itsumademo... Sono egao ni sono namida ni Sono hitamuki na omoi ni furetakatta
Kokoro kara...
Itoshiki hibi yo sayonara wa iwanaide
Anata ni aitakute Mou ichido aitakute Todoku made sakebitsudukeru Wasure wa shinai kono karada ga kiete mo
Anata ni fuku kaze yo anata ni saku hana yo Anata to oikaketa asu yo
Mata aitakute
Itoshiki hibi yo
Ima arukidasou
Courtesy of http://yuizaki-libra.livejournal.com/3796.html
Thursday, March 22, 2012
That is the cherry from my sakura tree.
It is not the same as those you find in shops. This is the uncultivated kind. It is smaller and bitter. Not sweet at all, even though the seed from the original fruit is sweet.
It must be something in the ground that is different and do not produce the same result.
But proud to say this is the first lot of sakura fruits or sakuranbo or cherry from my own garden.
It is not the same as those you find in shops. This is the uncultivated kind. It is smaller and bitter. Not sweet at all, even though the seed from the original fruit is sweet.
It must be something in the ground that is different and do not produce the same result.
But proud to say this is the first lot of sakura fruits or sakuranbo or cherry from my own garden.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
As I mentioned in previous entry, this island is going to some weather transformation. The winds doesn't know which way to blow and sometime get confused over the season. I avoid going out at this time.
Sometimes I do get stuck over plotting and story lines. I guess this is a good time to explore. Explore for me is not going into abyss blue lagoon under the sea or struggling over thick iceberg on the Himalaya. No, those are too much suffering.
There are many novels and comic books that are adapted into drama series and anime in Japan. Some of these novels are historical and some educational. Mostly those novel adapted in movies are block-busters and written by famous writers.
I will write down some of the movies and anime as we go along. Such a waste to let people out of Japan to be ignored.
If you see the screen up there, the title is Karigurashi no Arriety or Arriety-The Borrower.
This animation is from Gibli Studio which made Tonari no Totoro. The story is about a community of small people living underground. They survive by borrowing (actually taking) food from houses like lump of sugar or tissue papers. They cleverly hide but live peacefully without betraying their existence in this world.
I was studying the screen. I see every grass and how the winds blow those flowers, nature brought out so real and alive, though just anime or graphic drawing. One can never compare the talent of those graphic artists from Gibli Studio.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Spring is reluctantly leaving but not before making a great announcement of its departure. The Japanese give an appropriate name for this kind of weather.
三寒四温 or sankanshion that means a cycle of 3 cold days followed by 4 warm ones. So the island is going throught this sankanshion. A few days it will be like 24 c and then it dipped down till 17c.
I'm always caught in between these changes, actually my nose. Sometimes the sneezes get on longer but most times its just a short bout.
Anyway, here I am. Resting under the table heater. Maybe a couple of days would do me some good.
Friday, March 09, 2012
I have to finish up the collection of haiku and tanka by end of February but couldn't catch this date line. So for the past couple of weeks, I was adding up to this collection and editing it every night, way pass my sleep hour.
On top of all this activity, I have to find time to write and writing is a sitting down job. I hardly have time to leave the house other that doing some ferrying. I know my health is not so up to par now and I told myself I need to do some movement out of the house.
So I choose to walk to the supermarket. Since I need to suffer a bit, I walk to the shop farthest down the road about 2 km round trip. All this extra hard activity makes me head for the bed. I took the advise of Japanese peopl: when tired, just sleep it off.
That's what I did today. End up getting so hungry almost at lunch time. So I had this lunch with the breakfast that I missed. It is salted fish egg, mentaiko. Some mentaiko are hot like in spicy hot chilli. Adding this I washed some fresh salad and mixed it up with my own sesame dressing.
Last night I ordered The Tales from Genji from Amazon. jp. Its not a new book but books from Amazon are still clean even though the status is second-hand. The best bargain I ever had. It is only about US$1 and the handling charge is about US$2.
US$3! I can't believe my big fortune.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
RU, Ru, ru.
Have you heard any song without lyric?
Yet again have you heard song without lyric being sang with evergreen vitality without losing its initial novelty?
This song did.
No lyric since its arrival in 1960 but is still demanded.
Somewhere along the line, somebody did suggest lyric to go with it but the emptiness of the song without word is much more mysterious somehow.
So the song remains just ru, ru, ru.
Yet again have you heard song without lyric being sang with evergreen vitality without losing its initial novelty?
This song did.
No lyric since its arrival in 1960 but is still demanded.
Somewhere along the line, somebody did suggest lyric to go with it but the emptiness of the song without word is much more mysterious somehow.
So the song remains just ru, ru, ru.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
100% 勇気
Translation @ Leyla Shuri
gakkari shite mesomeso shite doushi tanda
dissapointed and sobbing, what has happened?
taiyou mitai ni warau, kimi wa doko dai
Where is the face that laugh like the sun
yaritai koto yatta mon gachi seishun nara
We are young, we do what we want and have it done
tsurai toki wa itsu datte sobani irukara
In difficult time, we'll be by your side
yume wa dekaku nakerya tsumara naidaro
if dreams are not big, they are boring
mune wo tataite bouken shiyou
Lets gather courage and be adventurous
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou ganbaru shika naisa
That's right, 100% courage, somehow we have to try
kono sekai juu no genki daki shime nagara
We hold the strength of this world
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou yaru kiru shika naisa
That's right, 100% courage, somehow we have to do it
boku tachiga motteru kagayaki eien ni wasure naidene
don't forget the shine in ourselves always
butsu kattari kizu tsui tari sureba iisa
It's fine if we get knocked or hurt
Hatto (heart) ga moete iru nara koukai shinai
there won'g be regrets when the heart is alive
jitto shitecha hajimaranai kono tokimeki
When we keep still, the time won't move
kimito wo mitsu kete ikeru kaze ga suki dayo
I loved the winds that we chased together
kinou tobena katta sora ga aru nara
If there is a sky that we can't fly yesterday
ima aru chance tsu kande miyou
Let's take the chance now
sosa hyaku percent yuuki saa tobi komu shika naisa
That's right, 100% courage, wh have to jump
mada namida dake de owaru toki ja naidaro
This is not the time to end in tears
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou furimuicha ikenai
That's right, 100% courage, we must not turn back
boku tachi wa boku tachi rashiku dokoma demo kakete yuku nosa
We are what we are, we can run to anywhere we want
dakedo sabishisugiru yoru ga kita tte
When loneliness comes at night
atarashii asa kanarazu kurusa
a new morning will surely comes
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou ganbaru shika naisa
That's right, 100% courage, somehow we have to try
kono sekai juu no genki daki shime nagara
We hold the strength of this world
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou yaru kiru shika naisa
That's right, 100 courage, somehow we have to do
boku tachiga motteru kagayaki eien ni wasure naidene
don't forget the shine in ourselves always.
gakkari shite mesomeso shite doushi tanda
dissapointed and sobbing, what has happened?
taiyou mitai ni warau, kimi wa doko dai
Where is the face that laugh like the sun
yaritai koto yatta mon gachi seishun nara
We are young, we do what we want and have it done
tsurai toki wa itsu datte sobani irukara
In difficult time, we'll be by your side
yume wa dekaku nakerya tsumara naidaro
if dreams are not big, they are boring
mune wo tataite bouken shiyou
Lets gather courage and be adventurous
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou ganbaru shika naisa
That's right, 100% courage, somehow we have to try
kono sekai juu no genki daki shime nagara
We hold the strength of this world
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou yaru kiru shika naisa
That's right, 100% courage, somehow we have to do it
boku tachiga motteru kagayaki eien ni wasure naidene
don't forget the shine in ourselves always
butsu kattari kizu tsui tari sureba iisa
It's fine if we get knocked or hurt
Hatto (heart) ga moete iru nara koukai shinai
there won'g be regrets when the heart is alive
jitto shitecha hajimaranai kono tokimeki
When we keep still, the time won't move
kimito wo mitsu kete ikeru kaze ga suki dayo
I loved the winds that we chased together
kinou tobena katta sora ga aru nara
If there is a sky that we can't fly yesterday
ima aru chance tsu kande miyou
Let's take the chance now
sosa hyaku percent yuuki saa tobi komu shika naisa
That's right, 100% courage, wh have to jump
mada namida dake de owaru toki ja naidaro
This is not the time to end in tears
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou furimuicha ikenai
That's right, 100% courage, we must not turn back
boku tachi wa boku tachi rashiku dokoma demo kakete yuku nosa
We are what we are, we can run to anywhere we want
dakedo sabishisugiru yoru ga kita tte
When loneliness comes at night
atarashii asa kanarazu kurusa
a new morning will surely comes
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou ganbaru shika naisa
That's right, 100% courage, somehow we have to try
kono sekai juu no genki daki shime nagara
We hold the strength of this world
sosa hyaku percent yuuki mou yaru kiru shika naisa
That's right, 100 courage, somehow we have to do
boku tachiga motteru kagayaki eien ni wasure naidene
don't forget the shine in ourselves always.
Sunday, February 05, 2012
Pucuk paku Buah berangan
warabi & kuri rice
Warabi and kuri rice.
Sorry guys, I promise to do better next time. I am not the kind to measure every little thing into spoons and cups. I just throw in everything and get done with it.
So this recipe is the throw-and-done type.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
初さくら-Sakura pertama
My own sakura
That was ten years ago. We just let the thin branch grow. Every year, beginning of spring on this island, the branch spread out its leaves. Just leaves. I was thinking this cherry tree is not healthy at all. After all, cherry trees are supposed to blossom from the beginning of the season. Anyway, we just ignored the tree. But last week, things started to change.
There you go! I remember the date you first blossomed: 20 Jan. 2012. How beautiful the numbers. 20-1-2011.
The first sakura blossom from our garden. Congratulations my dear sakura. You just stay there quietly to mature. Now, you are a lady. Virginly, blissfully pink.
Friday, January 20, 2012
(requested by Puan CT).
Me o tojite nani mo miezu
Tidak melihat apa pun bila mata ditutup
Close your eyes you see nothing
kanashikute me o akereba
Dalam kesedihan bukalah mata
Let your eyes open during sadness
Kouya ni mukau michi yori
mengikut jalan ke....
On the road towards wilderness
hoka ni mieru mono wa nashi
perkara lain semuanya tidak terlihat
there is nothing else to see
Aha kudake chiru sadame no hoshitachi o
ah, bintang-bintang kehidupan yang jatuh
Aha, the falling stars of Life
Semete hisoyaka ni kono mi o terase yo
Dalam diam, ia bersinar dalam dada ini
Quietly will shine in this heart of mine
Ware wa yuku
Saya akan pergi
I'm going
aojiroki hoho no mama de
bersama wajah yang pucat ini
with a face so pale
Ware wa yuku
Saya akan pergi
I'm going
saraba subaru yo
Selamat tinggal Subaru
Goodbye, my Subaru
Ikiru sureba mune no naka
Yang hidup dalam dada ini
Living with this heart
kogarashi wa naki tsuzukeru
kedengaran ribut yang berlarutan
hearing the continuing storm
Saredo waga mune wa atsuku
walaupun dada ini semakin
But my heart is always chasing
yume o oi tsuzukeru nari
kuterus mengejar impian
warm dreams
Aha sanzameku na mo naki hoshitachi yo
aha, .....bintang-bintang tanpa nama
Aha cruelly killing all the stars without names
Semete azayaka ni sono mi o oware yo
sinarnya hilang bersama kalbuku
with its brightness, my heart is gone
Ware wa yuku
Kami akan pergi
I'm going
kokoro no meizuru mama ni
dengan hati yang berat ini
with a closed heart
Kami pun akan pergi
Ware mo yuku
I'm going
saraba subaru yo
Selamat tinggal Subaru
Goodbye, my Subaru.
Aha, itsu no hi ka
aha, bila-bila nanti
Aha, there will be a day
dareka ga kono michi o
ada yang sampai ke sini
someone will be on this road
Aha, itsu no hi ka Aha,
aha, bila-bila nanti, aha
there will be a day
dareka ga kono michi o
ada yang sampai ke sini
someone will be on this road
Ware wa yuku
Kami pergi
I'm going
aojiroki hoho no mama de
bersama wajah pucat ini
with a face so pale
Ware wa yuku
Kami akan pergi
I'm going
saraba subaru yo
Selamat tinggal Subaru
Goodbye, my Subaru
Ware wa yuku
Kami akan pergi
I'm going
saraba subaru yo
Selamat tinggal Subaru.
Goodbye, my Subaru.
Tutup mata itu segalanya padam
ketika bersedih, celikkan mata
perjalanan menuju ke belantara
tiada apa dalam pandangan
砕け散る 宿命の星たちよ
nasib bintang-bintang yang jatuh bertaburan
せめて密やかに この身を照らせよ
dalam kesenyapan, hati ini disinarkan
我は行く 蒼白き頬のままで
aku pergi dalam wajah lesu ini
我は行く さらば昴よ
aku pergi selamat tinggal Subaru
dalam kehidupan ini
ribut dingin berterusan
pun begitu kalbu ini terus mencari cahaya
tetap mencari impian hangat
gugurkan segala bintang yang tidak bernama
dengan sinarnya
hilanglah hati ini
我も行く 心の命ずるままに
aku pergi membawa hati resah
我も行く さらば昴よ
aku pergi selamat tinggal Subaru
いつの日か 誰かがこの道を
satu hari nanti jalan ini terbuka
いつの日か 誰かがこの道を
satu hari nanti jalan ini terbuka
我は行く 蒼白き頬のままで
aku pergi dengan wajah lesu ini
我は行く さらば昴よ
aku pergi selamat tinggal Subaru
我は行く さらば昴よ
aku pergi selamat tinggal Subaru
Music/Lyric by Shinji Tanimura
Translator (English & Malay) by @Leyla Shuri
Me o tojite nani mo miezu
Tidak melihat apa pun bila mata ditutup
Close your eyes you see nothing
kanashikute me o akereba
Dalam kesedihan bukalah mata
Let your eyes open during sadness
Kouya ni mukau michi yori
mengikut jalan ke....
On the road towards wilderness
hoka ni mieru mono wa nashi
perkara lain semuanya tidak terlihat
there is nothing else to see
Aha kudake chiru sadame no hoshitachi o
ah, bintang-bintang kehidupan yang jatuh
Aha, the falling stars of Life
Semete hisoyaka ni kono mi o terase yo
Dalam diam, ia bersinar dalam dada ini
Quietly will shine in this heart of mine
Ware wa yuku
Saya akan pergi
I'm going
aojiroki hoho no mama de
bersama wajah yang pucat ini
with a face so pale
Ware wa yuku
Saya akan pergi
I'm going
saraba subaru yo
Selamat tinggal Subaru
Goodbye, my Subaru
Ikiru sureba mune no naka
Yang hidup dalam dada ini
Living with this heart
kogarashi wa naki tsuzukeru
kedengaran ribut yang berlarutan
hearing the continuing storm
Saredo waga mune wa atsuku
walaupun dada ini semakin
But my heart is always chasing
yume o oi tsuzukeru nari
kuterus mengejar impian
warm dreams
Aha sanzameku na mo naki hoshitachi yo
aha, .....bintang-bintang tanpa nama
Aha cruelly killing all the stars without names
Semete azayaka ni sono mi o oware yo
sinarnya hilang bersama kalbuku
with its brightness, my heart is gone
Ware wa yuku
Kami akan pergi
I'm going
kokoro no meizuru mama ni
dengan hati yang berat ini
with a closed heart
Kami pun akan pergi
Ware mo yuku
I'm going
saraba subaru yo
Selamat tinggal Subaru
Goodbye, my Subaru.
Aha, itsu no hi ka
aha, bila-bila nanti
Aha, there will be a day
dareka ga kono michi o
ada yang sampai ke sini
someone will be on this road
Aha, itsu no hi ka Aha,
aha, bila-bila nanti, aha
there will be a day
dareka ga kono michi o
ada yang sampai ke sini
someone will be on this road
Ware wa yuku
Kami pergi
I'm going
aojiroki hoho no mama de
bersama wajah pucat ini
with a face so pale
Ware wa yuku
Kami akan pergi
I'm going
saraba subaru yo
Selamat tinggal Subaru
Goodbye, my Subaru
Ware wa yuku
Kami akan pergi
I'm going
saraba subaru yo
Selamat tinggal Subaru.
Goodbye, my Subaru.
Tutup mata itu segalanya padam
ketika bersedih, celikkan mata
perjalanan menuju ke belantara
tiada apa dalam pandangan
砕け散る 宿命の星たちよ
nasib bintang-bintang yang jatuh bertaburan
せめて密やかに この身を照らせよ
dalam kesenyapan, hati ini disinarkan
我は行く 蒼白き頬のままで
aku pergi dalam wajah lesu ini
我は行く さらば昴よ
aku pergi selamat tinggal Subaru
dalam kehidupan ini
ribut dingin berterusan
pun begitu kalbu ini terus mencari cahaya
tetap mencari impian hangat
gugurkan segala bintang yang tidak bernama
dengan sinarnya
hilanglah hati ini
我も行く 心の命ずるままに
aku pergi membawa hati resah
我も行く さらば昴よ
aku pergi selamat tinggal Subaru
いつの日か 誰かがこの道を
satu hari nanti jalan ini terbuka
いつの日か 誰かがこの道を
satu hari nanti jalan ini terbuka
我は行く 蒼白き頬のままで
aku pergi dengan wajah lesu ini
我は行く さらば昴よ
aku pergi selamat tinggal Subaru
我は行く さらば昴よ
aku pergi selamat tinggal Subaru
Music/Lyric by Shinji Tanimura
Translator (English & Malay) by @Leyla Shuri
Monday, January 16, 2012
徳永英明 / 時の流れに身をまかせ
This is my [: @Leyla Shuri] translation of the song "徳永英明 / 時の流れに身をまかせ".
Please give credit to translator when copy and pasting.
Moshimo anata to aezuni itara
If you go to him
Watashi wa nani o shiteta deshouka
What would I have to do?
Heibon dakedo dareka o aishi
I'm just a normal guy but want to love somebody
Futsuu no kurashi shitetta deshouka
hoping to have a normal life
Toki no nagare ni mi wo makase
I let time flows
Anata no ironi somerare
I want to be in your color
Ichido no jinsei soresae
At one time we were together
Suteru kotomo kamawanai
Its alright if you want to throw me out
Dakara onegai soba ni oitene
So please, let me be by your side
Ima wa anatashika aisenai
At this moment, you are the only one I love.
Moshimo anata ni kirawaretanara
If ever you give up on us
Ashita to iu hi
When tomorrow comes
Nakushiteshimau wa
I will die
Yakusoku nanka iranai keredo
I don't need your promise
Omoide dake jya ikite yukenai
Just memory will not make me live
Toki no nagare ni mi wo makase
Let time flows by
Anata no mune ni yori soi
I want to be hug by you
Kirei ni nareta soredakede
Just let it be beautiful
Inochi sae mo iranai wa
even life is not important
Dakara onegai soba ni oitene
So please, let me be by your side
Ima wa anata shika mienai no
Now only you in my mind
Toki no nagare ni mi wo makase
Let time flows by
Anata no iro ni somerare
I want to be in your color
Ichido no jinsei soresae
at one time we were together
Suteru koto mo kamawanai
its alright if you want to throw me out
Dakara onegai soba ni oite ne
So please let me be by your side
Ima wa anata shika aisenai
You are my only love now.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
津軽海峡・冬景色-Ishikawa Sayuri
The Red and White Song Contest for 2011 saw many songs related to those places affected by the Earthquake/Tsunami of the north region of Japan that happened on 11 March 2011. Those songs are heart-wrenching calling for love ones or family members or wishing to go home (to a place that is non-existent now).
Most of these songs are written ages before the tragedy happened. If not for the mention of places in the north, these songs would have been just another song.
Take this song. It mentions the Tsugaru Straits in the north that was badly damaged during the strong quake and the deadly tsunami.
I took some time to translate this song. Thinking it might be an item for the next karaoke session.
*Please be kind to mention [Translation by LEYLA SHURI] if ever you think of copy pasting my translation*
Tsugaru Kaikyou • Fuyu Geshiki [津軽海峡・冬景色] : Ishikawa Sayuri
Ueno hatsu no yakouressha orita toki kara
Getting off from Ueno last train
Aomori eki wa yuki no naka
In the snow of Aomori station
Kita e kaeru hito no mure wa dare mo mukuchi de
Groups of people going back to the north are all silent
Uminari dake wo kiiteiru
Hearing only the rumble of the sea
Watashi mo hitori renrakusen ni nori
Alone taking the connecting line
Kogoesou na kamome mitsume naiteimashita
The cries of frozen sea-gulls that gaze blankly
Ah , Tsugaru kaikyou fuyu geshiki
Ah, winter scene of Tsugaru Straits
Goran are ga tappimisaki kita no hazure to
Look at the north winds at the edge of the cape
Mishiranu hito ga yubi wo sasu
People watching pointing fingers
Iki de kumoru mado no garasu (glass) fuite mita kedo
Clearing my breathe from the window glass
Haruka ni kasumi mieru dake
Only seeing mist from the distant
Sayonara anata watashi wa kaerimasu
Goodbye darling, l’m returning
Kaze no oto ga mune wo yusuru, nake to bakari ni
The sound of winds filling my chest, only makes me feel like crying
Ah , Tsugaru kaikyou fuyu geshiki
Ah, winter scene of Tsugaru Straits (repeat)
上野発の夜行列車 おりた時から
青森駅は 雪の中
北へ帰る人の群れは 誰も無口で
海鳴りだけを きいている
私もひとり 連絡船に乗り
こごえそうな鴎見つめ 泣いていました
ああ 津軽海峡冬景色
ごらんあれが竜飛岬 北のはずれと
見知らぬ人が 指をさす
息でくもる窓のガラス ふいてみたけど
はるかにかすみ 見えるだけ
さよならあなた 私は帰ります
風の音が胸をゆする 泣けとばかりに
ああ 津軽海峡冬景色
Most of these songs are written ages before the tragedy happened. If not for the mention of places in the north, these songs would have been just another song.
Take this song. It mentions the Tsugaru Straits in the north that was badly damaged during the strong quake and the deadly tsunami.
I took some time to translate this song. Thinking it might be an item for the next karaoke session.
*Please be kind to mention [Translation by LEYLA SHURI] if ever you think of copy pasting my translation*
Tsugaru Kaikyou • Fuyu Geshiki [津軽海峡・冬景色] : Ishikawa Sayuri
Ueno hatsu no yakouressha orita toki kara
Getting off from Ueno last train
Aomori eki wa yuki no naka
In the snow of Aomori station
Kita e kaeru hito no mure wa dare mo mukuchi de
Groups of people going back to the north are all silent
Uminari dake wo kiiteiru
Hearing only the rumble of the sea
Watashi mo hitori renrakusen ni nori
Alone taking the connecting line
Kogoesou na kamome mitsume naiteimashita
The cries of frozen sea-gulls that gaze blankly
Ah , Tsugaru kaikyou fuyu geshiki
Ah, winter scene of Tsugaru Straits
Goran are ga tappimisaki kita no hazure to
Look at the north winds at the edge of the cape
Mishiranu hito ga yubi wo sasu
People watching pointing fingers
Iki de kumoru mado no garasu (glass) fuite mita kedo
Clearing my breathe from the window glass
Haruka ni kasumi mieru dake
Only seeing mist from the distant
Sayonara anata watashi wa kaerimasu
Goodbye darling, l’m returning
Kaze no oto ga mune wo yusuru, nake to bakari ni
The sound of winds filling my chest, only makes me feel like crying
Ah , Tsugaru kaikyou fuyu geshiki
Ah, winter scene of Tsugaru Straits (repeat)
上野発の夜行列車 おりた時から
青森駅は 雪の中
北へ帰る人の群れは 誰も無口で
海鳴りだけを きいている
私もひとり 連絡船に乗り
こごえそうな鴎見つめ 泣いていました
ああ 津軽海峡冬景色
ごらんあれが竜飛岬 北のはずれと
見知らぬ人が 指をさす
息でくもる窓のガラス ふいてみたけど
はるかにかすみ 見えるだけ
さよならあなた 私は帰ります
風の音が胸をゆする 泣けとばかりに
ああ 津軽海峡冬景色
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Into 2012
This is toshi-koshi soba or as I said in the last entry, joining-the-year-noodle. We ate this for dinner to celebrate the end of the day in Gregorian year 2011.
This is our first breakfast. It is chicken clear soup with lots of vegetable and slabs of mochi rice. It is very filling as one mochi rice is equivalent to a bowl of rice.
To start the new year, let me introduce myself again. I stay on the southern most island of Japan, Okinawa island. My family moved to this island in 1996. Now both of us (hubby and I) are taking care of my hubby's father, fragile but otherwise healthy. This year on record he is 99, but he claimed 101 according to the Chinese calender and some people said he is 100.
Whatever, we still take care of him.
I have three children, two of which are staying in Singapore with their husbands. One is still studying in the same campus as his older sisters.
I love to read and love to write but my time is taken with household duties and chores that I find so unproductive. I do get stress over this at times. I also have a husband who talks to me everytime he passes by my table and this I have to bear with even during my writing time.
That's about it.
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