Monday, December 31, 2007

Antologi Haiku 2006

Haiku-haiku dari saya dalam Bahasa Jepun, Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris yang telah diterbitkan dalam antologi ini.
Juga karya-karya dari dua orang penulis haiku yang prolifik sdr TabirAlam dan sdr Dipinggiran.
Ini sedikit perasa dari buku itu

Segala pertanyaan, sila masukkan ke dalam kotak komen.

Harga jualan buku dikedai senaskah RM25/-
Harga jualan terus RM19.90, sila berhubung dengan sdr TabirAlam di H/P: 016-5917125 (Ipoh, Perak bukan Jepun) atau emel ke
untuk mendapatkannya.

Untuk penempahan di kawasan Putrajaya dan kawasan-kawasan sewaktu dengannya sila ber-emel ke

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Last post 2007

"Watch your thoughts, they become words/ Watch your words, they become actions/ Watch your actions, they become habits/ Watch your habits, they become character/ Watch your character, they become destiny."/ by unknown writer.


The new year will set in two day's time. I've just came back from grocery shopping and the shops are like crazy. The Japanese shoppers went running around, snapping things that are needed to prepare for their new year delicacies. Hubby and I helped to buy for FIL his household things and we are caught in the shopping frenzy as well.

I felt satisfied with the things I've successfully done when reflecting at 2007.
First, at this ripe age, I've managed to climbed Mt. Fuji with a small set-back but still I did it.
The memory was good and I've lots to tell my grand children (assuming I live long enough).
I should buy those little machine that can print my own digital photo and make it into my own album collections.

Then, my first haiku collections have been successfully printed into a book and are selling in Japan, Spore and Msia. My collections in that book are in Japanese with the English and Malay translation, so everybody from the three countries can read.
My Japanese friends here are reading it because they are interested in the english version.
My Malaysian friends are getting the first hand printing of some example of contemporary haiku works all in one go.

So there, I am happy with 2007.

About plans for 2008, I have several schdule out but first it will be in the literary world.

As the haiku work in Malaysia is sparsely printed, my intention is to work on this. By bringing out the best-written haiku from some handful of interested haiku enthusiast.
So, anyone interested in the link of the haiku forum that I've set up.

Also, I am collecting another genre of Japanese peotry called tanka. The tanka in my collections are written in English and Malay by some prolific people now.
Tanka is entirely new in the Malaysian literary world, especially those written in the Bahasa Melayu.
That will be next in line to the printers, targetting the tanka collections for year 2008, insyaAllah.
Those interested to join in, just click on the same forum link here.

I intend to make a trip to Malaysia in 2008 around the second term school holiday, insyaAllah.
I want very much to meet two book writers but I have not told them yet. They are AL and DM but I don't know whether they want to meet me, have to remind myself to write an official email to meet them.
That is on my have-to-do list.

I have some workshops to run with the haiku book. I think the workshop will be in Ipoh and I might end up staying longer in Ipoh for the trip this year in Malaysia.
Set, that's another project coming for 2008.

At same time, I am building a private collection of Haiku in Japanese from all the sessions I attend here. My target is 300 pieces, it might take another one or two years to get this done, so insyaAllah that will keep me busy.

With that, for the next 365 sun-counting days, I wish all my good friends, my silent readers, my faithful blog followers and my lost-link cyberlookers...lets work hard to bring the best of our beautiful selves.

ps: People intending to be member of haiku/tanka forum, best to give your self-introduction first, mail me here

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bahasa Bank

"Watch your thoughts, they become words/ Watch your words, they become actions/ Watch your actions, they become habits/ Watch your habits, they become character/ Watch your character, they become destiny."/ by unknown writer.


Hari ini saya menerima sepucuk surat dari bank yang menyimpan akaun saya di Malaysia. Tapi satu hapah pun saya tak faham apa maksud surat itu.

Dear Valued Account Holder,

Account No: xxxxxxxx

We would like to bring to your attention that with effect from 1 January 2008, xxxxxx Bank will no longer absorb the Withholding Tax for the above account. According to the Income Tax Act 1967, interests paid to individuals are subjected to withholding tax of 5%, levied on deposit balances exceeding RM100,000-00. The Withholding Tax will be deducted at six-monthly intervals or upon closure of account.


Kepada pelanggan yang dihargai,

Kami ingin memaklumkan bahawa mulai 1 Januari 2008, xxxxxx Bank tidak lagi membiayai cukai penangguhan bagi akaun di atas. Merujuk kepada Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967, faedah yang dibayar kepada individu adalah tertakluk pada cukai penangguhan sebanyak 5% yang dikenakan ke atas baki deposit melebihi RM100.000-00. Cukai penangguhan akan ditolak setiap 6 bulan sekali atau semasa penutupan akaun dibuat.

Masalah pertama: Saya tidak punya uang sebanyak RM100.000-00!

Masalah kedua: Saya gunakan akaun mudarabah, tak terima faedah.

Jadi kenapa bank hantar saya surat layang ini?

Bank ini nak apa sebenarnya? Buat pusing gila pala gua!

Tolonglah, sesiapa yang pandai menterjemahkan bahasa ini pada saya yang hapah pun tidak gerti-gerti.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Saya sudah ketagih.

Pada mulanya awal tahun ini dalam bulan Mac, saya mengikut sahaja member-member haiku pergi bersama. Mereka menerima kupon percuma dan kita gunakan kupon ini untuk masuk percuma. Jadi saya ikut sahaja mereka.

Ini menjadi happening (peristiwa-bila masukkan perkataan ini macam bunyi cerita donggeng pula) mingguan. Bila kupon habis, mereka sudah tidak kerap pergi lagi tapi saya masih pergi juga. Seterusnya saya pergi sendiri. Setakat itu saya masih pergi seminggu sekali sahaja dan sekarang disebabkan ketagihan sudah menyerang, saya menambah ke 2 kali seminggu.

Public Bath

Saya mengelilingi 3 furoya mengikut jadual hari Ladies Day atau jadual Hari Mandi yang mereka tetapkan.
Pada hari-hari begini, pembayaran kegunaan dikurangkan, tidaklah 2 kali mahal seperti hari-hari lain.

Satu di Kampo Center, ada air batting yang memukul bahu, ada kolam air bunga lavender, ada jacuzzi urut dan katil urut.

Dua di Dewan Kesihatan, ada kolam air masin dari laut, ada steam sauna dan kursi baring utk berehat.

Tiga di Hotel Well Sun Pier, di sini semua ada dan pandangannya dari atas bukit sampai ke laut, sungguh nikmat sambil rendamkan badan dalam kolam jacuzzi.

Itulah ketagihan saya sekarang.

Lagi pun setelah badan ini direndam air panas, segala sengal-sengal di sendi-sendi, segala sakit di otot dan segala keletihan terus hilang. Bukan itu sahaja, kulit menjadi halus dari hujung rambut ke hujung jari.
Juga zat tidur menjadi sungguh puas. Tidak bermimpi, tidak terputus-putus dan sangat mendalam.

Dan...ini saya baru tahu...
...pukulan darah juga turun setelah merendam badan dalam air panas.
Ini catatan before 130/77 dan after turun ke 126/66!

Saya rasa kelebihan dari kesihatan mengatasi perasaan dosa. Yelah, saya rasa berdosa melihat mereka mandi dengan tidak sehelai kain pun. Dosa dalam segi ugama mengatakan yang aurat bersama wanita ialah antara lutut dan bawah pusat.

Saya memakai kain halus untuk menutup badan dan membuka kain itu sewaktu merendamkan badan dalam kolam. Apabila merendam dalam air panas itu, saya memeluk lutut, jadi tidaklah dinampakan aurat.
Tapi saya rasa wanita-wanita yang ada bersama, mungkin mereka rasa saya ini ganjil sebab tidak membuka kain sepanjang berada di bilik furoya.

Kadang-kadang seperti dilemma pula.
Takut pula mereka sangka saya cik wek molek yang mempunyai dua jenis kema:luan!

Memang saya rasa bersalah dengan ketagihan ini tapi disebabkan niat sebagai usaha untuk membaikkan kesihatan sendiri...saya harap kesalahan ini dapat diampunkan Allah Taala dunia dan akhirat, insyaAllah.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Saya paling tidak suka orang tulis komen dengan tandatangan anonymous. Pada saya kalau ingin menyatakan yang benar dan iklas dalam penyataan itu, tidak salah gunakan nama sendiri.
Kenapa bersembunyi di belakang nama anonymous? Kalau tak mau orang tahu nama sendiri, jangan tulis komen, sabar dan pusing belakang, terus X kan aje blog itu.
Pada saya orang yang ingin memberi nasihat harus bertanggungjawab atas nama sendiri, tidak perlu takut. Kalau perkara yang dinasihatkan itu dirasa betul dan iklas diberikan, pertanggungkanlah diri.
Saya tidak "print" sesiapa yang tulis sebagai Anonymous walaupun saya tahu siapa mereka.
Tengok di sini betul-betul, berapa banyak webstats, IP data sites saya masukkan. Email yahoo yang saya terima juga dipasang dengan tracer.
Saya tahu siapa yang baca blog ini sebab saya tahu server mereka terutama pembaca yang kerab membaca catatan ini.
Jadi anonymous, kalau ingin masukkan komen, janganlah rasa boleh bersembunyi di belakang tabir sana.
Saya tidak suka orang yang tidak iklas.
Biarlah apa yang dikata itu kurang sedap asalkan nama itu dipampangkan.

Amaran akhir...saya tidak masukkan lagi tulisan Anonymous.

kaki nota: Tarikh 13 Dis. 2007-Blog ini diubah comment settings.
a) Comment moderation
b) Users with google account

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Hayashi rice

Sebenarnya hayashi raisu ini stew ala style-Jepun. Beef stew atau hashed brown stew tapi mereka ubah ke hayashi raisu. Kan ke cengkadok namanya tu? Mengubah-ubah sesuatu nama hanya kerana mereka tak boleh sebut "hashed"?

Hari ini rasa nak masak hayashi raisu ini. Sebelum ini selalunya buat hayashi raisu ini guna rempah segera, tapi sekarang brand itu dah dimasukkan gelatine. Kurang asam betul, dulu boleh makan sekarang diorang masukkan gelatine!

Tengah mencari resipi ini, masuklah salah seorang kakak ipar membawa sekotak bungkusan. Katanya anak dara rumahnya yang tinggal seorang lagi bertunang semalam. Ini ada hadiah berkat pertunangan itu. Saya buka depannya kotak itu dan perhatikan ada daging khinzir goreng dan berbagai lauk lagi.
Saya kata ambil semula kotak ini, membazir berikan untuk rumah ini sebab kami tidak makan, tak sampai hati pula nak kata kami buang dengan kotak sekali.
Kata kakak itu buang saja daging (haram) itu dan makan yg lain...saya kata tidak boleh.
Lalu kembalikan kotak itu padanya...dia kata saya pelik.
"Ini Okinawa"...saya faham maksud tersiratnya bila dia sebut "ini Okinawa", bermakna saya harus ikut adat resam orang pulau ini.
Saya kata ini tidak pelik dan perkara begini tidak pelik dari tempat yang saya datang.
Ada sejenis kuih berbentuk tali terikat, dia kata makan kuih itu supaya anak-anak rumah ini pun lekas khawin.
Merepek betullah hati ini berkata, saya kata orang-orang lain tak pun makan kuih tali terikat itu tapi semua pun khawin juga.

Tapi kami bukan bertengkar atau berbahas-bahas...saja saya terangkan dengan baik supaya dia faham dan tidak masukkan kami dalam adat dan kepercayaan mereka.
Orang-orang Islam harus doublekan kekuatan iman di perantauan untuk menahan bisikan dan pengaruh ugama atau kepercayaan lain jika ingin bertahan di negara yang majoriti rakyatnya bukan Islam.
Kalau slack saja sikit, senang betul akidah jatuh, pecah.

Saya dah biasa dengan reaksi mereka begini...tidak menjadi masalah lagi tapi kadang-kadang takut anak-anak terpengaruh, nauzubillah min zalik.

Kenapa bermula dari hayashi raisu hinggakan ke khinzir goreng?
Saya pelik dengan tulisan saya kebelakangan ini, selalu ber-detour dan berkonar-konar.

Anyway itu hayashi rice yang saya buat 100% menggunakan bahan sendiri, siap masukkan serai 2-3 batang lagi supaya bau wangi. Ubahlah sikit, kalau mereka pakai bay leave dan thyme, apa salah kita gunakan serai, daun limau purut, daun kesum, daun kunyit dan lain-lain herbal tempatan, ia tak?

nota kaki: kalau inginkan resipi ini, daftar ke multiply dot com dan cari nama jahrera.
Seksa betul kan nakkan resipi saya?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Pagi ini lepas solat, buat bekal bentou nasi untuk Tomo bawa ke sekolah. Saya pun bersaraplah sambil menikmati drama pagi selama suku jam itu. Lalu masuk ke bilik baca buku setebal jari telunjuk "The Covenant" karya James Micheaner.
Terdengar dari bilik, Otto cakap marah-marah bertelefon.
Apahal lah orang tua ni pagi-pagi buta...fikirku sendiri.

Oh, dia mengamuk pegawai insurans yang menguruskan untuk bapanya datang melawat bapanya dengan tidak membuat janji dengannya terlebih dulu.

Kenapa kamu datang tak buat janji dulu?
Kenapa jumpa bapaku tanpa pengetahuanku?
Kenapa ambil surat-surat dari bapaku tanpa kebenaranku?
Kenapa buat kerja tidak ikut peraturan?

Dia berbual lama sangat sampaikan saya sendiri kena heret plastik sampah ke tempat pembuangan sampah. Nanti dah datang lori sampah, tertinggal pulak sampah kat rumah kalau saya tak heret.

Tempat pembuangan sampah pulak ada kerja gali paip taik, jadi di alih ke corok lain.
Seorang perkerja menghulur tangan untuk mengambil sampah berat dari dukongan saya. Tapi saya tolak bantuannya sebab segan orang lain buangkan sampah saya.
Susah-susah dan berat-berat pun saya heret sendiri juga.

Saya masuk rumah tengok Otto merah muka, khulu khilir tak tentu arah.
Alahai...dah tension sendiri orang tua nie.

Saya nasihatkan dia, apalah nak marah-marah sangat. Cakap aje dengan betul kesalahan orang itu, kan lebih aman.
Kita marah-marah orang, darah naik, muka merah, jantung melambung-lambung, kepala pening...kena juga pada diri sendiri.

Lepas tu dia masuk tandas, lama...rupanya dalam tension dia tak dapat lepas...ah...tu lagi.
Benda tu tak dapat lepas...kan ke masalah besar.

Kalau tak juga puas selepas memberitahu kesalahan orang itu, bawa aje ke atas. Kasitahu pegawai atau pengetua yang menjaga pejabat orang itu.

Apalah nak marah-marah sangat!

Saya nie dah tak peduli lagi perangai orang-orang yang suka memfitnah, memburuk nama orang lain atau membencikan saya.

Gasaklah apa mereka lakukan, asalkan saya sihat, aman jauhari dan batin.

Padanlah ugama kita suruh bersabar dan sabar itu separuh dari iman.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

kitaguni no haru

 25 tahun dulu lagu ini mengalirkan rindu pada emak dan adik-adik.

Dan sekarang...

Lagu ini melimpahkan perasaan ke anak yang selalu merindukan ibunya.

Jagalah dirimu baik-baik, doa ibumu ini sentiasa bersamamu.

Masao Sen - Kitaguni No Haru (Lyrics in Bahasa Melayu by hjh halela).
-Nov. 29, 2007

Shira kaba aozora minami kaze
(shira kaba{silver birch-nama sejenis pokok} langit biru, bayu selatan)Kobushi saku ano oka kitaguni no
(Bukit kampung utara yg mengembangkan semangat)Aaa... kitaguni no haru
(aaaa...musim bunga di kampung utara)Kisetsu ga tokai de wa wakaranai darou to
(bandar yg tidak bermusim tidak mungkin faham)Todoita ofukuro no chisana tsuzumi
(mendapat bungkusan kecil dari ibu)Ano furusato e kaerokana kaerokana
(Kuingin pulang ke kampung itu, kukan pulang)Yuki doke seseragi marukibashi
(anak sungai mengalir salji cair, jambatan kayu)Karamatsu no me ga fuku kitaguni no
(larch{sejenis pokok}bertunas daun di kampung utara)Aaa... kitaguni no haru
(aaa...musim bunga di kampung utara)Suki da to otagai ni ii dasenai mama
(kubercinta tapi sesama tidak berkata)Wakarete mou gonen ano ko wa doushiteru
(setelah berpisah selama 5 thn, apa khabarmu)Ano furusato e kaerokana kaerokana
(Kuingin pulang ke kampung itu, kukan pulang)
Yamabuki asagiri suishagoya
(Ros kuning, kabus pagi, pondok kincir air)Warabe uta kikoeru kitaguni no
(nyanyian kanak-kanak terdengar di kampung utara)Aaa... kitaguni no haru
(aaa...musim bunga di kampung utara)Aniki mo oyaji nite mukuchi na futari ga
(abangku mengikut bapa, kedua2nya pendiam)Tama ni wa sake demo nonderu daroka
(kadang2 mereka minum sake bersamakah)Ano furusato e kaerokana kaerokana
(Kuingin pulang ke kampung itu, kukan pulang)
Terjemahan lirik ini didedikasikan khas untuk Sri Diah dan pencetak pendiam lirik ini mohon masukkan nama saya bersama.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Izin Sony

Semalam waktu saya keluar, ada panggilan dari Sony Repairshop meminta izin untuk memperbaiki komputer yang saya hantar ke mereka 10 hari lepas.
Sony repairshop kata motherboard dan tv tuner dalam komputer saya harus diganti yang baru. Padanlah saya tidak dapat tengok tv kat pc dalam setahun dua ini, rupanya tuner dah blank-out.


kenapa harus Sony Repairshop minta izin dari saya?

Oh, mengikut lapuran dari Otto mereka kata apabila mereka memperbaiki komputer itu, semua data, gambar, driver, file yang ada dalam memory kena delete. Kalaulah saya masih inginkan segala dalam memory itu, makanya mereka tidak boleh betulkan dan ini bermakna saya tidak izinkan.
Komputer itu akan dipulangkan pada saya seperti dalam keadaan asalnya...iaitu dengan kerosakkan itu.

Berikan izin atau tidak.

Saya buat panggilan ke Sony Repairshop dan dengan rasminya memberi keizinan pada mereka memperbaiki komputer itu.

ps: lega hati ini semua gambar dalam pc saya sudah masukkan ke external harddrive seminggu sebelum ini.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kucing jiran

Saya selalu baca blogger di Malaysia mengadu dan menulis dalam blog masing-masing tentang kucing-kucing yang berkeliaran keliling rumah mereka. Ada yang kata kucing jiran, ada yang kata kucing kena buang, ada kata kucing tidak bertuan.
Apa-apa pun kucing-kucing itu bukan kucing kesayangan dan kepunyaan mereka.

Yang menyebab mereka tulis di blog tentang kucing tidak bertuan itu ialah masalah pembuangan najis kucing itu. Ada yang masuk dalam kawasan laman mereka menggorek tanah dan memberak lalu menutup najis. Kucing begini bernama kucing beradap, pandai menutup taik masing-masing tapi ada pula kucing yang berak tapi tidak segan meninggalkan tanda.
Inilah masalahnya.

Sebenarnya adakala kucing-kucing itu bertuan tapi saja tidak mengotorkan halaman rumah tuan sendiri, lalu membuang najis di rumah jiran.
Kucing begini dipanggil kucing masuk ajar, kucing yang ber-understanding dengan tuan rumah sendiri.
Kalaulah setiap kucing yang bertuan tahu membuang najis di laman rumah tuan sendiri, alangkah amannya dunia di Malaysia, tak gitu?

Di Jepun, tuan-tuan yang punya kucing masing-masing beriktiar untuk mengamankan halaman jiran. Walaupun berpagar rapi sekalipun, kucing-kucing dari luar tetap dapat masuk juga dalam laman rumah yang bersih.

Idea yang paling berkesan kalau dilihat dalam gambar ini, isikan 1-liter botol pet dengan air dan dirikan berbaris atas pagar.
Cara ini sememangnya berkesan untuk melarang kucing dari melompat pagar jiran.
Mungkin juga kucing boleh masuk ke laman jiran melalui jalan bawah dan tidak perlu melompat pagar, untuk jawapan ini pandai-pandailah jiran itu memikirkan.
Saya cuma boleh syorkan cara ini sahaja.

Susah-susah pun racun saja kucing jiran itu sebab salah seekor kucing saya mati diracun. Kucing itu selalu sangat masuk dapur jiran mencuri makanan yang terhidang atas meja.

Moral cerita ini: Biarlah kucing sendiri mati, asalkan jiran bahagia.

ps: kita diwajibkan berdamai-damai dan beraman-aman dengan semua jiran sekeliling rumah, tak kira jiran lain ugama atau jiran lain bangsa. Ini sunnah Nabi Mohammad SAW dan ada tulis dalam hadis.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pengacau Jepun

TOKYO: Gates urges Japan to become more involved in world affairsTHE NEWS TRIBUNE Published: November 9th, 2007 01:00 AM
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates urged Japan to take a wider role in world affairs today, a position that is controversial with both the Japanese and other East Asian nations.
In an address at Sophia University, a Jesuit institution, Gates said he hoped that Japan would take on more “global security responsibilities” in the year ahead.

“Japan has the opportunity – and an obligation – to take on a role that reflects its political, economic and military capacity,” Gates said.

After the speech, students pressed Gates on what he meant by pushing Japan for a more aggressive role. He said he hoped Japan would increase its contributions to peacekeeping, humanitarian relief and reconstruction.

Los Angeles Times

Robert Gates datang Jepun minggu lepas mohon kerajaan Jepun sambungkan semula pembekalan percuma minyak gasoline.
Setiap tahun Jepun bekalkan gasoline untuk kapal-kapal tentera mereka di laut India sampai 80 juta gelen untuk kerja mendamaikan kawasan itu. Percuma.

Konon Jepun tak ambil bahagian dalam perang Iraq-Iran.
Kebelakangan ini diketahui mereka gunakan bekalan minyak ini untuk kapal-kapal perang, bukan mendamaikan tapi memusnahkan dan membunuh. Ini sudah lari dari perjanjian utama mereka.

Bertepuk tangan sendiri apabila saya dengar pengumuman yang Jepun putuskan bekalan minyak ini di berita minggu lepas.
Dengan cepatnya mereka pun bertindak, Gates datang Jepun pujuk supaya Jepun sambungkan semula bekalan ini.
Dengan alasan yang ditulis media Los Angeles Times kat atas.

Why can't they leave Japan out of their wars, why must they always get Japan involve in their shit?
After the Second World War, Japan has declared a peaceful, non-involvement and non-armament country, can't they get that in their stone-head?

They want Japan to take arms and be the policemen of the Asia-Pacific region.
Apa nak suruh Jepun control kawasan Asia-Pasifik ke? Jadi polis, jaga Msia, Cina, Taiwan, Indonesia?

Jepun dah serik dikalahkan dan dibom di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki, berjuta-juta rakyat mereka jadi mangsa. Siapa jatuhkan bom itu? Bangsa stone-head ini juga.
Sekarang pula mereka minta Jepun campur tangan dengan politik negara jiran.

Masa era Koizumi jadi ketua menteri di Jepun, segala yang disuap oleh mereka, Koizumi makan dan telan. Koizumi berkawan rapat dengan Bush, menyanyi dan menghiburkan keluarga Bush dengan lagu Elvis Presley dan main golf selalu atas undangan mereka.
Tapi sejak Fukuda jadi ketua menteri, nampaknya agenda politik Jepun terus berpusing.
Secepat sahaja dia naik kuasa, Fukuda putuskan bekalan tentera mereka...selepas ini saya harap, Fukuda halau dan campak tentera mereka yang berpoya-poya di beberapa pengkalan di pulau ini.

ps: kawan dan teman Islam yang bertugas dan menginap dalam base, ini bukan soal peribadi antara kita. Saya tidak setuju, Jepun yang bersikap aman di kawasan ini dipermain-mainkan sesuka hati mereka.
Saya tidak sanggup melihat Jepun dijadikan pak sanggup dalam politik mereka yang menganggap negara-negara Islam melatih pengganas untuk membunuh kaum dan puak mereka.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pucuk Labu

"kak lela tak rasa nak balik kampung ke?"


"Tak teringin nak makan makanan kampung ke?"


Alhamdulillah, pulau ini cukup dengan segala benda yang ada di kampung.
Pokok pisang ada merata, kalau inginkan daun pisang, mana-mana boleh tarik.

Lidah dan citarasa ini juga sudah berubah. Saya boleh makan sop miso dengan tauhu-lobak putih hari-hari, ikan bakar, akar gobo, akar bunga teratai, rebung, rumput laut, ulam shiso, ulam mitsuba juga peria katak dan petula.

Sesekali bila terasa ingin makanan melayu, bahannya senang didapati sebab keadaan cuaca sub-tropikal di pulau ini.

Ini pokok cili padi yang menjadi kebangaan Otto. Dia petik 2-3 biji hari-hari diulam dengan tauhu bakar. Berpeluh-peluh dan merah satu muka tapi dia kata dia boleh habiskan satu pokok itu. Pokok cili yang lebat begini bukannya satu keistimewaan di pulau ini. Kadang-kadang terdapat tumbuh liar di tepi-tepi jalan hutan.
Rasa cili padi ini jauh lebih pedas dari yang ada di Msia tapi malangnya saya sudah tidak boleh makan makanan pedas lagi.
Sesekali adalah saya masukkan dalam lemak cili padi, itu pun dalam 5-6 ulas sahaja...bukan segenggam seperti orang yang suka pedas.

Ini ayam masak lemak cili padi dengan labu dan daun labu. Daun labu itu dari kebun seorang kawan. Sebenarnya sungguh sedap daun labu, manis sangat.
Cili padi itu saya masukkan dalam 6-7 biji saja, takut saya pedas sangat.

Saya rasa makanan sebegini pun sudah jarang amat orang-orang di Malaysia dan Spore makan. Ada labu, daun labu, cili padi dan serai...semua bahan kampung.

Jadi tidak hairanlah kalau saya kata saya tidak rasa perlu lagi balik ke kampung...alhamdullilah.

Hidup saya simple, makanan saya kampung...I want nothing more.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kerumitan urusan jenazah

Pada mulanya salah seorang muallaf american mengatakan yang jenazah ini meninggal dalam keadaan mini-syahid.
Yang saya tahu hanya ada mati syahid, ada kah istilah "mini-syahid" atau orang-orang muallaf di situ sudah keliru dengan istilah mati syahid?

Jadi pada pendapat mereka keadaan mini-syahid tidak perlu dimandikan dan dikafankan.
Saya menelefon ustaz amin dan melapurkan keadaan ini, ustaz kata mati syahid ada 7 perkara dan keadaan anak ini meninggal bukan dalam mati syahid.
Lalu saya berhubung kembali dan menerangkan keadaan ini pada ketua di base.
Ia itu jenazah perlu dimandikan dan dikafankan.

Ibu kandung jenazah mau anak itu dihantarkan ke Ivory Coast, benua afrika untuk dikebumikan di situ. Jadi kata sepakat orang-orang base supaya ibunya mengerjakan urusan jenazah itu seperti mandikan dan kafankan.


Setelah beberapa hari, baru hari ini, kami dimaklumkan yang ibu kandung itu bukan orang Islam!!!

Sekali lagi saya menggelabah!

Kalau betul ibu kandung itu bukan orang Islam, bermakna orang sini wajib mandikan, kafankan dan solatkan jenazah sebelum dilepaskan ke tangan ibu kandung itu.
Dengan pesanan bahawa upacara kebumiaan wajib mengikut cara Islam dan dikuburkan di tanah perkuburan Islam.

Hingga hari ini jenazah masih disimpan di bilik mayat, belum dapat dikeluarkan lagi.

Orang-rang lelaki dalam base ingin membuat solat jenazah selepas solat jumaat esok tanpa jenazah dimandikan dan dikafankan.

Saya mengangkat telefon lagi dan berbincang lagi dengan ustaz amin.

Untuk peraturan solat jenazah, jenazah itu perlu dimandikan dan dikafankan terlebih dulu. Bukan saja-saja solatkan tanpa prosedur memandikan dan dikafankan. Kalau tidak pun, biarlah dimandikan, dikafankan dan solatkan sebelum perkebumian apabila sampai ke Ivory Coast kelak.

Saya khabarkan sekali lagi matlumat ini pada orang-orang base.
Setidak-tidaknya kalau tidak mau ambil nasihat saya ini, tolonglah berhubung dengan orang-orang yang lebih mengetahui dalam perkara ini...tolonglah...saya mohon sambil mengurut dahi.

Disaat ini, saya dilapurkan yang orang-orang base akan menunggu jenazah dikeluarkan (tarikh belum tahu lagi), barulah dimandikan, dikafankan dan disolatkan di sini sebelum dihantarkan ke Ivory Coast untuk ibu kandungnya (yang bukan Islam) menguruskan perkebumiaan secara Islam.

Pada pembaca, tolonglah doakan semoga jenazah ini selamat diuruskan secepat mungkin tanpa kerumitan lagi.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

perayaan syawal 2007

Very humourous and effective way of "instructing" people, I like it.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Merajuk Ramadhan

Hari ini masuk 27 ramadhan, saya masih membuat salam ramadhan sana sini. Ialah orang lain dah buat ucapan raya sana sini saya masih ucap ramadhan.
Bukannya apa, saya rasa merajuk pula bulan ramadhan sebab tidak mengendahkan hari-hari terakhirnya. Raya belum jatuh lagi, sudah sibuk buat ucapan sana sini.
Lagi pun syawal, bulan raya ada sebulan, "can take your time" kan untuk membuat salam dan ucapan raya dalam bulan syawal?

Pun dunia siber, senang aje. Tak perlu jumpa muka, ucap sana sini dalam sejam dah boleh sampai seribu teman dan kenalan, tak susahkan?
Saya sememangnya tunggu sampai masuk syawal barulah buat ucapan, saja nak hormatkan hari-hari terakhir ramadhan...rasa sayang nak tinggalkan, itu yang "hang on to it"!

Ini pe'el saya lah, orang lain tak perlu tiru.

Tadi pagi bangun dengan kepala sarat memikirkan planning masak dan kemas untuk raya ini, saya tonton drama pagi.

Si lelaki lebih kurang 5 thn lebih tua dari budak perempuan itu yang masih sekolah, umur 18 tahun. Yang lelaki tu dah masuk univ.

Budak perempuan nama Kiyoumi jalan di dataran laut dan lelaki itu panggil dia masuk kereta, mula2 kiyoumi enggan tapi lelaki itu kata ada perlu nak bincang.

Maka mereka berjalan di pantai...

lelaki: dalam 5 thn nanti sempatlah...
kiyoumi: sempat apa?
lelaki: sempat kahwin
kiyoumi:kau nak kahwin? kahwin dgn sapa?
lelaki: kahwin dengan kaulah!
kiyoumi: kenapa kahwin dengan aku?
lelaki: aku suka perempuan lambat otak, perempuan otak kosong, perempuan tak berfikir...macam engkau lah!

BOOOOPPPP...terlentang lelaki itu, menyiarap, muka berlumut pasir.

Satu penumbuk sudah jatuh kat muka dia!

Lepas itu, saya ketawa khek, khek, khek sendiri...bertenaga untuk memulakan tugas hari ini.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Rabbit rumah nie beranak lagi wiken lepas. Bulan Ogos 5 ekor anak, bulan Sept. 6 ekor dan wiken lepas 5 ekor lagi.
Kuat betul ibu rabbit itu beranak. Selepas beranak 3-4 hari bulan Sept, hubby asingkan si jantan ke tempat lain. Ingatkan dah safe lah tapi alangkah shockingnya bila tengok wiken lepas nampak lagi anak2 yang baru lahir.

Saya dah boring tahap leher nak tercabut betul.
Hubby punyalah excited tengok anak2 rabbit...betulah kata salah seorang SIL.
Laki kau tu memang suka usagi dari kecil lagi...

Dah banyak sangat rabbit kat tempat ampaian baju. Bila sidai baju, habis jari kaki ini mereka gigit, selalu saya tampar mereka.
Kain dan baju yang panjang sampai ke lantai, mereka gigit dan jadi tembuk kain cantik-cantik.
Baju mahal saya ada sehelai-dua dah bocor.

Tapi saya diamkan aje...maleh nak ngomel kat hubby, dia suka sangat dengan rabbit-rabbit itu tahap tak boleh buat apa lagi.

Kalau ampaian itu jatuh ke lantai, alamat kenalah basuh sekali lagi. Dengan dipijak dan dengan taik hitam berketul-ketul.

Pening betul bau taik rabbit kuat sangat, bayangkan 7-8 rabbit punya taik berserak.

Semalam, masa saya sidai baju dalam waktu asar...matahari masih kuat dan panas. Saya ternampak 3 ekor anak yang baru lahir tergolek-golek. Badan mereka seperti mengigil-gigil atas simen yang berbahang dan panas itu. Macamana mereka boleh terkeluar dari kotak pun saya tak tau.

Saya habiskan ampaian, memikirkan perlu buat persiapan hidangan iftar dalam beberapa jam lagi. Jadi saya tidaklah peduli sangat dengan keadaan anak-anak rabbit yang mengigil-gigil kepanasan itu.

Bila sampai ke dapur, saya susunkan kuih suji yang sudah sejuk ke dalam balang. Dalam 20min kemudian, baru saya teringat anak-anak rabbit yang terlepas tadi.

Saya kata dengan aman suara...3 new baby rabbits dropped from their box!

Wah, hubby punya melenting langkah 2 anak tangga setapak naik ke atas dan masukkan anak-anak rabbit itu ke dalam kotak mereka, saya perhatikan dia melenting dengan cool aje.
Dia kata saya tak ada hati perut, membiarkan anak-anak rabbit itu mengigil kepanasan.
Maleh lah nak jawap-menjawap bulan posa nie...saya kata agaknya ibu rabbit yang bawak anak-anak itu keluar dari kotak.

Sebenarnya saya dah tak pedulikan lagi anak-anak rabbit itu. Entahlah, saya tak terfikir pulak anak-anak rabbbit itu akan mati (tak mati pun). Saya biarkan saja.

Saya kata "one or two is okay but now we have too many of them. My washing is eaten, then they bite my toes, then they chewed the washing machine hose, then they shit on my fallen washing..." cakap lembut-lembut biar dia faham.

Kalau tak cakap, orang lelaki tak kan faham. Mereka tak ada supersonic, telepathic wave untuk memahami kaum puan...kaum puan kasi backinglah!
Biasalah kaum puan bila ada yang tak puas hati, selalu panggil backing sana sini, backing, jangan tak backing.

Ini dah boring, tahap leher nak tercabut!
Nasib baik bulan posa, terpaksa sabar. Kalau bulan lain, nak saya sembelih buat dalca arnab, ulam dengan papadom...wah sodap tu!

Alamak... bulan posa nie, boleh ke saya tulis entri macam ini. Sesiapa yang rasa entri ini tak patut wujud, sila komen le tapi jangan letak nama cik anon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Autumn moon

Tak ada duit pun tak pe, miskin pun tak pe, tak makan pun tak pe, asalkan bahagia.

Hidup seorang pun tak pe, tak de pasangan pun tak pe, boring pun tak pe, asalkan bahagia.

Hati sakit pun tak pe, air mata meleleh pun tak pe, esok bahagia juga (bacalah kad-kad di video ini).

Inilah tema baru catchy yang popular kat Jepun sekarang yang NHK hebohkan.
Belakang tema ini menasihatkan supaya kita bersabar dengan segala ujian yang menimpa
diri...eenen (sebut: eh neng)

Esok kita masuk ramadhan 14-15 atau nuzul Al-quran.
Juga untuk orang Jepun, dalam setahun bulan yang paling cantik berseri mengambang ialah bulan September atau bulan autumn.
Autumn moon ialah musim segala kerja tanaman diselesaikan. Padi, jagung, gandum, soba antara tanaman yang disediakan untuk menanti hari bersalji selepas autumn ini.

Kira autumn moon untuk mereka berehat dan menikmati segala rezeki dalam tahun ini.

Kalau berkesempatan, dongaklah ke langit dan tenungkanlah kecantikkan Allah bila melihat autumn moon esok dan jangan lupa ucapkan subhanaAllah sambil memuji Kebesaran Allah Maha Pencipta alam ini.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Flora on Mt. Fuji

This is the scenery looking down as I climbed up. Its between the 6th station towards the 7th station. The vegetation in the lower reaches are still rather thick and green. But this greenery will change to somewhat sparsely as we climbed higher.

This is a kind of flowering creepers. It just creeps on the volcanic stones of the mountain. I don't think it needs lot of water as I don't see any stream running anywhere around Mt. Fuji.

Another small flowering shrubs with yellow, cotton-shaped flower. I haven't seen this shrub on lower land before and I assumed this is some kind of mountain flower.

I love purple on any flower and this bell-shaped purple blossom attracted my camera lens. I found this bell blossom on the middle portion of the mountain and looking at it, I felt really humble. This purple blossom is growing at a higher altitude than most other vegetation but it looked down, maintaining its humble image.
How I wish people would take its character, as they go higher the working rank, just continue being humble like this purple blossom. The colour purple was most attractive but very simple, just like a beautiful bell, from afar against the dark volcanic ashes.

This is another ikebana in the making on the higher reaches of the mountain. The orangey-pink blossom was in sharp contrast to the black volcanic ash and stones but because of this contrast it brought out the best of the orangey-pink shade.
Again, I assumed this must be some special flora for high altitude area as I've never seen it on lower grounds before.

To end it all, subhanaAllah, to the Creator of the universe for such beauty on earth.

Footnote: Please don't take my photos, if you want them, I suggest you climb your own mountain...ouch!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Rezeki Ramadhan

Kadang-kadang saya rasa satu penantian itu sangat menguji kesabaran saya sebagai manusia biasa. Bagaimana saya usahakan, bagaimana saya percepatkan usaha itu dan selepasnya usaha itu tidak menjadi seperti yang dijangka dalam jadual masa yang dikehendaki.

Tapi hanya pengalaman, usia yang meningkat akan mengajar. Masa muda-muda dulu perkara begini kerapkali membawa pada kecemasan atau tekanan.

Tidak lagi...sekarang saya sabar...saya sanggup tunggu.
Pengalaman membuka mata hati ini...kalau direzekikan Allah ia tetap dikabulkan-Nya, tidak kemana jua.

Nah...terbukti kesabaran selama ini. Rezeki hari pertama ramadhan ini...membawa senyuman dari telinga ke telinga sambil saya mengucap alhamdulillah beberapa kali.

Ini mesej dari salah seorang penulis buku antologi, yang sudah masuk proses percetakan...

sdr jahrera... good news! I managed to get our Ipoh city (Mayor-Datuk Bandar) to write a foreword for our haiku (antologi book), so coincidentally Ipoh and Fukuoka are twin cities, so he agreed! mission accomplised at last...

Sedang buku ini dalam proses cetakan sekarang, persiapan mengumpul karya tanka (puisi Jepun dalam bahasa melayu) berjalan dengan ligatnya untuk buku antologi tanka pula.

Sesiapa yang berminat untuk mencuba menghasilkan tanka dan mungkin karya anda juga akan dimasukkan dalam koleksi antologi tanka, sila lihat link yang tertulis di sini.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Handphone, Cellphone, cellular phone, handset, ketai, whatever...
semua orang ada, yang tak ada hanya orang yang tinggal di bilik tahanan di Jepun.

Lagi pun bukannya mahal untuk satu set baru di Jepun. Yang tercanggih, terbaru, terlatest pun sama harga dengan sebiji vacuum cleaner.
Harga pembayaran talian pun sudah dikurangkan. Berbagai offer untuk menarik pembeli.
Ada famili diskaun, ada husband-wife diskaun, ada sweet-talk diskaun whatever...

Sekarang pula tak perlu ada talian internet atau pasokom (pc) kat rumah. Ketai pun dah boleh jadi pasokom. Tak perlu digi-kame (digital kamera) lagi, ketai pun dah boleh jadi digi-kame.


tak punya handphone, cellphone, cellular phone, handset, ketai, whatever...

Ada dua tiga musim, beli dua tiga set...buang...(beli talian dapat set percuma)


tak punya handphone, cellphone, cellular phone, handset, ketai, whatever...

Nah, jangan tercengang lama-lama sangat!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Descending FujiSan-Aug.24, 2007

We couldn't catch the rising sun as the fog was too thick and the winds at 3c was too cold to stay too long. We we allowed to rest for half an hour at a resting hut and then were chased out to make way for new climbers who just reached the summit to rest. When we were out of the resting hut, there was not much to see except to go round the volcano crater. One walk round the crate will take about 90mins. Some of the people in the group went to the edge of the crater to have photos taken and then we started our descend down the slope.
After the excitement of reaching the summit, I didn't make doa when descending, totally forgotten. Like Ali Baba's brother who asked for the password to enter the treasure cave but forgot to ask for the password out of it.

It was just gravel, small stones, black volcanic ash that buried my angle every step I took. Some of the slopes were very sharp-downhill and I felt all the gravity going to my two big toes. The two toes were pressed hard on the shoes and every steps were gruelling all the way.
Initially, I tried the zig-zag walk, as, if I walked straight down, I would just dropped on my back.
We started to descend at 8.15am and the group leader instructed us to reach ground level by 10.30am (about 2 hours).
Let me tell you the time I reached ground level...3.30pm! That was like 8 hours away from the initial time plan.

About 2 hours, half way down the slope, I was too tired to progress further. Then, two guys helped to drag me by having me hanging on the side of each of their arms.
Eventhough I was dragged by two strong arms, I still have to stop every 20 steps because my feet were killing me.
I kept thinking of the time, that I have to reach ground level by noon, the latest, as instructed by one of the guys in the group.

By noon, I was making doa for Allah to take my life, make me dropped death there. I cannot move anymore steps.
There was this kind Japanese lady, who saw me being dragged like death hippo, stopped me and applied some muscles pain-killer on both my legs. That helped a lot with my legs but my two toes were already purple in colour. Lots of water-bags developed around my sole. The arch at my two feet were screaming with pain every steps I took. I just cannot go on anymore, I knew I cannot go on but I tried just to be in time for the group.

Then, almost ground level, when the black gravel and volcanic ash changed into black, hard hillslope...I told the group to go and leave me to walk alone.
The guys in the group were kind enough to drag me, that is more than enough for me and I already delayed their schedule.

I cannot forget these guys, sdr azhar, sdr muzaffar, sdr kahar, sdr zamri and among the cutest of them sdr firdaus, only Allah will repay your kindness.

Anyway, they have to leave me and make their way back to where we kept our luggage.
From here on, I walked myself...alone. Even this took another one and a half hour for me.
Then at last, I reached the end of the decending trails and saw 4 people of the group waiting for a taxi back to Kawaguchiko station.

It seemed we ended at Seikansou Hut at Izumigataki trail, while we were supposed to finish at the original 5th station.
There were some confusion when some people landed at the 5th station and some at Izumigataki hut. So, we were separated on different trail while decending.
I reached the group in time to take a taxi back to Kawaguchiko station together with them. There was no bus transport from Izumigataki descend trail.

Once, I let myself out of the taxi, I was flat on the pavement of the roads. It seemed my knee was jammed. I couldn't managed to stand on my two knees anymore.
I told Norhayati that I couldn't make it with them to Shinjuku and left word for her that I would stay longer at Kawaguchiko station.

I walked slowly and crossed the nearest road and enter a hotel. They don't have rooms anymore but they still have one bed left. I booked the bed and found out that it was a shared room with other ladies and men as well.
Oh...what can I do, I need to keep aurat but I was about to collapse anytime, so I just took the bed. Have a little sandwich and a hot Japanese public bath in the hotel and slept like rock.
I have to check out of the hotel the next day but then again a kind Japanese lady travelling there, spoke to me. She knew I was in utmost pain because she ever experienced the climb before and she took me in her room.
I stayed with her for 3D/2N, she bought for me muscle pain-killers and food for all the time I stayed with her.

Good thing, there were internet port on every floor of the hotel. I managed to send messages to all my friends and family by the internet. That I was still alive. I left my phone book in the main luggage bag back in Shibuya. I was glad for the internet line or else I wouldn't have any means to let the outside world knew my existent.
I was only moving while eating, taking the hot public bath and doing the internet. Other than that, I slept for all the 3D/2N while alone in the room. The lady friend that helped me was busy doing her sight-seeing and left me alone in the room all the time.
But she brought for me breakfast and dinner everday.

I only have to thank Allah for making stranger have mercy on me, to help me while I was suffering every inch of my bones and muscles.
The lady friend, Akiko, helped to book my bus trip back and assisted me all the way till Shinjuku.
But we didn't separate in Shinjuku...

At last after returning to Okinawa, my beautiful home, one week today...I managed to update on this entry.
The kind lady who helped me, Akiko, came to Okinawa to see me. She was here for about 3 days. Since she still have the summer holidays, she take the chance of meeting me at Kawaguchiko to meet me in Okinawa again.
I really appreciate all her help while in pain and with great love for her, I showed her around the island.
SubhanaAllah, alhamdullilah to Akiko, the climbers from Malaysia and to all other friends who have been kind to me.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ascending FujiSan

I joined the climbers from Msia at Shinjuku train station, the west exit. Aini, my host, was kind enough to be with me. We met and exchanged greetings and names. Most of the people in the group are in their 20ish, a fistful in their 30ish and a couple in their 40ish. I, without saying, am the oldest of the group.
I introduced myself as Kak lela and one of the ladies questioned me to the title Kak on me. She felt she is entitled for the Kak calling in the group, I told her my age, straight up and she was like open-mouthed staring at me.
We left the inn and took the bus up to the 5th station. There we bought post-cards, climbing sticks for yen 1000 and took lots of snaps. Its like a carnival over there, lots of sight-seers, climbers, picnikers or just strollers.
The air was at 23c, gust of strong winds and foggy. Some of the Msian climbers were already feeling the chills and started to add on some layers of clothings.
We made our safety doa and I adding some of my personal doa as I start to walk on the path.
The ground was gradually sloping, with lots of flowers and small plants in between the volcanic rocks. We started our slow walks at 11.35am from the 5th station (2305m) and the estimation time to reach the 6th station(2390m) is 45 min, but we made it at 50 mins...considering good for me.

We took 10 mins rest at the 6th station and started our slow walk at 12.35pm for the 7th station(2700m). The estimation time was 60 mins but we took 1.25 mins to reach the 7th station. The vegetation between 6th to 7th station was lesser and the trails was mostly loose volcanic, black sand. The slope was still manageable but I have to stop every 10 steps to take some deep breath. My heart was bumping like doing the aerobic steps.

We reached the 7th station (2700m) at 2pm and rest for 30 mins. I have to make myself go to the toilet. I felt my urinary bladder so full and heavy but I cannot let it out. The toilet cost yen 100 per entry and there is no water to wash. I have to take with me wet tissue paper for the cleaning. Then, every toilet is uni-sex. The males do their thing in front and we ladies have to pass them by to enter our cubicle. Some Msian men cannot do it in public and they used the cubicle for privacy.
The toilet stank beyond description, the smell would stay on your clothes for quiet sometime.
For stamina drinks or pet-bottle water of 500ml, it cost 5 times more. On ground level, it normally cost yen 100 but here on Fujisan the higher you go, the higher the water cost, which comes at yen 500 per 500ml pet-bottle.
There were 6 resting huts at every interval from the 7th station. These huts provide drinks or hot instant soup and toilets facilities.
From halfway through the 7th station, I felt I need to use the portable oxygen. My breathing was swallow and short. Every steps I took was breathless. I had to stop for breathing every 10 steps. There was this guy, Muzzafar who helped me with counting my steps and telling me to breath every now and then. I tend to get away with long steps and forgetting to stop for my regular big air.
The approximate time from 6th to 7th station is 100 min but we took 180 mins. Extra 80 mins because we stopped many times for breathing rest by the side walk. The trail was getting narrower as we go higher. At some points, only one person can passed through and we had to wait in queue. It is recorded that between July and August of the year, about 3000 people climb Fujisan daily. So imagine the bottle-neck at some rocks.

We reached the 8th station (3020m) at 5.10pm. The leader of JALPAK, sdr Azhar had booked bunker rest at Taishi-kan Hut. All of us are given a single space of 1m by 2m side by side for 15 people. We cannot stand, the bunkers are only for sleeping.
Again no water for washing, for toilet we have to queue outside with the rest of the crowd and pay for every entry at yen 200.

We rest for 6 hours at these sleeping bunkers from 5.10 pm to mid-night. I can hear the winds howling outside. The temperature was below 0c. We we given a sleeping-bag and a square bean bag for pillow, thats all. We were not allowed to eat at the bunker but I bit slowly on energy bars, stamina liquid and a ball of white rice that I brough with me. Just before getting ready to walk again, I went outside to the toilet, I saw some people standing and shivering in the cold gusty winds. Lots of space and empty bunkers and they don't booked to stay inside. The hut is a private enterprise and the management closed the doors to people who don't pay for the warmth inside. I really symphatized those people standing in the cold strong winds and felt strong ache to how those people managing the hut have hearts enough to let people stays outside in the cold.

Anyway, after the sleep and rest for 6 hours, we started our walk again at mid-night 12.15am in the dark. We were well-clothed, thick winter clothing, gloves, caps and head-light or touchlight. It is dark and the trail is for one person only. So, you can see the lights moving on the mountain as people moved along the trails. There is no public light to light up the trails. Here, no matter what happened, you have to go up. Not down because they is no way down. At some point, human jam would cause the queue to wait for some 5 mins. There is no more loose sand from 8th station. Only rocks and big stones. There is no proper stepping have to find a good space to put your tired feet to walk on in the dark. One of the girls who joined our group from Las Vegas, she is a Hawaiian dancer and she cried from the 8th station. She was cold and very tired. There is no medic here as well. If you throw up, you just sit on the side and rest. Then walk up not down. The things is, nothing goes down at this point...everything points up and up.
I looked up and serched for the sight of the peak, can't see anything in the fog. I just moved, carried my legs, counting 10 steps.

What in my head, in my head...zombie...I was walking like a breathless zombie. I can't speak, too tired. Have to preserve all energy for the steps upwards. The air was getting thinner. I have to breath the portable oxygen a few times.
My urine bladder felt so heavy, like its coming out of my body but weird thing is, there is no urine!
My heart was beating 10 times faster than normal. Wow, people with high blood pressure, never ever think of climbing any mountains.

The sunrise was at 5 am. At this time, we were still climbing in the fog. Still can't see ahead. Visibility was like 5m. Of course, we can't see the sunrise at all. The winds was so strong, it was like a small typhoon. We couldn't stand straight, else the winds will blow us towards the edge of the one-line stone path. I was now crawling on my two hands, grabbing for something strong to step on.
The at 5.25am, I heard some people in the crowd ahead of us shouting "banzai, banzai"

are we there yet? are we at the summit already?

I reached a level ground and saw the only person sitting there calling my name...
"kak lela", Norhayati called me.
She was alone...waiting for the rest to reach.
She is the first person to reach the summit and I am the second to come.

Kak lela kita dah sampai, she said...
Oh ye ke? me, breathless...

We have reached the peak of FujiSan at 3776m at 5.25am on August 24, 2007.

I looked around, everybody was smiling, excruciatingly feeling on top of the world. Some people went in the shops to have warm breakfast, some went it to stamp their walking sticks, it was like a big fun-fair there.
I collected stamps on my walking stick at every station, each stamp cost yen200. We waited for the rest of the group climbers to reach and they spread MYJICA and Jalur Gemilang for the success climb.

I will write another entry for the descending journey...

Sunday, August 26, 2007



They say when the muscle ache comes 2 days later, then you are considered as old.

young people's muscle ache will come on the next day.

you should ask tomo to massage your leg when you go home.

anyway, please go home and have a big rest.

This is the e-mail I received from my elders daughter in Singapore.

My answer is...

My dear girl,
Yes, I am old.
I am old but I am proud to tell you that I've climbed the highest mountain in Japan. The muscles ache comes immediately I reached the summit and double again once I reached ground level.
Does this comes in the young people age-group? Or the going to die-soon group?

Tonight will be my third night at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The first night, I just walked across the road and booked in a shared room. I took dinner and a hot bath and slept unconscious. Then, the 2nd day, I booked in a business hotel for 2 nights.
I slept for 48 hours on the go, only to get up for toilets and a drink of water. I don't have much feeling to eat anything.
For the past two evenings, I soaked my screaming muscles in the hot bath, a burning sauna and a painful massage on the massage bed.
Then, before sleeping, I applied some muscles pain-killer all over.

I will make my way to Shinjuku by the express bus and then to Shibuya tomorrow morning. Then fly off home in the evening, insyaAllah.

First thing I do will be to upload the photos of my success climb once I reach home, insyaAllah, but I can't promise yet as I might hibernate again for sometime at home.

My advise to people who have intentions to climb this beautiful mountain is...
Reduce the body cellulite to less than 40% before climb,
No gout,
No irregular heart-beat,
No high blood pressure,
No weak angkle and knees,
No lung-related sickness,
Most important of all is to prepare mentally for the gruesome tortoure.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fuji Climb

We did it, we did it. With pride I declare that I successfully climb the summit of Mt. Fuji at 3776m.
I am the oldest among the group, the rest are like 40 ish and 30 ish, 8 men and 8 women.
I will describe the ascend later on when I get back to Okinawa with photo uploads. After all the experience, the climbing up is easier than the descend. I was the second to reach the top but the last to come down. The climb was very, very tough to the legs, angles, thigh and muscles behind the femur bone and not forgeting the knees.

I thought coming down was double easy that climbing, I was absolutely wrong. What makes the climb down gruelling was the loose black sand and rolling stones and boulders.
My legs went angle deep in the sand every steps and I fall and went buttock-skiing a couple of times. I couldn't make my way down and after having my buttock scratch a few times, I had to hang on the arms of two guys on each side for support.

We started our descend at 8.35 in the morning today and I ended up finishing at 3.30 pm alone, the rest of the group left me to go and pick their lugguge at the Japanese Inn.

An hour ago, they left me here by myself at Kawaguchiko Station at the bottom of Mt. Fuji to make their way to Shinjuku by train.
I checked in a room near the station with a commom Ofuro, alone. The reason is because I cannot walk at all!
I am limping and every muscles on both legs are pinning my sensory so much. I cannot move my body at all.
I just had dinner round the corner restaurant and after writing this entry, I will soak my aching muscle in the hot ofuro.
Hopefully, I can move normally tomorrow and might go back to Aini's house in Shibuya but my body cannot tell me just yet.
I will update on the ascending report of Mt. Fuji, once I have the chance to do it at home.

Salam Kawaguchiko, Mt. Fuji.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back from Niigata

I'm in Tokyo again now, back from Niigata yesterday afternoon. I cannot reply to all the comments in the previous entries yet.
Today, Aini, my host family, and I plan to go Shinjuku station to find out the exact location of Keio Bus line. This is the express bus that we are taking to Kawaguchiko Trails for the Fuji Climb Expedition. Then, I need to get some supplies for the climb, things like light food to munch and stamina drinks.
The climb will be tomorrow Aug. 22, 2007.
How am I feeling about it?
Not so confident, to be frank. Even my spirit is quavering. I keep on thinking of my feet. I remember having the pain at the sole of my feet while doing my hajj. This time I've prepared two pairs of padding for my feet for this climb, one for arch support and one for the sole. Also, knee support and ankle support. After this, I don't know what else to do but make lots of doa to reach the peak.
The members of the group that I am with are mostly from JICA Msia, I don't know anyone of them yet.

While we were in Niigata for 4 days from Thursday to Monday, we went to a summer sky resort. There they had this sleigh ride called Bob-sleight, I can't upload my photo yet on this pc. I have one ride here after seeing Aini who is 4 months pregnant having a go at it. I remind myself, I am climbing Mt. Fuji at 3996m and what is 20 m high bob sleigh ride. I took the cable to the top.
I had some nervous strike looking down. My phobia for height is too strong.

Yesterday, I saw on tv news about China Airlines bursting into flames after landing at Naha Airport, on Okinawa main island. Alhamdulillah, no human live is affected.
Now, my fear for flying comes back. But I still have to fly back to my home in Okinawa.

I have lots of stories on my trip to Niigata, most of the things I did there are first-timer like grape-picking, Ayu-fishing and tasting and bob-sleighing.
All these stories will have to wait for me to update when I get back to Okinawa, insyaAllah.

I am booking my trip back to Okinawa after this entry, so I still don't know my return date yet.
To all members of Forum BashoHut and PondokBasho, please make doa for my safe journey back, insyaAllah.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sampai Tokyo

My flight was in the deep of the night between 3 to 5.30 in the morning. I couldn'd sleep a wink *sigh* as usual. By 4 am the sky was suddenly ablase with fiery yellow strip and by 10 minutes later, it was daylight. Most of the passengers on flight were young Japanese youth on holidays. I think this is the cheapest flight I've taken in my life, even a cup of juice is charged for 100 yen.
Landing arrival was smooth and I was the last to pick my luggage. Saw Hani waving at the waiting floor. It was about 6am, when we left the airport parking lot and drove to Yokohama. While we talked, my eyes were looking around everywhere, trying to find something familiar. Just a little spot here and there but not much as most of the byways and highways were not there 20 years ago.
Anyway, when we reached Hani's house, the first thing I was showed here small garden porch where she grew almost anything that she can get her hands on. She has this olive tree growing about 3 metres with lots of little green olive fruits. Actually, this is the first time I saw olive trees, then she have kacang panjang, 3 pots of beautiful kesum plant, 2 bushful of healthy serai, mulburry plant and lots more other plants that I've seen before.
For breakfast, we had nasi lemak and towards lunchtime, we made our way to AiniZakri's house in Naka-Meguro. Going from Yokohama towards Tokyo, we had to pass through Tamagawa river and then, I saw the area that I occupied 25 years back.
I screamed at the same time pointing to Hani the area and make her promised to take me there again to have a closer inspection and hopefully manage to see my previous apartment owner.
We reached AiniZakri's house in the depth of Tokyo. I don't recognised anything at all on the road there at all. None at all. Most things have changed.
Before seeing Aini's apartment, I had the impression that her apartment is going to be the typical Japanese 3-rooms 6 tatami design, but I was in for a shock. Real shock. But, unfortunately, I cannot tell you this shocking feeling as it might revealed some confidential privacy on my kind host. So, let us stop here.
We girls chatted all through the day and still going strong towards late evening. In fact, our friend Hani was quite taken away with the time until she really, really had to rush home in the night.
Aini's hubby came home and we had dinner together and chatted away till very late into the night. Eventhough I still haven't had a wink for more than 24 hours.
He is a very acceptable kind of guy, easy to adapt and talk to. There is not an air of showishness in him. I've met some guys with his character, the kind that you couldn't get mad at, in whatever situation!
Yesterday, the second days at Aini's house, we prepared ourselves to leave the house after a late breakfast. Imagine me not sleeping for more than 24 hours and that morning on the rock I slept through till 9.30 am.
Just as I planned, after breakfast we made our way to Akihabara. We went from nooks to nooks, corners to corners, alleys to alleys. Aini had some hard time trying to keep up to me. She is into her 4 month pregnancy, all she complained was the heat of summer but she never say a word about tiredness.
Anyway, I found out that they do sell laptop Windows Vista in English here for about US1000. What made us went about every nooks and corners were comparing some desktops and laptops for Aini. I knew the exact specification and we were trying to get the best for somewhat at minimum cost. We went for Laox to Laox, from small tiny shops to big famous names. I was searching for a desktop with 300 gigabytes, HDD more that 1.8 with speed of 1 gigabyte and of course engilish Vista.
It either we have that spec but Japanese vista or the right spec with eng. vista but at some extro cost.
Anyway, we made some dealings and negotiations and had to make our way to Azra Haida'house. We took the Ginza line to Asakusa masjid and then took the local bus.
She leaves almost on the roof of that masjid and we had to climb some 5 story flight of steps.

After the intro and get-to-know sessions, we were served asam pedas with goreng sayur and a dish of ikan terubuk masin. With Haida's husband, the imam of the masjid, we chatted for almost 3 hours topic ranging from politic to Islam, but mostly islamic.
I thought maybe today, the 3rd day in Aini's house, I take the 3 children to the public library here and read them some Japanese children story. Then, we might go for some light groceries to prepare for our trip to Niigata tomorrow.
Niigata is the hometown of Hani's in-law and the place where Aini's hubby study before. Well, I haven't been to Niigata before and going there would serve the 3 of us some good purpose.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New kits-bunnies

Most people call baby rabbits as bunnies, that's what written in the dictionary but to be exact baby rabbits are called kits at birth, then before they are a year old, its changed to leveret. This is what I found out from some language expert but who would be bothered to change from kits to leveret. I take the easy way out, lets call them bunnies, internationally-understood.

Around March this year, we bought a buck and a doe, that's what you called a male and female rabbit. I mean, only if you turn the rabbit under and check for the reproductive instrument but would anyone bother with this? So, most people would just go for rabbits, not because they don't know what to call them but because they don't know the genitals.

Anyway, its 10 days today (see photo below) and the kits are growing beautiful, soft fur on their skin. At birth, their skin are mixture of dark or white, then came the fur which will follow the colour of their skin.

Anyway, the mother rabbit gave birth in an opened box with nothing at all. Otto was the first to see those kits. He was excited and warned everybody not to touch those kits for fear that with human smell on them, the mother might reject them and not be willing to feed them.
Most of the feedings are done in the night as I often go up the balcony to do my house laundry and haven't yet seen her feed the kits during the day.
Just for information, mother rabbits breast-feed their kits, just like humans females do.

Yesterday, the winds brought in some typhoon breeze that travelled to Taiwan bypassing this island. Eventhough the winds are not so strong, but still frequent with some little strength. It was bright and clear with that little strong breeze in the morning and Otto found out the rabbit box and kits was covered with shredded newspapers that we stocked on the balcony to collect their poos.
Otto questioned all of us about the newspapers and we all denied having done anything to do with it.
Then, in the afternoon the typhoon winds brought in some torrential downpours. Only after this downpours do we all realized that it was the mother rabbit that was doing the covering. The thing was, the mother rabbits knew the winds would bring in the torrential downpours. We, as humans with 5 senses, did not feel the downpours coming at all.
Some would call it animal instinct but I don't see it that way. I called is The Mercy and Rahmah of Allah SWT that give all animals the way to protect their youngs.

.: kits at 10 days old

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Some people said, "O Allah's Apostle! Meat is brought to us by some people and we are not sure whether the name of Allah has been mentioned on it or not (at the time of slaughtering the animals)." Allah's Apostle said (to them), "Mention the name of Allah and eat it."

Semalam saya menerima emel ini dari salah seorang saudara baru yang berkerja dalam pengkalan tentara Amerika. Emel ini bukan untuk saya sahaja tapi untuk semua yang telah dan sedang berkerja dalam pengkalan. Saya kira ada dalam 35 nama dalam senarai emel itu.

Sudah 4 tahun saya mengelakkan diri dari bermakan-makan di rumah kawan-kawan Islam yang tinggal dalam pengkalan. Tak suka makan bersama mereka sebab ada 2 garisan. Satu untuk saya dan orang-orang melayu lain dan satu lagi garisan untuk orang-orang dia.

Garisan itu dipandukan oleh hadis di atas.

Saya bukan pandai sangat berbahas mendalam tentang ugama. Saya juga pernah membaca hadis di atas itu, tapi tidaklah saya terus terjun dan makan daging orang kasi atau dijual di kedai-kedai merata.
Ada banyak lagi ayat-ayat dalam Qur'an yang menguatkan supaya kita makan daging bersembelih cara Islam tapi mereka dalam pengkalan mengambil hadis ini sebagai garis panduan untuk melantak tulang rusuk lembu macam harimau lahap.

Mereka bukan orang cacat mental atau banggang fikiran. Dan berdebat apa saja pun dengan mereka, mereka pasti menang.
Mereka orang pandai, pandai dari segi membaca dan menulis.

Jadi kalau mereka ingin membuat hadis ini sebagai garis-pandu makanan harian mereka, siapa boleh larang?
Lantaklah engkau...sebut aje nama Allah dan makanlah daging steak yang tebal berkilo-kilo, gong-gong rusuk lembu panggang berketul-ketul, stew ekor lembu berjela-jela.

Tapi tak perlu jemput saya sama...thanks but no thanks.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Lembar (5)
Aku tangkap sayap angin
dan melayang ke hujung langit
lalu lebur berguguran di ubun-ubun bukit.

Tanka ini saya dedikasikan khas untuk penulis karya di atas, seorang sasterawan terkenal di Msia sejak zaman 80an.

Menebar sayap
melayang hujung langit
nun ubun bukit
surat lapuk terselit
mengharap kamu datang.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Made in India

Suhu pulau ini mencengkah ke 33c. Pagi selepas suruk panas dah menaik hingga ke 29c.
Lebih berbahang dan panas dari Msia sekarang. Kalau di Msia pagi masih dingin lagi, suhu antara 23c atau 24c tapi sini kena pasang 2 kipas di ruang tamu. Saya dengar berita di Eropah sekarang yang suhunya naik ke 44c, seramai 27 orang sudah menjadi mangsa kepanasan ini. Semalam saya masuk bilik mandi sauna, ternampak seorang puan dalam umur 30's, badannya berbelang-belang hitam putih. Nampak dia gosok-gosok badannya macam perit sakit semacam. Rasa kau, nak sangat kulit hitam, kan dah nahas jadinya!

Doktor kata jangan pakai air-con selalu sangat, waktu nak tidur pasang sejam dan siang kalau boleh tutup air-con untuk memaintainkan (BM+BI) immuniti penahan sakit badan.
Macamana jalannya air-con boleh jatuhkan immuniti penahan sakit badan, itu saya tak tahu...dia kan doktor pepandai dialah nak kata apa...kita cuma ikut aje arahannya.

Dalam berpeluh-peluh masak petang semalam, saya terdengar lagu kat atas itu.
Eh, mana datang keluar lagu bollywood tengah-tengah kampung ulu Jepun ini? Takkanlah jiran tua-tua sebelah minat bollywood tiba-tiba?

Cari punya cari punca lagu...rupanya anak sulung itu tengah muat-turunkan lagu ini ke komputer ribanya. Pertama sekali, saya tulis anak sulung kat sini sebab kalau tulis nama dia, dia tahu saya ngumpat story dia. Kedua, apasal mereka namakan laptop...padahal bukannya letak kat riba pun bila digunakan?

Bila terdengar lagu bollywood ini, macam terasa kat kampung Radin Mas dulu, masa tu umur saya baru 4-5 thn. Orang sebelah, bukan sebelah saja...tapi rasanya semua rumah buka siaran lagu pemintaan bollywood setiap petang pukul 4 sampai 5.
Macam ada pesta, kalau setiap rumah mengeluarkan lagu yang sama.

Tapi yang pelik, macamana si sulung ini boleh melekat dengan lagu bollywood tiba-tiba? Kalau dah sampai Spore dan sudah terdengar lagu ini, lalu dia jadi minat...saya fahamlah juga. Ini belum pun pergi sana, dia dah sibuk download lagu bollywood...apahal? Mungkin ada kaitan dengan entri ini...

Itu pun satu soalan saya tak tahu jawapannya...*sigh*

Anyway, sementelah saya sibuk mengumpat lagu ini, baiklah saya buat dedikasi.

Saya dedikasikan lagi ini pada kak yan, kawan lama yang telah hilang di dunia siber ini tapi dengan jejak kasih dari AiniZakri "terjumpa" semula.

Kak yan...sila nikmati lagu ini dan masa mendengar itu, kenangkanlah juga kisah-kisah romantik waktu muda dulu dengan "hero tamil" yang kak yan sangat sayang itu.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Post typhoon malaise

I put it in a pot, filled it up with earth and add some fertilizers. Water it lovingly and placed the pot in a nice shade, away from the strong summer sun.

Then, the typhoon came and blew the whole pot away and there goes everything that I planted in the pot.

Hey, that was my brains in the pot...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Post typhoon report

A truck that has been flipped over by strong winds is seen in Naha, on Japan's southern island of Okinawa, July 13, 2007. A powerful typhoon stuck the southern Japanese islands of Okinawa on Friday, pounding them with torrential rains and high winds before it heads north towards the nation's main islands. The plate number has been altered by the source. (Kyodo - JAPAN/Reuters)

In Okinawa, men trying to clear the damage clung to trees to withstand the violent wind and rain, which was so forceful it uprooted trees and knocked over large fences, television footage showed.

"This is one of the biggest typhoons we've experienced in Okinawa," a local hotel employee said by telephone.

"We islanders are very nervous. It's fairly dangerous to go out or even drive a car as trash and broken trees are flying in the air," he said.

Seventeen people have been injured in Okinawa since the typhoon approached Thursday and at least one is in a serious condition, according to the prefectural government.

Latest figure of injuries after this report is 23 people with one still unconscious.

The "extremely strong" by the meteorological agency, is packing wind gusts of up to 252 kilometres an hour (156 miles an hour) and moving north at 30 kilometres (18.6 miles) an hour.

My doa for the safety of friends and their families all over mainland Japan.
Please stock your food supplies and make sure you have candles and torchlight with battery.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Retarded Defence Minister

On Aug. 6, 1945, the U.S. dropped a bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, killing at least 140,000 people in the world's first atomic bomb attack. Three days later it dropped another atomic bomb, "Fat Man," on Nagasaki where about 74,000 are estimated to have been killed.

But Defence Minister Fumio Kyuma said...

"I understand that the bombing ended the war, and I think that it couldn't be helped," and he said he did not resent the U.S. because the bombs prevented the Soviet Union from entering the war with Japan, according to Kyodo News agency.

In other words, the defence minister is saying, its alright for the US to bomb the two cities, afterall Japan would lose the war one way or another.

In yet another words, who cares about 140,000 + 74,000 lives that were killed as long as it prevented the Russian from attacking Japan.

In yet, yet another words, the Japanese ministers are chosen from one of the World's Best Academy of Mentally Retarded!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Koubo extract detoured

I am giving the answer for the entry below.
The thing is, all the trash in Japan that you dump at the designated point-of-collection belongs to the government. Nobody (not even the public dumpman) and they mean it, Nobody has the right to claim that trash. So, the answer to the question is obvious here.

Aluminium and steel prices is high right now. There are many public things made of steel being stolen right under people's nose. Huge steel bells in front of shinto shrine, village emergency steel alarm-bell to warn villages of houses on fire, drainage covers, manhole cover and even unused railway tracks are now victimised. The thieves sell the stolen steel to be melted down and the payment is quite worth the trouble.
Every Thursday of the week, is the collection day for aluminium cans and such. There is this old man who make sure to come by before the public dumpman come to claim the treasure. This old man with an open air truck would go around the neihbourhood pincing those aluminium cans.
But you must remember same as the money found earlier, these aluminium cans are government property. The government recycle and sell them to the aluminium can manufacturer. The sale money collected would add some income into their budget for future upgrade on machinery and equipment.
So, what I am trying to say is the old man is stealing government property by pincing all the aluminium cans.
I just remember as I write this, years ago when I was about 6 years old. We didn't go to any kindergarten or the likes because there were none around. We kids used to be left on our own in the daytime and we just go around in groups doing nothing. Those time there were no phobia on rapist or child molester.
But, there was this boy who had a brilliant idea. He suggested we go around collecting bottle caps, those aluminium type, like the ones on beer bottle now.
So, we went to the river banks and all over doing our collection. We had no container to put all the caps and my dress ended up as a bowl to carry our priceless collections.
We collected for about a week and had like 5 rice bags of bottle caps, then we all went to the karung guni shop. The karung guni apek looked at it and said, "ah, ini tak tak guna punya balang, tak boleh juan lor."
See how silly we were, first thing we should check for the value of the caps. We were really disppointed because I had already planned to treat myself a big air batu kacang with the sale money.
You see, I was willing to wade in the dirty and muddy river with mouse carcass and the lot to get the caps. I smelled terrible at the end of the day and my legs was bloated with pekung buta, yellow with pus from the river infection. I still have bisul marks on my legs till now and am looking at it while writing this, hahahaha!

Actually, I wanted to write on koubo extract, something happened to me with koubo extract and I detoured. I promise you beautiful readers, I will do that koubo extract next round. Ok kan?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dump money

Things are not going pretty well with me lately. The weather is slowing my life down and I am chasing crickets away from my garden as the hot air is covering our atmosphere now.

You may think coming from me, this is weird but I hate the sounds of things coming from my front and back garden. I don't really like the chirping sound of birds too loud or too near the house. I get quite distracted. I don't mind them so much when I'm in one of my light and easy mood but nowadays that sort of mood is hard to come by.

Here is the gist of the entry for the day.

A gangster group or some crazy, rich, dying person threw some lumpsome of money in the dumpster.
The dumpman who who works for the government, collects the money and claims it to be his after the claimable period of 6-months. In Japan, whatever you find on the street and report it to the nearest authority, if not claim, will be yours after six-months.

The money is big to Malaysian standard, a little over a million ringgit.
The sad thing is the dumpster man who found it cannot claim the money even after the 6-month waiting period is over.

Well, you think hard and reason it out. He found it, he reported it and he waited for 6 months but still he cannot claim it.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

War season

It's the time again in Japan and especially in Okinawa. The TV is broadcasting it almost daily, the schools are having invited speakers to remind small minds of Okinawa, the survivors are relating their histories over and over and banners are everywhere about it.

It's the war, The Second World War season.

Around this time 62 years ago, 200,000 people died when the Americans and the Japanese Imperial Army made the peaceful soil of Okinawa their battleground, the only state in Japan with the real battleground. Do you know that only Okinawa people suffered the real battle of the war?
If you think Hiroshima and Nagazaki were another battleground, you are wrong. Those two places were bombed with atomic power without actual battleground. Within that 3 months period alone, 1 out of 4 local people died in Okinawa. The rest injured, homeless, tortured or barely surviving in some underground caves.

My haiku friend, Mrs. Higa is 75. She is the last remaining few of the atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima. She was about 8 years old in Hiroshima when she survived the mushroom cloud. She is the spoke-lady for the group involved in the War Prevention-awareness.
A few days ago, she invited me to attend this group and hear her speech there. I went and found myself not belonging to the younger group nor the older group.
The older people were mostly survivors of war, most of them experienced in Okinawa whereas the younger people are those backing the War-awareness movement.
Everyone has their say as we took our turns talking. The older people have lots to say recounting their sad and fading war experience. The younger few would talk of their plans in future of convincing projects. As I hear their stories, there were something odd that I need to tell them.

Their project on Peace Movement is mostly on getting the young generation to understand the meaning of war and its prevention. But I know this is very difficult to implement simply because the young people below 30 years old are not interested in politics, let alone try to understand war.
All they know about war is: it is global, it is large-scale, it is between religious fanatics and important of all, it will not happen in Japan!
Go ahead, ask any Japanese high school boys what they know about war and any one of these will be their answers.

Come my turn to speak and I spoke in Japanese unprepared, without notes and without data to back on. I speak from my heart and that was just my pure opinion.
Briefly, I recounted my late grandfather stories on his experience of war in Melacca. (Al-fatihah for him, he died at the ripe age of 90, 40 years after the war ended!) How the Japanese Imperial Army would forcefully take food from the villages, raped the women and killed anybody easily just because they wouldn't do the Japanese bow-greetings.
My grandfather, in his early 30's, were captured and sent in cargo-loads of rails and roads with other POW to Thailand to work on the Death Railway.
He survived the war with half-deaf ear because he was often beaten with the handle of the bayonet. He was thin to the bone and came home almost crawling.

They were listening to me so deeply even with my lowly, unpolished Japanese talent, mind you I was not prepared to make any speech. If I would have known earlier, for sure, I would have refused that speech.

Then come the point that I want to tell them so much. LIFE.
Before they talked so bombastically about war, about killing, about bomb. They have to instill the value of Life. The love for Life, the love for another human life. If everybody value Life, their own and others...FOR SURE, I said FOR SURE, there will be no war.
They have to teach the children in school today, the value of human life.
Their own and others.

Last year and for the past years, 32,000 Japanese killed themselves and if they can end their own lives so easily, I would think it is not difficult for them to end another human lives.
When they don't put values on human lives, I am very confident that, when and if Japan is involved in another war, they would become active and aggressive easy enough.
Actually, the way I put it across, its like saying "hey, change your style, your tactics is wrong". I think this message was understood well among them and during the Q & A session, one personal question that I dread came up.

"So, were there opposition from your parents when you married a Japanese?" (in Japanese of cours, don't hope for anybody with English language ability).

I told them my mother was too young to know about war that time. They kept her and other women folks well away in the jungle and she hardly had any bad war experiences other than being hungry all the time. Also, most young people in Msia below the age of 50 hardly know about war as it has ended when or after they were borned. So, its only with some older people now that they still feel bitter and hatred for the Japanese.
So, my marriage was approved.

I ended my speech with the reminder that they have to instill the value of Life to the younger generation to avoid war in the future.

Then I looked at Mrs. Higa next to me. She was busy snoring with her head almost under the table. Have to excuse her, what do you expect from a 75 year old granny?
When its time for her own Q & A, she would sometimes stop in a middle of explaination and asked what topic she was on *sigh*

I pat my own shoulder and felt quite proud of myself for being able to make an impromptu speech like that and most important of all, had made them understood my message.

ps: About the video on top, I heard the song on TV commercials as I was typing this entry and felt all nostalgic again of yesteryears. I doubt young readers below the 35 age-limit would know this tune at all.